Outside of Holy City, heavy snow covered the World. It was snow-covered, and 2 great experts faced each other beyond 1000 meters. This battle, only in this move, if you could n’t carry it, you had to die, and you resisted Ye Qinghan. It’s over.

Heaven and Earth roar constantly, the rules flutter, forming a series of ancient Divine Beasts, the roots are out, 10000 laws are in sight, watching the Realm Master fight, as long as they can survive, it is better than 1000 years of hard work!

Ye Huang was watching, Zhi Ge and no intention were staring at it. The silver snake female cultivator suddenly felt a sense of indulgence. Her cultivation base was the highest, and she could see it most clearly. Many did not understand the rule Profound Truth. This moment became enlightened.

Om ————————

The stone sword is shaking, the World Strength is converging to the limit, the World Strength of Ye Qinghan within the body is emptied, and even the blood is dimmed, and the movement is extremely slow.

The invincible potential of snow has reached Peak. The snow Divine Sword has reduced the temperature of all around to the extreme, the ground is frozen, snowflakes like arrows, falling from the void, and the crystal with a murderous intention, makes people unable to appreciate its beauty.

“A sword is flat, snow towns and mountains!”

Snow invincible took the lead in launching an attack. The sky was chaotic under a sword, and the earth roared, such as the waves rolling, the snow roaring and suppressing everything.


Ye Qinghan silhouette flashed, Yu Linghan appeared on the body, divine glow ten thousand zhang, only then did Ye Qinghan reveal his inner details. With this Yu Linghan, he had 3 big circles.


Ye Qinghan’s left hand was violently prominent, followed by his release. Heaven and Earth were all turned on and turned into a stream of light to kill the invincible. Then he held the knife in his Person and Sword Unite, and kicked him into the sky with a kick. , Followed the heavy mad rushed out.

“6th sword! Cut off the stars!”

Bang!! ! !

A sword came out, the world was flat, 10000 things were dead, even the wind was still, and lightning appeared out of thin air, flooding outside Holy City.


One after another white glow rushed out of the stone sword with rune and smashed into the Star River. As fast as lightning, the wide coverage made snow invincible!

Bang bang bang!

Hua hua hua!

South of Holy City, several thousand thousand li have been razed to the ground by this blade, and there are countless deaths and injuries!

Under Realm Master, all are ants!

Life is no longer life! All dust, blood mist!

Yin ———-

Snow’s invincible sword is overwhelming. Snow Divine Sword keeps breaking through blade glow, breaking up the madness with the potential of thunderbolt, and the momentum has stopped, but the body twists, stepping on the ground and rushing again.


boom! ! ! !

Snow Divine Sword tears everything under the invincible blessing of snow, and after a while stabs on the sword edge of the stone sword.

Buzz ——————

Bang!! !

The two swords trembled, and two Realm Master Peak powers erupted in an instant, centering on two people, and the air waves swayed to the four sides.

Hua!! !

The northward wave rushed to Holy City, and it was terrifying. It can absolutely break the army’s defense Formula. Once the defense Formula is broken, the entire Holy City, including Ye Huang, will turn into powder!


“Being deadly !!!”

Paper Ge and no intention of panic, this kind of power is no longer human beings can counter.

Groan! !! !!

Ye Huang pulls ten strings with both hands, fiercely pushes down, a ten-divine glow glow rushes towards the Formation, blessing the defense of the Formation.

The silver snake female cultivator divine force pours down and turns into a deity. A silver white long urn is like Divine Dragon, and the holy light covers the forefront.

Jingwei transforms into 5 colorful Divine Birds, blooming 5 colorful lights, she can evolve an independent Formula to block at the innermost.

All the soldiers gritted their teeth and stared, exhausting all the divide force within the body.

The defense formation became stronger and stronger, standing proudly in time and space.

Bang bang bang!

The air wave rushed to the Formation, the Formation divine glow twisted, wave after wave, Heaven and Earth roared, and the earth was pulled up.


boom! !

The army bears the brunt, and the horrible impact instantly kills 10000 territories. The fleshhy body is transformed into a blood mist and stained all around.

Groan! !! !!

The silver snake female cultivator fleshy body exploded, and fiercely slammed into the rear, leveling a large palace.

weng! bang! !!

The lyre string in Ye Huang’s hand broke, and the weak fleshy body fiercely smashed it out, hitting the silver snake’s body, and then bounced out, his face was pale, inhuman, and his soul fell into darkness.

The formation outside was fragmented, leaving only Jingwei as a defense!


Huh! !! !!

After the invincibility of Xue Wutian and Ye Qinghan broke out, the last force erupted, taking off two people, the bones and flesh of the hands were shattered, a shrill sound sounded through the sky, and a shock of nearly thousand thousand li 2 shattered, and even the stones shattered. !!

The Holy City Inner Army was shattered by a large number of powerhouses, losing more than half of it! That’s a total of 5,000,000 people.

Wow ——————

The last wave wafted Ye Qinghan’s body and rushed to Holy City.

Ye Qinghan pupils shrank, Ye Huang is still in Holy City, Jingwei is also, once the aftermath swings into Holy City, 2 people will surely die!

“Crazy! Go!”

Ye Qinghan has no strength, but the soul can still be connected with madness, madness breaks through the clouds, penetrates the nothingness, appears outside Holy City, and blooms a World Strength.


Ye Qinghan fell to the ground, and the stone sword in his hand was also thrown out by him, and he was also blocked from Holy City. His soul almost fainted. After this sword, World Strength was completely drained, leaving only the perverted fleshhy. The body still has a battle!

Weng! ! !

The madness and the stone sword blocked outside Holy City, forming a sky that was difficult to break through, blocking the aftermath, otherwise the entire Holy City would wipe out the entire army.


The snow was invincible and miserable. The body flew upside down, hitting the ground and rubbing a gully. The old fleshhy body was dim and dull. The snow Divine Sword in his hand was inserted into the ground and slid for several thousand meters.

Ye Qinghan has lost World Strength, but his fleshhy body is abnormal, but Snow is invincible and not so lucky. The strength of within the body is less than 0.1%, or even less than 1 / 10000th. In order to save strength, he does not Dare to use World Strength again to stabilize your figure.

Ka ka ka !

Ye Qinghan was stricken with blood and bones, clenched Iron Fist, punched him on the ground, and his body rushed up.

“Snow is invincible! See if your fleshhy body is better than my fleshhy body!”

Ye Qinghan was fierce and began to run wild, rushing towards Xue invincible.

Snow is invincible, but knows how freakish Ye Qinghan’s fleshhy body is. The remaining 1 / 10000th power cannot compete with Ye Qinghan’s fleshhy body, and he will run away when he turns his head.


Ye Qinghan rises into the air, thanks to the explosive power of fleshhy body, kicks to Xue’s invincible back.

xiu’s € ‘€ € € € €

Snow invincible fled to the distance, leaving Ye Qinghan on his back, and he was kicked in his foot, and his body turned into a stream of light and rushed to the ground.


As soon as Ye Qinghan hit the ground, he rushed up again, his big feet descended from the sky, and he faced the invincible snow falling in the pool of blood.

The dignified Realm Master was battered and exhausted at the moment, and he tried to take advantage of it, but Ye Qinghan didn’t give him a chance, stepped on his head, and hit it to the ground.

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Ye Qinghan’s punches hit the snow invincible like a raindrop, hitting his torn skin and gaping flesh! Iron Fist was red with blood from Paragon.

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