Western Desert Danger Land, the forest hiding the sky and covering the earth, endless, Three Great Powerhouses summon came to the most powerful assistants, most of them are Supreme God and pseudo Realm Master level masters, terrifying existence of that year all out Already.

The Western Desert Danger Land became lively again, causing abomination of indigenous creatures, and a murderous intention.

Ye Qinghan has included all the older generations of Kuangzong powerhouse and Chaos Realm in the Great Monument. Although their strength is strong, the more they are exposed, the more dangerous they are. Only 3 people are left outside at this moment.

Lin Wutian, Gu Qingyu and Jiang Jingtian.

These 3 people’s cultivation base, survival skills, are far from comparable to others!

Ye Qinghan took Lin Wutian, Gu Qingyu and Jiang Jingtian were dispersed.

In a canyon, the mountains are 10000 壑, extremely dangerous, a bird slapping the sky,

There are two silhouettes in the canyon, Ye Qinghan and Lin Wutian.

Lin Wutian’s childishness has not yet disappeared. From now on, he can still see the appearance of that year. He is very firm and persistent. He took a small wooden sword and dared to go to the Kuangzong assessment. At this point, the top existence between Heaven and Earth is by no means luck.

For Lin Wutian, Ye Qinghan likes it from the bottom of his heart, such a child has no shortcomings.

Lin Wutian is also most in awe of Ye Qinghan in his heart, even surpassing his Master Gu Qingyu, if he can, he will give up his life for Ye Qinghan without the slightest hesitation and give him a chance to escape.

Ye Qinghan escaped for more than half a year. At this moment, he finally found a place to sit down, looked at Lin Wutian, and continued to teach, “I gave you the Flowing Water Sword Technique and continued to practice. Ask me if I don’t understand.”

Obviously, the reason Ye Qinghan stayed Lin Wutian was not to help him to prevent disasters, but to want to inherit the Flowing Water Sword Technique, which was the life-long effort of King Xiao Ren, although it was not Realm Master Secret Art, but As long as Lin Wutian has a chance, Realm Master is definitely available.

Lin Wutian has come this way. In addition to escaping his life every day, he is practicing, not only Flowing Water Sword Technique, but also 3 chapters of the sea swallowing the sky. Ye Qinghan gave him the best insights, as his son, Never lose half points.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Lin Wutian didn’t say much. He used 3 swords in front of Ye Qinghan. Sword energy was raging. He was aggressive and domineering, but he was a little bit shy. There was also a lack of flowing feeling between the moves.

“2 Master, these 3 moves, I can’t always show your demeanor, domineering, and lethality is enough, but it is a little worse.” Lin Wutian looked at Ye Qinghan expectantly and asked in a whisper.

“The sword follows the heart, the heart follows the sword, and the sword merges with the heart. It is one thought to make a sword, close it, and change it.”

Xiu xiu xiu!

Ye Qinghan reached out to take over Divine Sword. It struck in the sky, with 3 swords coming out. Although there was no divine force blessing, the momentum was soaring, the sword was groaning and sloshing into the depths. Sword energy directly penetrated the ancient trees and mountains. See It seems as slow as flowing water, but lethality can destroy everything.

Lin Wutian’s spirit flashed. He took over Divine Sword and closed his eyes to realize Divine Sword. He and Ling Yan’s Divine Sword have not been completely integrated, and it is quite good to play such a realm.

Man and Divine Sword gradually became one, Lin Wutian’s breath completely disappeared, and there was only the breath of Divine Sword in front of him, which seemed to be better than Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan’s eyes are full of relief. Perhaps he is his true successor and can take away the monument.

Ye Qinghan is not dead now, the Great Monument is owned by the Lord, and no one can take it away!

When Ye Qinghan was thinking, Lin Wutian suddenly issued a sword. One sword penetrated the long river. The 3 moves were almost unpredictable in an instant, and there was no jerky or stagnation between moves. The formidable power was increased several times. .

Domineering takes away Rou, and Rou brings toughness and fierceness.

Flowing Water Sword Technique, Lin Wutian got the essence.

“Yes! Practice makes perfect, and it takes a lot of time and essence to use it skillfully.” Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, Pats Lin Wutian’s shoulder, whispered, “Xiaotian, you go, practice to Realm Master realm and come back, Don’t be willful, you can’t help me much now, but one day you can come back and make me a lot easier. “

Lin Wutian had a sore nose and some water in his eyes. He bowed his head and said nothing, and did not want to leave.

“2 Master, this time is the time when you need the employment most, how can I go.” Lin Wutian said shaking his head.

“I don’t need any staff now, neither one is redundant. If Avatar returns, I may not have to worry about being afraid, and merge with him. I find a place to take 3 years and practice to Realm Master realm. 5000 Realm Master can cooperate with me, why? “Ye Qinghan said with a sneer.

Now Ye Qinghan’s dear realm is not even as good as Avatar. There is only a pseudo-Realm Master intermediate-level cultivation base, which can’t hide the Divine Consciousness of Realm Master. Now I can only hide for a while and delay that’s all, but the return of Avatar is different. At that time, his cultivation base, realm, and battle strength, all climbed to a large level, but he could not fight with 7 people, and they could be divided and killed!

Lin Wutian still couldn’t persuade himself to leave, knowing that staying here was useless, but he still didn’t want to leave, even if he died, his heart was happy.

“Do n’t have a psychological burden, you have to understand that our final war is not now, but 1000 years later!” Ye Qinghan said solemnly, “Do you want to be able to sit side by side with me after 1000 years or you want to die now, wait 1000 years later Am I alone? “

Lin Wutian was relieved immediately, kneeling respectfully before Ye Qinghan and slamming three heads, saying firmly, “3 Master, I will not disappoint your expectations!”

Ye Qinghan was very relieved. He bent over and lifted Lin Wutian, reminding him, “If I die in battle, remember to return to the endless universe with the great monument. Our hometown, the meteorite, should be very special there. Place that can help you escape the Realm Master’s pursuit. “

“Yes, 2 Master!”

Lin Wutian stood up and disappeared quickly into the canyon. Only Ye Qinghan was left at this moment. Xiao Se’s back was facing the cold wind, waiting silently for the advent of the enemy.


shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Western Desert Danger Land, countless powerhouses rushed into the periphery, hoping to squeeze Ye Qinghan out.

One after another silhouette, combined with the 3 Realm Masters to kill in the depths, alarmed many peerless ominous beasts in the Western Desert.


A lone wolf instantly tore a Supreme God’s fleshy body, devoured it alive, then swept through a large area of ​​Western Desert forest in the rear, causing considerable damage to the 7 Realm powerhouse, and finally alarmed Snow invincible.

Snow Invincible has no sense of shame invading other people’s territories, and it doesn’t care that such a lone wolf is unique and unmatched in the world. He shot it directly and crushed it into slag.

Even the most powerful ominous beast, as long as it is not a Realm Master, it is difficult for him to survive a trick, it is a spike.

The concept of ominous beast territories is very strong. They are unwilling to flee, they just want to fight dead and suffer heavy losses.

The 7 powerhouse forcefully pushed forward without leaving Ye Qinghan a chance. It was getting closer and closer to the most dangerous area of ​​the Western Desert. At the moment, Ye Qinghan was hesitant to go in because only the pseudo-Realm Master Peak Realm could do it. To survive, the disappeared powerhouses of the 7 realms are all inside. Once they enter, they will be pinched back and forth, and the danger is even greater.

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