That cold voice was clever, and wanted to take advantage of the fisherman, but the wrong attention, and even the wrong object.

Ye Qinghan was cold-light flashed and groaned. His big hand stretched out the window, turned it around, squeezed a dead leaf, held his middle finger with his thumb, and made a sudden bounce. The dead leaf was like a knife, smashing void.

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Hua hua hua!

A dead leaf turned up with strong winds and gravel, forming an arc in the canyon, rushing behind the mountain peak.


puci ——————

Just listening to a loud noise, the dead leaves actually penetrated the defense, and penetrated through the chest of the hidden master, and even the heart was shattered by the shock.


A scream screamed through the valley, a corpse fell from high altitude, fiercely smashed to the ground, and the dignified pseudo-Realm Master couldn’t stop a dead leaf of Ye Qinghan.

“The ants! They will always be ants, and they are not destined for the climate.”

Ye Qinghan’s cold and ruthless voice echoed in the mountains, suppressing all around the impetuous people, and no one dared to move.

Si si 嘶…

“Is Supreme’s Realm Master?”

“It should be, the fake Realm Master was killed by a dead leaf! Who can do this step except Realm Master?”

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air, staring at the carriage in horror, back and forth.

Gap, this is the real gap, not the Realm Master, and the gap with Ye Qinghan is more than 10000 1000. On the single soldier battle strength, not the Realm Master, except for Ye Qinghan, who has a Realm Master soul, a fleshy body metamorphosis, and a battle strength of evil. Existence, no one can compete with the real Realm Master. Perhaps only Gu Qingyu and Jiang Jingtian can join forces against the Realm Master.

“Keep moving on.” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

At this time, the driver knew how terrible the people in the car really were, and he was so excited that he drove the carriage out of the valley.

A carriage that cannot be provoked, the news spread quickly, making Ye Qinghan a little easier, but the speed of transmission is obviously not as fast as the carriage. After galloping out of the extreme martial arts, there are people who act recklessly want to grab the carriage. The result was ruthlessly obliterated by Ye Qinghan.

With constant beheading and constant deterrence, the driver is no stranger, and has long been used to galloping all the way.

Out of the extreme world, into the world of Supreme, Ye Qinghan only realized that the human greed was underestimated, and countless people flocked to the world of Shenwu along the border. Their destination is very clear. It must be World Pagoda, Nine Realms. The end.

“This is really crazy, how many talents are he going to kill?” Divine Bird looked through the window to cover the mountains and plains powerhouse, and they shot out indiscriminately, causing countless deaths and injuries, blood flowing into a river, can’t help but helplessly said.

“When that realm is reached, ordinary people are really ants, including Supreme God and even the fake Realm Master. They don’t care at all. Only when they reach Human King Realm do they think it is a powerhouse. For them, the life and death of them is A group of locusts, it doesn’t matter how much they die, because when their World can give birth to life, how much is this kind of life. “Ye Qinghan whispered.

“But you can’t be mad, kill the aborigines of this world as ants!” Divine Bird said angrily.

Ye Qinghan looked at the powerhouse covering the mountains and plains from time to time, flying and resting, and said without emotion, “For the Realm Master, the aborigines and the creatures in their world are the same, only the use value. “

Time is shuttle, year after year, traveling through the 3 worlds, wasting many years, but for these gods such as Ye Qinghan, it is just the time of closed eyes opened.

After walking for ten years, even if the driver was unable to take a rest every ten days, Snow Beast was a little tired, and more annoyed by the day after day. Ye Qinghan also realized this and asked the driver. , “How long can I leave the Supreme Realm and enter the Shenwu Realm?”

“Return to my lord, about half a month or so.” The driver immediately replied.

“At the next big city, take a few days off before leaving.” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

As soon as Ye Qinghan was about to rest, even Snow Beast roared up and hurried away for years, let alone Snow Beast, the driver felt irritable.

Drive! !!

The coachman became excited, and drove the carriage towards the distance.

Ye Qinghan put Yan Ao into the Great Wilderness Monument, but his body was filled with Level 12 dragon fairy grass, and the 1th level was hiding the sky and covering the earth. In order to give Yan Ao his life, he has bet on all his net worth.

The several tens of thousands of li in front is a city, not too big, but not small, because the emergence of the anti-divine medicine makes this place very lively.

Countless people pass by, and even if 1% of them enter the city, that is a huge amount.

Carriage entered the city and looked for a horse shop. Ye Qinghan explained it and gave the two coachmen some resources and boundary stones to allow them to move freely. It would be good to gather at the city gate 2 days later.

Ye Qinghan, wearing a cloak, hit black clothed, covering his face strictly, and quickly stepped into the city.

The city center, vast crowd, men and women, various, experts as common as the clouds, are all people who are going to find the immortal peach in Blessing Cave.

Ye Qinghan was walking on the street. Aimless just wanted to let the driver and the snow beast rest. He didn’t want to enter the city at all, but when he came in, he had to inquire about the news.

Street 2 is full of Inn and stores, and there are a lot of Supreme Treasures. In order to continue to rush, most people sell their Supreme Treasures in exchange for useful things.

Ye Qinghan glanced around, there were very few things useful to himself, not to mention here, Divine Bird is also a lazily look.

“We went to Inn restaurant and maybe heard some useful news.” Ye Qinghan looked up at a restaurant. It was very luxurious and huge enough to accommodate 1000 people. The entrance was either rich or expensive, so the number was not crowded. .

Ye Qinghan took Divine Bird to the second floor quickly, looked for a window seat, and sat down. He could hear the voice of the restaurant and the sound of the street.

Sure enough, the people in the restaurant are talking about a topic, which is divine medicine, immortal peach, and soul grass.

“I heard that many powerhouses died in the front, and there was no cultivation base for the fake Realm Master, but no one was able to enter Fudidongtian, and no one was at the top of the World Pagoda. Many people were timid. They quit the competition and went to the theatre outside. Wait for someone to successfully enter Fudidongtian, and then compete for others’ results. “

“Well, it ’s more terrifying outside than inside. The group of people glare like a tiger watching his prey. Even if they get Supreme Treasure, the cultivation base is not enough, they ca n’t be saved!”

There are 7 or 8 people at a table, men and women, whose voices are not low. Maybe they are deliberately used to scare everyone, or they are showing that their information is well-informed.

Ye Qinghan bowed his head and sipped tea, ordered a few side dishes and drank alcohol alone, listening carefully to the news of others.

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