In Xiaolong, a boat passing through the clouds galloped across, as if a meteor cut through the sky, and no evasion was known wherever it passed. It was like being set up with coordinates and unmanned. It nearly killed several Grade 5 powerhouses. They yelled.

Ye Lingyu sank between her eyebrows, awakened from her sleep, touched her head, grinned in pain, and looked at Liu Ning who was still sleeping beside her, her eyebrows locked. Some of the memories in the Sea of ​​Consciousness were very strange and felt something was wrong. .

“I vaguely remember that not at all went to that star and did not go through the training, why …” Ye Lingyu was puzzled, looking at the coordinates, but he was more skeptical, with his fingers around, summon put out a golden ancient zither and sat down Through the cloud boat, gently stroking the 7 strings, the melody is soft and lingering, slightly less than Ye Huang’s melody, but with some healing effects.

The piano sound is entangled in Ye Lingyu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, soothing the restless memory. The piano sound became divinity medicine, depriving the deep memory, Ye Lingyu was suddenly shocked, and found that her soul memory was actually tampered with. At least a large section of memory is It was intercepted and then grafted over. If you haven’t learned ‘soul cultivation’ yourself, you will never find any of these problems.

“Who changed my memory!” Ye Lingyu’s mouth is raised, and soul cultivation can discover the internal injury of the soul, and it can also repair it on its own. It is a very powerful secret technique that can restore the memory erased by Ye Qinghan.


On the Martial Practice Stage, the vast crowd walked from one batch to another, only to hope that the illusory’s ray of hope became a mad sect.

“Xiao Li, you will have to cheer when you are young. You have decided to practice in your childhood. At the age of 3, you will have a rare treasure to open up Qihai, and 5-year-old Qihai Perfection. Can you join the mad sect now and become a formal Daoist? Opportunity! “Orion Dahan from the 9th layer said solemnly.

“Well, dad rest assured, I can pass the assessment! I watched their assessment, and I know that as long as I do not fall asleep, I will never fall asleep,” Xiaoli said, holding his fist solemnly vowed.

“Dad, you can accompany me to the assessment, maybe you can practice it too!” Xiao Li said a little bit reluctantly.

“Haha, my dad is old, and he definitely doesn’t have that aptitude. The mad master will definitely not accept me.” Li 9th layer laughed and looked at things very openly.

“Quickly queue up and prepare for the assessment.”

City Protecting Army guards a large number of powerhouses to maintain order and quickly arrange people to form side teams to meet the test.

Xiaoli pulled the big hand from the 9th layer and desperately dragged him towards the side of the team. There was no way to get away from the 9th layer. After all, Xiao Li was only 6 years old, and it was normal without him.

Ye Huang suppressed Zhu Xiong, the speed is very fast, almost the time it takes half an incense stick to burn will change a group of people, take a break every hour, the cultivation base increases faster and faster, the assessment will only increase The stricter.

Soon it was Xiaoli’s turn. The father and son were one after the other. They looked at Ye Huang seriously. They were very cautious, for fear of accidentally falling into Ye Huang’s way and falling into a deep sleep.


The sound of the piano is pleasing to the ears, the formation is full of spirals, and the ears of the males are full of emotions. Divine Soul, who is shocked, is full of illusions, and many people cannot bear a temptation.

Xiaolifan’s tooty face showed a sense of persistence and perseverance, and kept whispering, “I don’t sleep, I don’t sleep …”

Li 9th layer Keep your eyes wide open, and also want to join Kuangzong with Xiao Li, and use your will to control the soul and not let yourself fall into a lethargy.

The will to the 9th layer is absolutely strong. Although there is no battlefield, but the forest is his battlefield. There is no cultivation base. The scars on his body are no less than 100. Each time is scarred. If there is no horrible willpower, Support has long been tragic.

the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, and Xiaoli is still diverting his attention, but his eyes are a little messy, and his mouth is still whispering, “I do n’t sleep, I do n’t sleep, and I ’m taking assessments, which are fake. I don’t sleep … “

The 9th layer is close to the teeth. The 5 fingers are inserted into the muscles, and the blood is flowing, but it is still enduring. The will to support him is Xiaoli, to protect him, and not to leave him alone in Kuangzong.

Everyone else fell, but this pair of father and son didn’t seem to have a little cultivation base, but they were forcibly resisted!

“Yeah, this Little Brat is so cute.” The parrot had Spirit Fruit in his mouth and spoke to the father and son.

“This man is full of wounds, many fatal injuries, but he hasn’t died yet, his will is terrible. I guess he can survive 5 minutes of time.” Xuan Yuan Chen Xiao frowned and looked away from the 9th layer, but it was just a mortal. He had such a terrifying will that surprised him.

“His will is guardianship. If he has good talents, this person would be a good thing,” Ye Kongcheng said with satisfaction.

“Unfortunately, I am too old. It seems to be over 30 years old. I have already missed the ability to open up the sea.” Lou Guyun shook the head and sentenced him to death on the 9th layer.

As time goes by, the iron hand from the 9th layer is inserted into the flesh. His eyes are shot with blood, his eyes are indifferent, without a trace of emotion, like confrontation with prey, he does not want to shrink back.

