Xuanze didn’t know the specific information about the sinner. Only some legends were circulated among the clan, but it was strictly forbidden to tell outsiders, otherwise he would be condemned.

After a long discussion, Ye Qinghan decided to divide the troops into two lanes, all the way to find the detention place of the eternal sinner, and all the way to find Saint Physique of Yin and Yang. Ye Qinghan himself went to find the detained existence.

Nine Realms, except for a few forests that are not touched by humans, there is really no place to hold an eternal existence.

Ye Qinghan left Nine Prefectures Continent and the first stop was the suspension island!

“I don’t think there is a clue on the floating island. You have to remember what Xuanze said.” Divine Bird was so excited, as if he wanted to see his ancestors. Seeing that Ye Qinghan was running in the wrong direction, he quickly reminded, “Xuanze said that he was here 2. The ambassador family guards the sinners. Except for the Yin Yang Xuan, other races die when they approach the sinner! The Yin Yang Xuan are not fools and will definitely stay away from that land. “

“I know, if we go to the suspension island to check if there are any clues, such as history books, the residences of the old people of the clan will definitely have records.” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

A few days later, Ye Qinghan crossed the forest and appeared on the floating island.

“The suspension island is so big, the clan boss must live in this palace, you left and right.” Ye Qinghan pointed at the palace.

“Well! Gā gā gā, eternal, Ben Divine Bird, if you come out, will you give me a chance, let me at least become Supreme’s Paragon Realm Master, just like the shit. “

Divine Bird grinned lowly, and the silhouette flickered to the left of the palace.

Ye Qinghan shook his head and smiled bitterly before heading to the right.

The palace was huge and dilapidated. Only some of the rooms survived. The rooms were shrouded in strange formations, but the formations were shattered.

Ye Qinghan investigates one by one, pulls away the ruins, takes out the madness and flies a piece of stone, looking for some ancient books. Some books record different historical civilizations, even the text is different, even the secret technique and the mysterious fluctuations. Different.

Ye Qinghan uses the mysterious wave to perceive the above text, realizes the Profound Truth of the above text, and sees as if drunk and stupefied.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Ye Qinghan flipped through the ancient book and read more than ten ancient books in a row. I found that Nine Realms has inherited at least several civilizations, but the previous civilization has been destroyed, leaving only some words inheritance and some intelligent human blood. Continuous inheritance and continuous development, from the decline of mythical civilization to the cold weapon civilization, and finally with the opening of wisdom, change to mechanical civilization, and finally the world annihilation, some people undergo mutation, and develop into mythical civilization again.

Ye Qinghan the more I look at the history, the more strange the track is, the more I understand, what I haven’t seen does not mean it doesn’t exist! When an era disappears, along with the rapid growth of historical rings, many words disappear, and legends become myths, nothingness, and human-made stories.

“A lot of legends are true! Is not legend …” Ye Qinghan whispered as he flipped through the ancient book.

“Then the legend of the Yin-Yang Xuan tribe is also true. Saint-Physique of Yin-Yang, Nine Realms is holding a Supreme sinner …”

Ye Qinghan murmured as he continued to read ancient books.

Many ancient books have been destroyed by the war, and the appearance does not seem to be all damaged, but once touched, it turns into dust and floats in the wind.

Changing rooms one after another, just like watching the story of each and everyone, most of them are documentary ancient books, not the secret technique, every room has it.

Divine Bird has already looked through the palace on the left, turned back to see Ye Qinghan, and only turned a few rooms. He shook his head and said anxiously, “When are you looking for this? Eternal existence! Are you in no hurry? No Excited? “

Ye Qinghan waved and sent Divine Bird out, coldly said, “You are looking for you, I read these ancient book history.”

Divine Bird lazy talked about Ye Qinghan, skipped more than ten rooms and continued to look for.


Ye Qinghan turned up a complete room, but the door was blocked by a large stone, which was shattered by his palm.

The room is very serious and there is no extra item decoration. Except for the stone bed and a quilt, it is a table at the window. On the table are 2 quaint books.

Ye Qinghan reached out for the first book, and the first page of it reads: 1000 Autumn Records.

Opening the first page, a row of small characters appeared in front of Ye Qinghan.

“My family is yin and yang, following the destiny to guard the sinner continent. With the ebbing of time, I did n’t know what crime the sinner committed, and why could n’t communicate. For many years, no one went to the prison where the sinner was. Old man almost forgot the place. … “

“The eternity, which led to the genocide of the eleven ambassadors, has left inheritance for generations. The old man did not want those Fellow Daoist genocide, leaving some remnants. Fortunately, the revenge did not receive the inheritance. The old man left the sinners lineage and eleven. The descendants of the messenger Fellow Daoist merged and gradually formed a Tiny World. “


“This year, the 7 stars returned to one. The old man deduced Yin and Yang. It was speculated that the sinner’s continent would cause evil to the Yin and Xuan clans and be destroyed by the sinner’s hands. However, the old man’s ability was limited. Although he had the intention to deduct millions and millions of years, he could not stop it. People must keep in mind that the Yin-Yuan Xuan ethnic group 10000 cannot leave the suspended island. “

Ye Qinghan was short of breath, flipping through quickly, looking for the trace of the so-called sinner, but at this moment was also frightened and secretly whispered, “The continent will cause evil to the Yin and Yang Gens. If it is destroyed by the hands of the sinner, would n’t it mean that Nine Realms is going to Destroyed by the Eternal One? Or did the Eternal One help me destroy this calamity? “

Ye Qinghan couldn’t see what the writer meant, and continued to turn down.

However, the place where the sinners were detained later only mentioned why the sinners were detained.

“Sinners who disobey the discipline of the Eternal Lord?”

Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows and felt that this convict was really overbearing. He actually suppressed an eternal existence here for countless years because of the collision of a sentence, witnessing the rise and fall of several civilizations in Nine Realms days!

“Are we the descendants of sinners?”

Ye Qinghan included this ancient book in the Universe Ring, picked up another book, and was surprised at the beginning.

“I yearn for eternity, but my family is too clever. Deducing Heaven’s Mystery, after offending some people, was assigned to the land of sinners, to see the sinners, old man. I do n’t know if the real sinner is the eternal one or our Yin Yang Xuan!”

“The ancestors strictly performed the destiny, but the old man wanted to release the eternal Lord and leave this place of sinners … wandering on the reincarnation cliff several times, and eventually did not step on the other side, I do not want to be a sinner of the Yin Yang Xuan tribe, but I am too committed Deep, only by gathering the Taoist fruits, and in the book, those who have fate can open this towering record, release and imprison, and let the monarch decide for himself. “


A divine glow rushed to Ye Qinghan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. It was too fast, so fast that he didn’t even respond, and a soft light enveloped his body.

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