Divine Bird is holding round gems, what else is not boundary stones?


At this moment, the 6 party army started to go backwards in a frantic manner, including Zhige and Zanxin.

“Divine Bird! This is not a joke, put away the energy-saturated boundary stone!” Zhi Ge shouted in shock.

“Gā gā gā, they won’t be obedient when they are closed, but I promised Wu Ji curtain to blast out the invaders.” Divine Bird said with a smile.

“I rely on, how can Zuo Shuai give you such a thing? If you are crazy, if it is Self-destruction, you bear the brunt of it!” Zhi Ge flustered and exasperated reminded.

“What he gave me, his good things were snatched from me, I still managed to hide this boundary stone.” Divine Bird said disdainfully.

The crowd was anxious and angry. Is this really a bird? Why so treacherous? Even the master dares to rebel, what else is it afraid to do? So now I’m not entangled with Divine Bird at all.

Divine Bird was so arrogant that he chased after him with his army.

The 6th army retreated 30000 li, Divine Bird bluffed, and turned back to run.

Wu Jimian was overjoyed that the 300 million kg resource was worth the effort, at least the imperial city was preserved.

Divine Bird held the saturated boundary stone and kept a distance of several thousand meters from the imperial city. After a while, Luo out of the ordinary immediately understood what it meant, and came forward and said, “My boss said, let you guys Take 1000 million kg of resources to us, and then the commander of Tianwu Paragon will clean up the remnants and join us to drive all the people outside. “

“Come!” Wu Jimian waved without the slightest hesitation. The finance minister in the rear was in pain for a while. How long has it been, the giant-level resources then went 5/2, and the most high level resources are 1% less, but it is best It ’s the best comfort that your resources have n’t moved.

Divine Bird was so proud of it, watching the other side give up its resources, and said boldly, “Divided to the brothers, wait for the Marshal Tianwu to organize the army, we will counterattack.”

The Snow Squadron was extremely excited, and there was meat to eat with Divine Bird. This is really true!

Even the POW army has been replenished with resources, and the amount is not small. The POW army may be the most excited. Divine Bird treats them equally, they are not cannon fodder!

Tianwu Paragon at the moment consumed Supreme Treasure resources, repaired about 50% of its strength, oppressed its potential, and began to organize the army to prepare for a counterattack. When the jiwu world blew the counterattack horn, many powerhouses responded to the call and began to call Rush to imperial city and join Tianwu Legion.

Divine Bird took Zuo Shuaifu’s army to sit outside the city. The army seemed to be lazy all day long. The army seemed to be lax, but once the nerves are tightened, it can definitely tear up the 5,000,000 army!

The army in the barracks is cultivating madly. With so many resources, cultivating blessing with battle strength is your own. Otherwise, you will be killed by someone else’s spoils of war.

Tianwu Paragon organized for more than ten days before organizing a team of 1000000 troops, but Divine Bird repeatedly appeased, let them organize slowly, anyway, it is not in a hurry.

That night, Zhi Ge appeared in the camp of Zuo Shuaifu personally, looking at Divine Bird, solemnly asked, “What the hell do you want to do? You are very risky, it is easy to lead the war to Snow Country Divine Realm!”

Divine Bird said indifferently, “They dare to fight, do you still dare not resist?”

“Fuck! The flames of war lead to Snow Country Divine Realm, our World is just like this, full of scars …” Paper Ge reminded angrily.

tsk tsk tsk ……

Divine Bird was full of disdain in his words, looking at Zhi Ge and saying, “Oh, when did our great soldier saint care about Xiao Lao 100? Do you know kindness?”

Paper Ge was out of breath with Divine Bird’s tone, and asked coldly, “What are you trying to do, honestly?”

Divine Bird looked at Zhi Ge with a dignified face, knowing that he couldn’t hide it, so he replied, “I want to lead the Realm Masters from the 7 realms, let them kill each other, and then reshuffle the cards, gā gā gā, this Divine Bird only Lord of Nine Realms! “


Paper Ge was shocked, took a few steps back, looked at Divine Bird incredible, and hoarsely shouted, “You are sick!”

“Look at you, even this ambition isn’t there, and you say that you are not even halfway to your master, Mr. Ling Yan,” Divine Bird said lazily.

“My Master will not be like you. Like a madman, when Realm Master comes out of the mountain, he can smash the army of Zuo Shuaifu with a slap.” Zhi Ge reminded coldly.

Divine Bird twitched his lips, said impatiently, “I’m too lazy to explain it to you. This Divine Bird has its own way. You can cooperate or not at will. Anyway, I will definitely play a big show. I am the true saint of soldiers.”

Zhi Ge’s face was bleary and his lips twitched. No matter how good his temper was, he could be suffocated by Divine Bird.

“Reshuffle, what a wonderful thing, Ben Divine Bird likes to make rules, but doesn’t like to listen to others’ rules, don’t you?” Divine Bird asked back.


Zhi Ge groaned, “Now I can make rules, instead of listening to others.”

“That’s not necessarily. When the Realm Master comes out, your Master that level’s old bastard is back from Danger Land. I don’t believe you can control your own destiny.” Divine Bird said with a sneer.

Zhi Ge’s face changed slightly, and Divine Bird said it was not unreasonable. When the old bastard came back, his words must be will, those of Old Guy were, and he helped destroy Divine Sect, broke heaven, and repaired Imperial. Family Supreme Elder, will those old guys not find their own accounts when they return?

“Handsome big brother, if you go back and think again, reshuffle the card, that is the hope of my master’s life. Although the master is dead, but I will fulfill his last wish, no one can stop it.” Divine Bird said firmly.

There was silence in the barracks, and no one approached.

Zhi Ge thought for a long time and asked quietly, “What do you want to do?”

“Now the True Martial Realm and the Extreme Martial Realm have suffered the most losses. The Extreme Martial Realm has been invaded, and the loss is unimaginable. Their hatred against the True Martial Realm has risen to the racial hatred. If I help the Tianwu Army reach the True Martial Realm, Imperial city, do you say that the Tianwu army will be angry and slaughter the imperial city? At that time, the Realm Master in the True Martial world will definitely go out, hehe, I will lead the army to flee in advance, and Tianwu Paragon will surely die in In the hands of the Realm Master in the True Martial world, gā gā gā …… It happened that the Sect Leader revenge, and the Realm Master was led out again. They were seriously injured, and then killed each other. When the end is near, I will come out and clean up. Who? Who is dead is not yet known. “

Divine Bird said with a smile.

Zhi Ge frowned at Divine Bird, wondering if it was true or false, and couldn’t believe it.

“It’s so kind to tell me the real plan?” Zhi Ge secretly wondered.

Divine Bird said in deadly earnest, “You are a young soldier with no talents, and you do n’t lose to my family’s Master. This Divine Bird appreciates you and follows me to ensure that you can override the rules and become the only formula. The rule person. ”

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