In the remote territory of the Great Buddha Temple, there are 10000 mountains in the mountains.

Ye Qinghan intercepted 3 bounty hunters in a mountain range and got a warrant. Bai Yuran’s eyes widened when he saw it.

“Master, I was expelled from the gate? But I didn’t steal the secret technique!” Bai Yuran lost control on the spot, weeping bitter tears.

The wanted warrant in Ye Qinghan’s hands is dyed in white!

Ye Qinghan Shattered Wanted Order, pats vernacular dyed weak boneless fragrant shoulder, whispered to appease, “I’m sorry, I was implicated in you, the spirit female sect wanted you, but also for self-protection, the strong man broke his wrist, and the car to be handsome that’s all, as for the Spirit Girl, there is that old beam and nothing will happen. “

Bai Yuran wept low, very remorseful, and asked uneasily, “Can Uncle Liang really keep our Spirit Girl?”

Ye Qinghan nodded, saying with certainty, “This person ’s cultivation base is unfathomable. Compared to me, he is only strong and not weak. It should be the existence of the Realm Master Ninth Layer. The eternal is not out. It is estimated that no one can do anything about him. Since he I am in love with your Master, and I will certainly protect the female prince, and other forces will give him some face. “

Bai Yuran then calmed down, put on makeup, burned a small Formula, and changed his appearance.


At this time, the land of Nine Provinces, Yanao summoned the 9 Sovereign, Kuangzong Elder, and all trusted powerhouses, summoned to Sword Sect.

“Fellow Daoists, Old Ye, and Yamaha have entered Eternal Great World for so many years, and there is no message, but the card is not broken, it must not have been born, you should run away. I worry that hell will be involved in Nine Provinces, so today, Nine Provinces official All forces are demobilized, and you must enter Eternal Great World. You must remain anonymous, and you must not expose yourself until Old Ye needs you. Naturally, you will find a way to notify you. Old Ye may not be able to find you when I am not looking for you. Me or Old Ye! “

Yan Ao said in a loud voice to the crowd.


Lonely light feather and the others firmly nodded, enter Eternal Great World, one wrong step, the power of the entire Nine Provinces may be burned by the official power of Big World.

Yan Ao looked at the powerhouse in Nine Provinces, including Supreme God and the pseudo-Realm Master. At least several 10000 people were summoned here, took a deep breath, and the low voice echoed like Hong Zhong.

“You guys, you may not be Big Ye, or you do n’t recognize me, the Flame Dragon commander, but you must recognize that the blood flowing in your body is the blood of Nine Provinces. 10000 must not be a high position and great. wealth sells Nine Provinces, brothers who have fought side by side for so many years! “


Yan Ao held his chest with a big hand, performed a military salute, stared at everyone, his eyes were sharp, and he was extremely sharp.

“Oh! We are born in Nine Provinces, and dead are Nine Provinces ghosts!”


The people were uniform and magnificent, and at the same time performed a Flame Dragon salute.

Standing in the distance, the Extremity 4 Tiger was stunned by the mad Zong and the Flame Dragon army’s numerous powerhouses at the moment. This is the real iron plate. Such a giant amongst men entering the Big World, there must be many people who can set off a storm.

Solitary light feather, Lin Wutian, Jiang Jingtian, Li Feng, Mo Li, Emperor Longtian, Ye Huangzhu …

There are nearly 40 people in the group of Kuangzong Inner Sect. They enter the Holy Light unrelentingly, and are continuously teleported away. There are also some people who are not strong enough to be teleported, but most of the Supreme God are Teleported away.

For a year in a row, 10000 people were all teleported away. The powerful people in the Nine Provinces showed faults, but not at all.

In the end, Yan Ao left, and the land of Nine Provinces was quiet.


Ye Qinghan did not know that the powerful masters in Nine Provinces were dismissed, and he did not know that Yan Ao’s move saved the entire Nine Provinces.

In the 5th year that Yan Ao disbanded the Nine Provinces powerhouse, they have already been scattered into Tianfo Temple, Heavenspan Church and other major territories. It is like a drop in the sea, there is no trace, but at this time, a person who disappeared for many years appeared.

It’s a shit!

He did not go to Tianfo Temple, but joined the bounty hunter organization! After several efforts, he became an Elder in the headquarters of the Bounty Hunter Division in Tianfo Temple, and met Mengzun and a powerful Buddha in Tianfo Temple.

“You guys, it ’s a great deal to deal with Ye Qinghan for several epochs. It ’s a pity that he did n’t kill him, but I know his weaknesses. I have at least two ways to grasp him, as long as your superiors cooperate with me! “

Mu Zun and Meng Zun and the Great Buddha at Tianfo Temple looked curiously, Mu Zun curiously asked, “You said, how can you catch Ye Qinghan? If you can really catch Ye Qinghan, you will be raised to 7 Star Bounty Hunter, who controls a large area of ​​bounty organizations. “

“Yes, I will reward you with the Temple of Heaven and honor you as an honorable Buddha.”

“The old man will owe you a favor, as long as you say, I will do it for you.”

Hell and Tianfo Temple 2 great experts also promised.

“Many thanks to the three Supreme Masters.” It ’s savagely smiled with a bit of evil, and then seriously said, “Ye Qinghan is from the Nine Provinces. As long as we cooperate, break the Nine Provinces Seal and arrest all his brother sisters, he It won’t happen, it’s one way. “

“What about the second method?” Mu Zun frowned.

“Order the Ling Nvzong to arrest Ye Qinghan. This Liang Zhengtai is not powerful. Let him take the shot himself. Ye Qinghan is definitely not an opponent!” Said with a smile.

Mengzun frowned, and asked in a cold voice, “Liang Zhengtai has seen through life and death, and the cultivation base is unfathomable. Why do we order him to arrest Ye Qinghan? Besides, the Spirit Girl has already cleared the boundary with Baiyu in advance And issued a warrant, how can we get them to shoot? “

“Everyone knows that the Lingyu Sect wanted Bai Yuran is just an expedient measure. They want to lose the car and protect them. In fact, they understand that they must have a responsibility for this matter. The Immortal Lord married and wanted to protect the female ancestors, so we gave the female ancestors 100 years to arrest Bai Yuran and Ye Qinghan, and give them the opportunity to draw a clear line with Ye Qinghan and Bai Yuran, otherwise they will be accomplices. Given 100 years of time, he not only gave Liang Zhengtai face, but also threatened the Ling Nu Clan. I believe Liang Zheng Tai will catch Ye Qinghan to protect the Ling Nu Clan! “Said with a smile.

“A good way to do it. If it doesn’t work, the people who arrested the Nine Provinces threaten Ye Qinghan to show up!”

“I agree.”

it is good!

Three Great Supremes powerhouse is also nodded at the same time, ready to use the second solution, the first solution is reserved.

A month later, Mengzun took the top ten Paragon ghosts, Mu Zun took 100 6-star bounty hunters, 4 7-star bounty hunters, and the Tianfo Temple Buddha took ten 8 Luohan to the spiritual female ancestors and issued the final Tongyi, catching Ye Qinghan and Bai Yuran for a period of 100 years and drawing a line with them.

With so many masters pressing, Liang Zhengtai was helpless.

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