Ye Qinghan hit his idea on the group of emperors hiding in the forbidden area, and they were destined to be bad luck!


Ye Qinghan’s thoughts instantly affected the entire plutonium meteor, and moved the strength of Yin-Yang in this place to make Reincarnation Road clearer. Sensen bones covered the entire passage. There was more strength of Yin-Yang. The passage actually followed Ye Qinghan’s Distorted by ideas.

Can’t fly but can leave via the channel!

Ye Qinghan is no longer familiar with the conditions of the endless galaxy, and the Samsara Channel keeps turning.

With each step, time passes quickly. He not only spans time, but also time! One thousand years later, the silhouettes of Ye Huang and Lin Wutian are slowly disintegrating, but Ye Qinghan is desperately trying to protect them and protect them with the strength of Yin-Yang.

The yin and yang balance, and their bodies are finally firm.

But what Ye Qinghan didn’t expect, he used reincarnation, and naturally he would be shocked to calculate the arrangement of the sky in the passage.

Smashing Sky used this Reincarnation Road to give Ye Qinghan I the reincarnation. How could he not know this passage? How can we not control this channel.

唰 ——————

A cold glow rushed out from the inside, blocking the Reincarnation Road, the rays of light tearing, and the pressing Ye Qinghan kept going backwards.


The rays of light flashed, Ye Qinghan looked at the front, but there was a stone tablet blocking the way. It was really old fox. Although he couldn’t cross the past to intervene in the parallel world, he could arrange inescapable net a few thousand times in advance.

There are 4 big words engraved on the stone tablet: Don’t enter the living!

Inadvertently, Ye Qinghan caused a lot of trouble.

“Fuck, this stone tablet is just waiting for you to show up! It ’s awesome, isn’t it?” Divine Bird asked in shock.

Ye Qinghan squinted and watched the stone tablet blocking the reincarnation, but he was definitely not counting this step. He just used this stone tablet to prevent 10000, but let him arrange it correctly, really blocking it. Got myself.

“No, this is not for me. He doesn’t want to allow living people to enter this Samsara Channel. He doesn’t want people to change the history here and disrupt his deployment.” Ye Qinghan had some anxiety in his eyes, and he must not move this stone at this time. The tablet, otherwise shocked the era of the world, he must wave his hand to erase himself.

“What to do now? Samsara Road is blocked, isn’t it that the people of the endless galaxy say that there will never be any return? This is to end the endless galaxy!” Divine Bird said in horror.

Ye Qinghan frowned, looking at the stone tablet, in addition to the four words, there were some runes, and he punched his fists, said solemnly, “For the time being, regardless of it, it is estimated that after I leave, the stone tablet will automatically disappear.”

唰 ——————

Ye Qinghan distorted the cycle of thoughts, and ejected himself directly into the Samsara Channel. The channel disappeared. Ye Qinghan and Ye Huang and Lin Wutian descended on a human star. After careful examination, he found that it was actually 1000 泷 Ancient Race Place, 1000 Tancheng.

It’s not far from the central area, and a large boat crossing the clouds can take him into the restricted area of ​​the central area.

Without a cloud boat, Ye Qinghan shrugged his shoulders and could only rely on looting. The 1000 family had an industry, and naturally there were large cloud boat.

Ye Qinghan took 2 children and stepped into 1000 Yuncheng. At a glance, Divine Consciousness knew where there was a large cloud-crossing boat. He went all the way to a cloud-crossing store and caught the boss directly. Dignified The powerhouse in the Divine Martial Realm was caught by Ye Qinghan in the palm of his hand.

“Senior … Master, forgive me, where did I offend you?” Asked the old man of Shenwu level in fear.

Ye Qinghan groaned, directly tossed the Shenwu powerhouse aside, and said in a cold voice, “Give me the best boat through the clouds, full of energy stones. As for the money, go to the 1000 Yuanliufeng, and he will give it to you.”

The old man didn’t dare to disobey, and quickly asked people to prepare the best boat to pass through the clouds. The speed was comparable to the level existence of Shenwuding, and it took only a few days to reach the central area.

“What year is this?” Ye Qinghan looked at the old man, always feeling wrong, and asked immediately.

“Master, it’s been ten years since Emperor meteorite.” Old man quickly replied.

Ye Qinghan suddenly stunned, the emperor fell for ten years, wasn’t that the day when the forbidden emperor broke out and devoured 10000 spirits? I have crossed reincarnation for so many years.

Human beings have no great emperor so far. If the Great War breaks out and the losses will be heavy, including the great Emperor Fusu and the great Emperor Pangolin, all of them will be killed. The older emperor Zhundi will lose 100!

“I was the one who led you to destroy the forbidden area. This time … I just happen to help you again by the way.”

Ye Qinghan secretly whispered to himself that he was going through the boat to take the two children to the central area. Suddenly there was chaos outside, and the panic was filled.

“Major event is not good! The Emperor of the Forbidden City is out again, and the war broke out!”

A panic sound erupted within 1000 cities, covering most of the 1000 cities.


In the central area, the emperor’s dead spirit raged, devouring 10000 spirits, and the ancient killing god cooperated with the world’s powerhouse to resist, not seeking to kill, but seeking to be injured.

Self-destruction, life-threatening, everywhere, blood flowing into a river, corpses everywhere across the field.

The city was leveled, and how many Shenwu powerhouses became cannon fodder.

Despair was spreading, and shouts of panic and despair filled the four parties.

Fu Su went to war, Pangolin went to war, and Emperor Xiong reappeared, but Ye Qinghan not at all appeared in this era.

Human beings are weak and crushed.

Although the situation is different from that year, the severity is not inferior to that year. Many familiar young kings swore their death vows and rushed forward. Unfortunately, facing the emperor, it was still cannon fodder.

Pangolin took an enemy of dozens of people, still the scene, took half of the life of the powerhouse, and finally died as a self-destruction.

The loss of an emperor, the human condition is worrying, how many Dao Realm Holy Land’s patriarchs fought, and Self-destruction died, but only the emperor was injured.

xiu’s € ‘€ € € € €

A cloud boat smashed into the battlefield, angry at Rising Galaxy, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

At this time everyone was stunned, never seen such a ride through a cloud boat, is it possible that you want to hit the dead?

The Necromancer was startled by the momentum driving through Yunzhou, and then laughed heartily.

“Ant! What is this?”

The sound is sharp and the human scalp is numb.

Emperor Fusu was white-clothed, old and much older, and now staring at Yunzhou.


The iron gate passing through the cloud boat was kicked directly.

(Yin) ——————

The iron gate cut through time and space and crashed into the distance.

cough cough cough ……

There were two child-like coughing sounds passing through the cloud boat, which were shed by tears of air and smoke.

“Master, won’t you ride through the cloud boat?”

“I trust, can you be so fierce when you stop? Scared this Divine Bird!”

There was a cursing sound through the cloud boat, which temporarily stopped the fierce death battle.

“Shut up! How many years haven’t I been in control of this thing? It’s enough to run here safely.”

In a word, Ye Qinghan took Ye Huang, Lin Wutian and Divine Bird to the center of the battlefield, disregarding all necropolises and human powerhouses, and warned in a cold voice, “You have temporarily stopped your hands and injured 2 children around me. I Let you die without a burial site! “

This time between Heaven and Earth came to an abrupt end, everyone was still in place, and the necromancer stared at Ye Qinghan, with covetous and murderous intention in his eyes.

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