xiū xiū xiū ——————

1000000 Crossbow arrows cooperate with lance to cover the sky, pierce the snowflakes, kill the snow invincible, and force him to burst out to resist.

Ye Qinghan was only responsible for finding out the approximate location of Snow Invincible, and the army then attacked indiscriminately, leaving Snow invincible.

The snow is drifting, with a sharp murderous intention, and there is a Formula outside of Holy City.

Xue stared at Holy City invincibly, not because he couldn’t break the formation, but worried about Ye Qinghan. His lethality was too strong. Glare like a tiger watching his prey stared. He didn’t dare to use all his power, otherwise he would not be used by Ye Qinghan. Seize a chance, but that is to kill half life!

The number of troops is more than one Peak’s Realm Master, it will not play a big role, unless Ling Yan and Yan Ao ’s soldiers and saints at the level organize a 10000000 million army, let alone defend the Realm Master, killing is also possible, but Zhi Ge and the two warriors Daxian could not do that, but thanks to the City Protecting Great Formation and Ye Qinghan’s deterrence, it can still be done here.

The group of diehards brought by Snow Invincible stood far away and did not dare to approach too closely, otherwise it would be difficult to resist the impact of the army.

At this moment, Xue Wudi made up his mind, backed off several hundred li, and said to Xue Chong and the others, “I need your help. I need to use the Peak battle strength to break the city. You just need to help me defend it. The left forward can take 3 breaths! “

Dozens of masters look pale, blocking 3 breaths, but it’s life to block!

Xuechong cultivation base is very strong, and it is also a burly man. It looks domineering, and at this moment without the slightest hesitation agreed.

“Old Ancestor, rest assured, even if it is Self-destruction, I can block the miscellaneous left forward!” Xue Chong condensed.

Xue Wutian was very satisfied, but soon he smiled and looked away.

Wow ——————

A flame rushed into the clouds, and sword energy rushed into the clouds.

There is one more master on the battlefield.

Mu Fengyun!

Snow Invincible Chief First Disciple has now broken into a fake Realm Master realm, with a towering battle strength!

Snow invincible at a glance at Mu Fengyun, he suddenly sneered and yelled, “Left front, today I want you to lose your bones!”

“Master, I’ll help you defend the left wing’s 3 breaths. You only have to siege the city, he can’t hurt you!” Mu Fengyun proudly wanted to fight Ye Qinghan for a long time, and this time he just took the opportunity to fight and the battle was soaring .

“Good disciple, today you and I master and disciple fight together!” Xue Wudi laughed loudly, cold glow flashed, staring at the Holy City Formation, began to gather World Strength, and mobilized the entire God World for its use.

Bang bang bang!

Coercion shrouded Tianhe, as if the entire world was about to collapse.

Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, knowing that Snow Invincible is about to erupt, and the bloody battle will level the entire Holy City.

“Arrange a large array, once the city breaks, stick to the large array, and fight side by side with me, you can’t kill him, at least you must crush those around him.” Ye Qinghan said firmly.

Bang bang bang!

Heaven and Earth roar, the earth is trembling, the sky is covered by dark clouds, lightning intersects, and the depths of the clouds are illuminated into flames. World Strength entangles lightning to form a beam of light that converges on the invincible snow, and the earth is crushed!

This is the real Realm Master! Once angry, no one can stop it!

Snow invincible black and white hair dancing, and the sharp sword in his hand was surrounded by World Strength and lightning, generating the power to destroy the entire world.

He was mobilized by Snow Country Divine Realm and took the initiative.

咚dong dong!

Ye Qinghan is tense at this moment. He was not an invincible opponent of Snow. Realm was so much worse. The trend was taken away by Snow Invincible. The war below is definitely more cruel. I do n’t know how many people will die. Although the people of Snow Country and Great Desolate World It is an enemy, but now the Snow Army is fighting for itself after all, it is not willing to sacrifice like this!

Weng weng weng!