Xiaoli Divine Consciousness is scattered, his mouth is still murmuring, his body is shaking, and he will fall down at sight, but he just won’t fall down, turning like a tumbler.

“Persist! Persist!”

Everyone was excited, shouting with his fists as if his son was being evaluated, and most of the appraisers were yelling, hoping that another one who passed the assessment would give everyone a little confidence.

A 6-year-old child can pass, why can’t he pass?

Formation blocked their shouts, Xiao Li and Li 9th layers couldn’t hear, but they were still struggling!

Xuan Yuan Chen Xiao and the others stared at the incense that was about to burn out. Iron Fist was tense, and he could not wait to blow out the incense. Ye Huang’s assessment was too difficult. Until now, Zhao Tiankang insisted on this step. Coupled with the talent of Grade 3 Peak, this has been promoted to become a mad sect disciple. All others have been eliminated. The past few days are all in vain. If these two people can pass the assessment, they may inspire everyone’s fighting spirit.

ten! 9 ! 8 ……

Almost everyone is counting down, just a few breaths away.

She bleeds from the 9th layer 7 and almost tears her flesh. She didn’t blink, glaring at Ye Huang. She didn’t treat her as a Goddess, but instead treated her as a prey. She would be killed in a blink of an eye. .

This is the will! No one can resist the charm of Ye Huang’s piano sound, but as a mortal hunter, the 9th layer has done it! Relying on the will of the terror, the enemy’s will not fail me will not finally fall to the end!

3! 2 ! One!


“I do not sleep……”

Ye Huang’s piano sound stopped abruptly, and Xiao Li fell asleep after finishing this sentence, just pressing the line, making Ye Huang’s mouth smile with a smile, and finally someone got through this level and really got through this level .

The 9th layer waited until Qin Yin had dispersed, hugged Xiao Li, and woke him with anxiety.

“Slow, don’t wake him up. His soul is very tired now, his will is tense, let him rest.” Ye Huang immediately stopped from the 9th layer.

“Then … did I pass the assessment?” Li 9th layer hoarse, exhausted to the extreme, but still enduring.

“Yes, in the next few days, you will evaluate your talents and follow the guards to rest.” Ye Huang said in a tranquil voice. After these days of training, Ye Huang has become more confident and can stand alone.


On the 20th day of the assessment, the frequent assessment was over. Outside the Loulan Empire Imperial Capital, a boy wrapped in animal skin appeared in the sight of everyone, holding a wooden sword in his hand, which had been red dyed by blood, and some It is the blood of the fierce wild beast, more of it is your own blood!

Lin Wutian! A twelve-year-old teenager, relying on his own efforts, straddled the whole ten thousand li mountains and rivers in just 2 days, almost never sleep, and stepped on his own battlefield!

With such a will of terrifying existence, it is destined to be famous for this meteor!

The 9th layer may be considered a horrible will, but Lin Wutian is the most terrifying existence! No one is more persistent than him!

Lin Wutian speeded up his heartbeat at this moment, looked at the Imperial Capital gate, grinned grinning, and stepped into the city holding the wooden sword, his fortitude was self-evident.

“Kuangzong! I can definitely join Kuangzong! No assessment is an obstacle in my eyes! I crush the obstacle in front of me with the sword in my hand!”

Lin Wutian was lonely and arrogant, disregarding the eyes of others, and walked very fast. Many people thought he was a beggar, and scolded him with his nose, but he had no emotion at all.

“Go away, little Beggar. In the past few days, the Beggar process is not allowed to beg for food, affecting my Loulan image!” The guard coldly refused Lin Wutian to enter the city.

“I’m here to take part in the assessment!” Lin Wutian didn’t have any nonsense, his breath was like a sword, as if a sword was walking, and the trembling guard stood on the spot.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan happened to retreat, holding several jade brocade boxes in his hand, all around sealed by the elemental seal, and no breath was leaked.

Da da da ……

Ye Qinghan walked towards the square, glanced at the crowd, and found that the first test was over, waiting for the announcement, and Ye Huang worked hard for more than 20 days, looking tired, and when he felt Ye Qinghan’s return, he quickly got up and said, “Uncle, The assessment is over. A total of 320 10000 people have been assessed. Twelve people passed the first test. “

3,000,000 people, take 2 1 people, this kind of assessment is simply abnormal!

Ye Qinghan is indifferently smiled. What he needs is the existence of a perverted will. If his will is not firm, his talent is useless!

“Tough work!” Ye Qinghan rubbed Ye Huang’s head and looked down at the youngster who was still looking forward to a glimmer of hope, coldly said, “If the assessment is over, if you haven’t withstood even 2.5 minutes of time, don’t wait. Now, what Kuangzong needs is a determined person. “

“Slow, I haven’t evaluated yet!” Lin Wutian squeezed in from the crowd, all around scolded his nose and cursed, and retreated toward the two sides, giving him a way out, because his body was too big It smells bad.

Ye Qinghan looked at the wooden sword in Lin Wutian’s hands and looked at the momentum of his walking, his eyes could not help but brighten.

“Lone Kendo!” Ye Qinghan flashed a silhouette in his heart, yes, this Lin Wutian has a certain temperament on Gu Qingyu, not a person, but the same Tao heart.

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