Ye Qinghan was too fast and appeared directly in front of the beard ghosts and gods. He still had time to see them clearly. The ghost blades cut through time and space and killed Ye Qinghan.

xiu’s € ‘€ € € € €

Ye Qinghan stepped back, avoiding a hit.



After Ye Qinghan stepped back, the short blade tore the cliffs on both sides, and it was horrifying.

“Stop! I’m not malicious!”

Ye Qinghan stood firm and did not take a shot, but the beard ghost did not stop. The short blade was as powerful as a rainbow, wide open and close, like a dragon flying and domineering 10000 points.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Wow ——————

Blade light cuts through the space, passing across Ye Qinghan all around.

Ye Qinghan kept dodging, and it became more and more certain that this was the Dragon Cane Blade Technique. It was just the ghost and god who unconsciously played it. Although he couldn’t see his face, it was certain that this person was a grudge dragon!

“Resentment Dragon! It’s me!”

Ye Qinghan roared, desolate aura burst out, and pressed against the grudge dragon.

Complaining about Dragon Qi stagnating, he had no memory, but he paused for a moment, and the suffocation on his body rushed towards the 4th party.

Shua! !

Yin ———-

Blade light cuts the ancient trees and rocks, which is as fast as lightning and does not mean to stop.

“Is he a grudge dragon? Why don’t you know you?” Divine Bird asked quickly.

“He devoured too much soul energy, too much suffocation, and negative energy caused his soul to lose control. The cultivation deviation requires his soul to be completely purified before he can be rational!” Ye Qinghan kept dodging, explaining, gaze as if a torch, Look for opportunities.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Bang bang bang!

The cliffs are constantly being cut off by short blades. The Blade Technique of the Grudge Dragon is overbearing and aggressive, and Ye Qinghan is forced to retreat.

How difficult it is to not only hurt the grudge dragon, but to catch it alive! With Ye Qinghan’s cultivation base, there is nothing he can do. It can be seen how much energy is consumed by the grudge dragon at this moment to become such a powerful ghost!

Ye Qinghan constantly changes positions and seeks opportunities for shots, but this set of Blade Techniques has no weak spot, even if the resentful dragon has no wisdom, it is just a fierce beast that can attack, which makes people unable to attack.

“It seems that it can only be stormed!”

Ye Qinghan cold glow flashed, mobilized Yin Yang Xuanlu to rush into the sky, shooting the divine glow 4 against the entire canyon.

“Heaven and Earth Promise, Yin and Yang law enforcement, one for Heaven and Earth, 2 for Yin and Yang, 3 for 10000 1000! Repression ————————”


Yin ———-

Yin and Yang Xuanlu spins quickly to form a vortex, enclosing the resentful dragon.


Yin and Yang Xuanlu fell, as if the heavens fell, suppressing the earth, the resentful dragon could not be restrained, and the earth was collapsed.

Ka ka ka !

The rock was broken, an abyss appeared under his feet, and his leg bones were twisted.

Roar! ! !

The grudge growled, and the fleshhy body was 10000 points strong, but there was no sign of collapse.

“Resent the dragon, I am a famine! Stop the resistance, otherwise your fleshhy body will collapse …” Ye Qinghan gritted his teeth and snarled, sweating his forehead, this move and its exhausting effort, although now devouring more than a dozen ghosts and gods Energy can only be 30% of its formidable power.

Bang bang bang!!

The rocks under Yulong’s feet continued to collapse, turning into powder.


Ye Qinghan didn’t want to hurt the grieving dragon ghost, and patted his back with a palm on his chest, grabbing the sword empty-handed.

Shua! !

The short blade was taken away by Ye Qinghan. The resentment dragon couldn’t bear it, and finally he was kneeled on the ground by Yin Yang Xuan Lu, unable to resist.


Yu Long kneeled on her legs, her arms supported, her bones were almost crushed.

Ye Qinghan adjusted her strength to control the resentment dragon in place, the soul controlled the yin and yang xuanlu, and her two palms pressed against the resentment dragon’s head, helping her to refining suffocation and negative emotions.

Bang bang bang!


Long Yu screamed screaming, if it was not suppressed by Yin Yang Xuanlu, he would have resisted and killed Ye Qinghan long ago.

The black mist constantly appeared above the dragon’s head, full of destruction and slaughter, and the violent breath spreading became more and more serious.

Ye Qinghan gasping for breath, bleeding from the nostrils, exhausting more and more strength, and getting weaker and weaker.

The slaughter and Destruction Aura of the grudge dragon within the body slowly decreased, the soul impurities were quickly expelled, the radon gradually decreased, and her eyes were a little clear.

After a long time, Ye Qinghan conquered the Yin and Yang Xuanlu and weakened the energy disintegration. At this moment, the grudge dragon almost restored Divine Consciousness, at least not like a beast, only attacking. Now with a simple thinking, lifts the head slightly and looks at Ye Qinghan His face was breathless, and the tight Iron Fist loosened slightly.

The realm of the grudge dragon at this moment is Realm Master level. If there is an orthodox cultivation method at first, then it is a powerful guardian who may even control the army. Now Ye Qinghan is refining negative energy and wisdom is quickly repairing.

Hu hu hu!

Ye Qinghan gasping for breath, finally let go. Although the resentment dragon has a lot of negative energy and suffocation, it is 100 times better than before!

The murmurous grudge dragon finally cleared up, looked at Ye Qinghan in confusion, and murmured, “Who are you?”

“You and I were brothers!” Ye Qinghan reminded in a deep voice.

The resentful dragon is still confused, staying in hell for so long, without reincarnation, and from the land of sinners, it is difficult to have a chance of reincarnation, only to devour energy in the great hell, to cultivate the ghost and god realm, but the more you practice, the less conscious, Just like a wild beast, if it were not for Ye Qinghan, he would sink forever without a chance to be born again!

“As long as you know, I won’t hurt you!” Ye Qinghan’s excited blood surged, and this mood was even more exciting than getting Supreme Treasure! Happier.

“Many thanks … I can feel that you won’t hurt me.” Yu Long whispered and frowned, but couldn’t remember anything, and often it was a subconscious reaction that’s all.

“Stay by my side, I will slowly clear all your negative emotions within the body, and then look for a chance to send you into reincarnation!” Ye Qinghan pats Yu Long said on the shoulder.

Reincarnation … Not everyone has the opportunity to reincarnate in the form of a complete soul body. There must be great opportunities, Great Destiny!

Brother reunited, Ye Qinghan was extra excited. Within a few days, after Ye Qinghan recovered his strength, he completely dispelled the demonic essence of the Dragon Dragon within the body, so that he was completely awake, but the memory of the previous life was still not restored. It is the soul of the year, the new fleshhy body. If he is said to be a grudge dragon, he is, if he is not, then he cannot be regarded as a real grudge dragon.

But for Ye Qinghan, as long as the soul has not changed, no matter what the memory is, that is brother!

After the resentment dragon regained his sanity, Ye Qinghan thought about it again and decided to be separated from him, otherwise he would drag down the resentment dragon, and even not have the chance to reincarnate.

“You stay in these dangerous places for 100 years, and do n’t devour the energy of ghosts and gods. After I leave District 6, the blockade of District 6 and 7 will be undone, when the time comes, you go to District 1 and find a chance. Reincarnation, maybe you can join the army first, and after you have done your job, the reincarnation City Lord will naturally give you some opportunities, not for riches, but for rebirth! “Ye Qinghan reminded Shen Sheng.

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