He seemed to want to explode, and the violent breath tore up nothingness, rushed to the clouds, and began to compete with the sword of the world weapon, and oppressed the sword with force, and competed strongly.

Yin ————————

Ye Qinghan’s body erupted suddenly, about ten zhang high, and Shi Jian Wenyao on his arm broke free from the blood, and rose into the sky.

The stone sword erupted in a more powerful atmosphere, which seemed to be more cruel than the sharp sword in the hands of Xue Wudi. The 2 Great Swords were accompanied by Ye Qinghan to compete for the world trend, and then made the attack.

xiu’s € ‘€ € € € €

Groan! !! !!

Ye Qinghan turned into a stream of light and disappeared on his own initiative, but those horrifying eyes stared at Snow Invincible.

Snow’s invincible breath stagnates and is stunned by Ye Qinghan’s changes at the moment.

The blood is boiling and flowing. With the powerful soul of Realm Master, Shi Jian seems to have his own soul. He rushes into the void without the soul’s control, stares at the invincible snow, and is hostile.

Ye Qinghan held his hands crazy, and the giant zhang zhang stood on the city wall.

“Zuo Shuai! Zuo Shuai!”

The army roars and suppresses the inner fear. This battle is Life and Death Battle, because once Snow Invincible breaks through, the 1000 Myriad Realms general will be wiped out. He will not give the betrayer a little chance!

This is an army, not an ordinary army. Even if most of them are giant gods, the power that erupts instantly is comparable to the Realm Master. Unfortunately, they cannot work together. This is why the number cannot beat the Realm Master!

Hua hua hua!

Zhi Ge and he absolutely shook the banner, set up troops, the army moved quickly, the troops divided into 2 routes, and they were led by Zhi Ge, forming the strongest army formation of Ling Yan, the flame formation, and the entire army was like a mass of everything. Essence of Fire, and the other route was unintentionally led. The big formation he formed was the arrogant Eight Diagrams and Spears Formation. The 8 army could smash the World and split the Nine Realms formation.

each and everyone 8 The round array formed by the hexagrams cooperates with each other and interweaves with each other to form the largest Eight Divinatory Array. A vertical army is like a sharp sword. She spits out and pierces the world at any time.

There is never too much gap between Yanao and Yanao, but formidable power cannot be underestimated.

The army gave up the City Protecting Great Formation and formed its own formation. Even if the city was broken, it was difficult for the Realm Master to break the formation.

Bang bang bang!

The army moves quickly, the flame array and the 8 hexagram world are combined. It was originally 2 great arrays, but the combination is like resembles nature itself, making the momentum in Holy City even more fierce!

Wow ——————

Ye Qinghan bowed slightly, waiting for Xue Invincible to break through the City Protecting Great Formation, even if he wasted a little energy, the battle of Realm Master was almost within 1000 miles, so Ye Qinghan at first was angering Xue Invincible, Consume his power!

“You are not human! You are Titan Race, one of the top ten aliens before Nine Realms are divided!” Snow invincible anger, staring at Ye Qinghan growled.

Ye Qinghan is much younger than Xue Wudi, and he doesn’t know the top ten aliens. At this moment, staring at Xue Wudi with a cold eye, he said, “I am a human being, and I have never changed!”

But Xue was invincible and snarled at Zhi Ge, “Paper Ge, do you even cooperate with other races, are you crazy? Non-my races have different hearts, are you trying to destroy human beings?”

Zhi Ge didn’t understand it at all, how could he know the race that Ye Qinghan didn’t know, but the phrase ‘not my race must have a different heart’ made his face suddenly change.

Ye Qinghan’s mouth raised, and his voice replied coldly. “I’m a left forward, a native of the Snow Country. I can use the origins of the Snow Country 7 series. The reason why I have the blood of the Titan Race is because I got the stone of the Titan Race under my chance. Swords, my heart, my soul, are all human beings. Snow is invincible. If you want to fight, you fight, no nonsense! ”

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