Outside of Fudidong, most people are staring at the guard wearing eleven, but the 4 big Realm Masters and the smashing sky have focused most of their attention on the carriage. The powerful atmosphere is still in the carriage, indicating that the wasteland owner still has Inside, they are not in a hurry.

“The old man wants to break them one by one. Don’t break the major event of the old man, otherwise you will definitely not kill the wasteland master!” I ca n’t figure out where the heavenly body is, but the voice is accurately transmitted to the Sea of ​​4 Realm Masters. Within Consciousness.

The 4 big Realm Masters breathe smoothly, seemingly staring at Fu Didongtian, but actually staring at the carriage.

“If you want to kill the famine master, you can only wait for him and Avatar to separate, kill Avatar first, and then kill the body, otherwise it will not succeed.”

It’s a great idea to stabilize the Realm Master without disturbing Ye Qinghan in the carriage.


Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Void Transition, Fu Di Dong Tian is in an independent space and time, across that light curtain, everything has changed.

Two black clothed persons took off their cloaks, it was Ye Qinghan and Xuanze, and they smiled at each other.

“Below we have the ability, if you can come out with immortal peach, I will send you the Realm Master level fire source, and give you a lifetime of transcendence. If you are unlucky to die here, you can’t blame others.” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

“Seniors rest assured, I believe my luck is very good!” Xuanze Ningsheng said.

Ye Qinghan is looking at the front. It is a deep passage. After walking about several hundred meters, it becomes a four-way and eight-way road. The wrong way is dead end. If you choose the right way, it is immortal peach!

Sure enough, Fudidongtian does not rely on strength but luck!

Of the 100 channels, only one is correct, 50% is dead, and there is no doubt that the entrance is dead, and the remaining 40% is a crisis of 4 volts.

However, Ye Qinghan did not think that the 100 roads were so good to choose the correct one, otherwise, after so many years, how could only 2 people get the immortal peach.

“It’s amazing to be able to come in. It should depend not only on luck, but also on weak spots.”

Ye Qinghan arrived at the fork in the road, looking at the same entrance, pacing back and forth, he could not see that path was a road of life.

Xuanze was staring at the channel, and he was very confused. He relied on luck and could not show any strength. He glanced around and pointed to a channel. “Senior, I choose this channel, you have to follow me ?”

Ye Qinghan frowned and asked, “Why did you choose this path?”

Xuanze shrugged, indifferently replied, “I don’t know, the entrances of these passages are the same. I estimate that most of the roads can lead to Fudidongtian, but there will be different degrees of danger on the road. I do n’t have much strength anyway. Just guessing by luck, maybe it was successful. “

“Divine Bird, what do you think?” Ye Qinghan looked at Divine Bird on his shoulder and asked tentatively.

“Since he’s really lucky, just follow him.” Divine Bird was so excited that he wanted to get into Fudidongtian now and pull out the immortal peach tree for transplanting.

Ye Qinghan will not say more, bet luck this time!

“Let’s go.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

Xuan Ze took a deep breath, holding Divine Sword and stepping towards the hole he was pointing at, but before he reached the entrance, he changed direction and entered a nearby hole.

“Hey hey hey, isn’t it the next one?” Divine Bird called quickly.

“No matter, anyway, it is the hole that you just point at, and you just enter it.” Xuanze said indifferently.

Ye Qinghan and Divine Bird rolled the eyes at the same time, this is the real luck.

da da da!

Ye Qinghan followed Xuan Ze into the hole, and the sound echoed on the stone wall, making a crisp sound.

However, there are different forks in the cave, which makes people have to choose again.

Ye Qinghan believed Xuan Ze somehow, and followed him all the time. After walking for about half a day, he appeared in a deep misty mountain. The birds roared, and occasionally a low beast roared, but he didn’t know what kind of creature.

“The Realm Master’s entry into the assessment area has been blocked. The creatures inside are probably not outside creatures. You are close to me.” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

唰 ——————

Ye Qinghan made a mark at the foot of the mountain while holding his madness, and then led Xuanze toward the mist.

Although the mist is not poisonous, it can also block Divine Consciousness. Even the soul of Ye Qinghan cannot see the depths and the way.

Hua hua hua!

The dead leaves made a crisp noise, and Xuanze pulled Ye Qinghan’s clothes cautiously forward.

After walking for a long time, 2 people got out of the fog, but looked up and found that they were in place, but the exit of the cave disappeared! Because the trace is still there.

Si si 嘶!

Ye Qinghan suck in a breath of cold air. It is impossible to recognize the marks you made, but where is the hole? How long can I go back to my original path after so long? Dignified Realm Master, how could it not even know the direction!

“Haunted!” Shouted Divine Bird.

“It’s not haunted. It should be Eight Divinatory Array. No matter how you go, the final destination will be here, and the path back will disappear, only to say that we have entered a dead end.” Ye Qinghan said with certainty.

Xuanze scratched his head, some sorry, he always had good luck, he always did whatever he wanted, luck always followed, how could it fail this time?

sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, there is no climbing point, the pressure over the sky is extremely high, and even flying is impossible. If you cannot find a way out, you will definitely die here.

Ye Qinghan walked again, but this time left the madness in place, but still returned, there is madness in it, it is even more impossible to recognize the wrong place, indicating that he did indeed turn around.

“Xuanze, this time you go first, I will follow you.” Ye Qinghan raised a brow and said with a heavy madness.

“Oh …” Xuanze was embarrassed, holding Divine Sword to the depths, and the mist turned, not knowing the direction.

Ye Qinghan followed Xuan Ze continuously moving deeper, stepping on the dead leaves, and a rotten smell slowly approached. It was a taste that I didn’t smell after just walking 2 times, it seemed to be a corrosive taste.


The fog dispersed, and Xuanze stepped out of the fog for the first time, but screamed and backed up.

Ye Qinghan clasped Xuan Ze’s back, followed closely by the fog, watching the scenery of the eyes, couldn’t help but swallow a saliva, bones everywhere, hanging everywhere, some seemed to be pierced by branches, some were green The rattan penetrated, and some of the bones were even severely broken.

This is a real dead end!

“Hahaha … you are so lucky …” Divine Bird mocked with a smile.

“Eh …” Xuanze naturally heard that Divine Bird was ironic, but he was speechless. The road ahead was dangerous, but walking backward was even more deadly.

Ye Qinghan looked at the old forest in the mountains, the roots were intertwined, and the roots were staggered. I do n’t know how many people died here. It is estimated that most of the people who have come in for many years have died here. Large corpses have not yet decayed, but I do n’t know what killed them. The vitality of them within the body disappeared, and blood was devastated thoroughly before death.

Death Forest!

Ye Qinghan ’s pupils are glowing divine glow and put away the craziness. The space here is too small. Using craziness will only limit their strength.

“Keep going, regardless of the danger or not, we have to go in.” Ye Qinghan said in a condensed voice.

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