“Okay! The first task is to stop Xiao Linjun. Two obstacles have been arranged in the front. The third obstacle is not difficult.” Divine Bird pointed at the map and identified a point, Jixianling, and the other two obstacles were also blocked. Marked out, this task is really simple!

“The second task is to go to the northeast border of Jiwujie, and let the invisible world and the 2 animal kingdom fight.” Divine Bird pointed to the northeast, marking the 6 party army and the number of people on it. This task is very dangerous. If you fail, you will be sieged by the two parties, and you will die!

Ye Kun is not stupid, blocking Xiao Lin. The two blocks in front are enough to kill Xiao Linjun’s life. If he comes again, he may destroy Xiao Linjun. This is an extra military worker! So he chose to stop Xiao Linjun without the slightest hesitation.

Divine Bird laughed, secretly thought, “I’ll send you back to the West today, so that you don’t bother this Divine Bird and the owner again.”

Ye Kun led the army, but Divine Bird sent someone galloping, ordered Nanliu Feng to withdraw the army, stop blocking Xiao Linjun, and listened to the dispatch order at any time to ‘support’ Ye Kun.

Divine Bird is extremely treacherous. Xiao Linjun, who is full of anger, hits Ye Kun’s 10000 prisoners of war. It is estimated that they can crush their bones.


Half a day ago, Xiao Linjun had reached the imperial city imperial city and suffered resistance. After several hours, he lost more than 10000 troops and was exhausted. However, he did not break through the imperial city, but the troops in the imperial city were also in danger. But at this time, Luo out of the ordinary led 300,000 prisoners of war from the rear to kill from the rear, the flag was waving, and the momentum was huge.

Xiao Linjun was full of soldiers and soldiers. He thought that a large number of reinforcements had come from the extremely martial arts world. He hurriedly mobilized half of the army to make a U-turn shock, and imperial city also thought that a large number of reinforcements had arrived and directly opened the city gates to fight desperately.

Xiao Lin personally led the army to flee, 3,000,000 troops came in strong, and fled, only fled more than 2 100 million, the rest were either captured or killed!

Under the leadership of Xiao Lin, the army rushed towards the mountain range crazyly, killing all the way, and fleeing the road, while the rear army of out of the ordinary and imperial city were desperately chasing after the army, and the remnants were killed. Flee in different directions without batches.

Half a day later, Xiao Lin only took a hard-core army, about a thousand thousand people, and the batteryed and exhausted rushed to Jixianling Mountain. Crossing Jixianling Mountain was the Jidao mountain range. Crossing the Jidao mountain range, he could enter his own. Inside the base camp.

At this moment, Ye Kun took 10000 prisoners of war at the exit of Jixianling Mountain to ambush Xiao Linjun, detectives, forwards, and the layout was decent, with adequate armament resources, crossbow bows, crossbow arrows, and aggressive long-haired long spear.

“The newspaper, Xiao Linjun has only a thousand thousand remnants. Xiao Lin leads the team in person, and most of them are in the lottery. They have lost their armaments and have now entered Jixianling!”

The front spy came to report, Ye Kun was instantly excited when he heard it, said with a big smile, “hahaha, I’m waiting for the time to make a contribution. As long as you help me defeat this defeated army today, you will be the handsome iron army and armaments Better than the Snow Squad! I will never treat you! “


Where is the luxury of the POW army? I just wanted to follow the right person, follow the coach, and make great contributions. In the future, the coach will show pity. The life may really be better, at least without using fodder!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The crossbows all aimed at the exit of Jixianling Mountains, and 10000 troops lurked in the bushes, waiting quietly.

At this moment, in order to hurry, Xiao Lin would place spies where he could explore the traffic in front. Even in such a dangerous place as Jixianling, the speed did not decrease, but it accelerated a lot, because once the enemy forces behind caught up, they hunted thousands Where is the harvest!

Hundred thousand troops rushed towards Jixianling exit frantically. They didn’t care that someone was lurking on the 2nd side of the valley, but when there were several hundred meters away from the exit, 10000 arrows volleyed, arrows rain roared, and a swarm of bees killed the front army. And some of the crossbows all stared at Xiao Lin.

xiū xiū xiū ——————

puci ——————


“Enemy! Be careful!”

“Archive! Above the defense!”

Bang bang bang!

Bang peng ~ peng ~!


For a while, the Jixianling exit made a mess, Xiao Lin was all soldiers, at first thought it was a large army of enemies and fell into a trap, but it didn’t take long to discover that this arrow was just a squad of about 10000 people. , Looking up, suddenly angry.

“Thief, this person dares to ambush the coach!”

Xiao Lin was furious, Supreme God poured out his strength, rushed to the skies, and swept half of Jixianling Mountain, a sword energy crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, cut off several mountains, and killed many prisoners of war.

“Give me kill!”


The army of hundred thousand was stunned, and a swarm of bees rushed over to change their lives!

Xiao Linjun was killed by at least several hundred people in a tragic attack, with 100 seriously injured and nearly 1000 with minor injuries. He was burning in anger at the moment, and he could not help but say that he was madly encircling Ye Kun’s prisoners of war.

What did Ye Kun think at this moment? This army is not an army that has suffered 2 ambushes, it is more like a trekking army, and it is an army that is suffocating!

“Kill me! They are an arrow at the end of its flight!”


The 10000 POW army was fully prepared to attack Xiao Linjun with headaches, one side with a strong purpose, one side with horror of anger, one side with two shocks, and the sudden falls of heaven falls and earth rends, Jixianling was almost razed to the ground.

Xiao Linjun at first suffered heavy losses, losing at least 2 talents and gradually mastering the situation.

Ye Kun and Xiao Lin were killed together. Ye Kun’s talent was indeed terrible. It was indeed Ye Qinghan’s close younger brother. After repeated attacks, he did not fall into the wind!

“Dead to the boss!” Ye Kun shouted, slashing into Xiaolin’s Divine Sword, and the air waves hit the 4th party!


Xiao Lin’s complexion changed slightly, and he was taken back a half step.

Xiao Lin was furious and waved his hand to mobilize 30000 troops to surround Ye Kun.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The flags were shaking and the direction was orderly. Cooperate with Xiao Lin.

Wow ——————

30000 Xiao Linjun blessed Xiao Lin quickly, and immediately took control of the situation.

The remaining 5 60000 Xiao Linjun quickly harvested Ye Kun’s prisoners of war, and surrounded Ye Kun at the outermost area. Ye Kun was planted this time!

Ye Kun complexion changed greatly, hurried to break through and wanted to escape from this place, but how Xiao Lin could let him escape, he was beaten back to the encirclement several times!

“Get out!”

Ye Kun stormed, trying to break through the encirclement and escape the battlefield, but became increasingly desperate.


Ye Kun was blasted by Xiao Lin with a sword, Divine Sword pierced his left shoulder, and blood blew into the sky.

“Die for me!” Xiao Lin vented his angry flame hair on Ye Kun, and flew several thousand swords in an instant to peel Ye Kun alive.

Ye Kun was horrified and immediately wanted to sell the Great Desolate World to save his life, and yelled, “Don’t kill me, I have important information about Great Desolate World …”

At this moment, Nanliu Feng led the army rushing over, and shouted, “Master, we’re here to save you, and hold on for a while …”

At this time, Xiao Lin looked back, and there were several thousand thousand troops. Where did he dare to entangle with Ye Kun? In addition, the supporting army said that Ye Kun was a young commander, and he suddenly killed his heart and killed Ye Kun.

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