The net Celestial Demon is hidden by the Divine Bird on the back of the snake, covered with a lot of leaves, covering the blue light, but the Spiritual Qi cannot hide it.

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The multi-layered viper walks at night and is ready to return to Ye Qinghan.

But at an instant when they returned to the valley, a silhouette came quietly, and Divine Bird saw that silhouette and almost fainted, because the person who came was Mu Zun.

Mu Zun flickered, staring at Divine Bird with a sneer in his mouth.

“Flat hair beasts, I can’t think of meeting you here! It seems that Ye Qinghan is not far from here, really travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily!” Mu Zun said coldly with a smile.

How could Divine Bird and Vipera be Mu Zun’s opponents? The two goods were scared. But Divine Bird responded very fast and suddenly jumped into the sky. It was yelled, “Flight away, I am a wanted criminal who Tianfu himself wants to catch. , His goal is me, you help me lead this junk! “

call out! !!

When Divine Bird finished speaking, he turned away and flew into the distance.

Xiu xiu xiu! !

Just as Mu Zun hesitated which one to catch, the spotted snake became a stream of light, and quickly disappeared into the night.

“You old fart, have the ability to fly up and catch me!”

Divine Bird flew into the sky and turned his head as a curse, constantly provoking Mu Zun, trying to give the snake a chance to escape.

Mu Zun was furious, soaring into the sky, the five fingers turned into sharp claws, the endless divine force roared, turned into a sky-covered hand drill toward Divine Bird.

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After Divine Bird scolded, he suddenly rose again, evaded the killing move, and once again cursed, “This Divine Bird makes you a pair of wings, you have no ability to catch me, you are not as good as a flat-haired animal, it is a waste, but What’s Mu Zun? It’s good to be garbage Mu! “


Mu Zun was so angry that he didn’t want to catch anything. He pulled his sword through the sky, pierced through nothingness, and approached Divine Bird.

Divine Bird was almost distracted by the vigor. Seeing that the viper snake had fled away, it went in the opposite direction, dived down from the void, and went straight to Mu Zun, crossing with sword energy.


Divine Bird fell to the ground, lying not far in front of Mu Zun, full of insignificance and charming, said trembling, “Mu Zun is mighty, the small is not the opponent, I surrendered, do you want to catch Ye Qinghan? I can lead the way Oh, he’s been hit hard now, and as long as you sneak up with me, he won’t even have the chance to fight. “

Mu Zun stretched out five fingers to pinch this Stinking Insect, but in order to catch Ye Qinghan, he had to hold back.

“Where is he?” Mu Zun asked coldly.

“Hehehe … I’m here, how far can he be?” Divine Bird lowly laughed, pointing in the direction Ye Qinghan was in, without the slightest hesitation selling him.

Mu Zun raised his corner of his mouth and said disdainfully, “You are such a jerk, even the owner can sell without the slightest hesitation. Can this seat believe you?”

“Junjie is a talented person, a talented person chooses a patron of integrity, in fact, Ye Qinghan, a product with no background and no strength, I just surrender temporarily. This is not a master of such a powerful force It ’s not normal to want to run under your control. ”Divine Bird said warily.


Mu Zun is groaned, although he doesn’t like Divine Bird, these words are still quite useful.

“What is his injury now?” Mu Zun asked lowly.

“This product has a few hundred years of lifespan left. Now it’s just an arrow at the end of its flight. I dare not fight hard. If you are injured, you will die. I will take you to catch him, right?” Divine Bird charming Proposed.

However, Mu Zun did not believe it, or did not believe it. If Ye Qinghan was seriously injured, he must believe that it was strange if Ye Qinghan was not injured last time, but if he was left with only a few The 100-year lifespan is a bit exaggerated. Besides, Divine Bird wants to take him to catch Ye Qinghan, can he believe it?

“Wait a while, there are helpers in this seat!” Mu Zun said coldly.

Divine Bird looked at Mu Zun exaggeratedly, and said with some suspicion, “Mu Zun, you are not such a stupid person, catch Ye Qinghan, don’t you have to divide half the credit? Dealing with a seriously injured waste, isn’t it very easy I’m in your palm, can’t you fly out? Don’t you be so confident? “

Mu Zun thinks about it too. Divine Bird is the most scared of death. It is impossible to use his life to make a bet to flicker him. Isn’t that his own courting death?

When Divine Bird saw Mu Zun hesitated, he immediately added another fire, and asked his chest, “Do you think I am afraid of Divine Bird?”

Mu Zun immediately nodded, “Not like, you are afraid of death!”

Divine Bird said arrogantly, “Your Senior really has a bright vision like a torch. You can see through the small nature at a glance. Indeed, I am very afraid of death, so I will not give up my life for Ye Qinghan.”

Mu Zun looking thoughtful, after thinking about it and believing the words of Divine Bird, he took Divine Bird to gallop towards Ye Qinghan.


At this moment, the spotted viper has entered the valley where Ye Qinghan is located. Ye Qinghan was shocked when he saw the spotted viper returning alone, and quickly stood up to pick up the net Celestial Demon on his back, and asked, “What about Divine Bird?”

si si hiss! !!

The spotted snake spit out its core and turned into a mark into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Ye Qinghan, informing Ye Qinghan of the previous situation.

Ye Qinghan couldn’t help but see towards the mountain valley, he was sure that Divine Bird must have sold him, secretly thought, “Can’t let Qin Maohuo know my identity.”


Ye Qinghan took the bucket, regardless of the tingling in his body, stepped out of the carriage, and said to Qin Yunhuo and Qin Xuanxuan, “I have something, I’ll be back soon, just wait for me.”

After speaking, without waiting for Qin Maohuo to be nodded, Ye Qinghan rushed out of the valley, Divine Consciousness swept forward, and soon found the tracks of Divine Bird and Mu Zun.

At this moment, Divine Bird was standing on Mu Zun’s shoulders, charmingly knotted, and the meanness was a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again.


Ye Qinghan exhales one mouthful of impure air, rushing towards an empty cliff with a golden stick on its back, the blue flame demon fire within the body is burning wildly, especially after using the divine force, the temperature of the flame is even more vigorous, even the bones It’s going to be burned.


Ye Qinghan didn’t dare to move around anymore, he covered his chest, like 10000 ants eclipsed his heart, his body was in blue light, and he was in pain.


Ye Qinghan waved and spread the Queen Queen Mother out, and Child Insect permeated the whole valley. Now Mu Zun can only be killed by the Queen King poison.

Mu Zun also found Ye Qinghan and felt that he was not even standing. It was estimated that what Divine Bird said was true, and he speeded up. After the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, he reached Ye Qinghan.

4 Eye to eye, with a trace of very ruthless in his eyes.

“So many people didn’t catch you at the beginning, but now I’m caught by myself. It seems that I can’t run away as a 9-star bounty hunter.” Mu Zun said excitedly.

Mu Zun was defenseless. Looking at Ye Qinghan’s miserable situation, it was to be wild with joy.

Ye Qinghan ashen-faced, Blu-ray is horrible, especially eyes, become a little scary.

“It seems that you dare to eat anything and touch anything for healing! Your courting death can’t blame others, old man can honor two Supreme Eternal Lords at the same time today!” Mu Zun laughed proudly, waving his hand towards Ye Qinghan caught it.

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