Ye Qinghan and Qin Yinghuo went side by side. The streets were very clean. The boardwalk is not allowed to sell dive medicine treasure, otherwise it will be banned. This regulation has prospered some Trading Company. Adventurer ca n’t sell the adventure proceeds at high prices and can only sell them at low prices. Selling to Trading Company, Trading Company sells at a high level and earns great profits.

Every Trading Company is overcrowded, but anyone who can open a Trading Company here is a person with a strong background, and they also have an intersection with the official forces. Black and white are all-take-all, and no one dares to make trouble in the city.

Qin Maohuo found several Inns, all of which were full, and couldn’t find a place to stay. However, I was anxious. Finally, I had to find an Inn through an official friend and got 3 rooms.

After Ye Qinghan moved in, she and Qin Xuan announced a dual cultivation technique to help her fully understand the Essence of Fire. She was also desperately conquering the Blue Flame Demon Fire. She did n’t make a head for a full 3 days. women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, a male and a female together alone are in the same room. If it is passed on, their glory will be lost.

It’s a pity that Qin Xuanhuo doesn’t know how happy Qin Xuanxuan is at the moment, enjoying the double limit Peak of the fleshhy body and soul, wishing to hang on Ye Qinghan.

On the 3rd day, Ye Qinghan and Qin Xuan Xuan were naked, hugging each other, and stroking the skin like water with their big hands, with a trace of rays of light in their eyes, and the room echoed with extravagant taste.

Qin Xuanxuan had no shyness, took the initiative to drill into his arms, slender legs entangled, his eyes were full of worship and admiration, said endearing little bird, “Master, I feel I am about to fly …”

“It ca n’t fly yet. It ’s only 2 days away from the start of the race. Within 2 days, you have to make 50 furnaces to break the world, 50 furnaces to gather soul spirit, and ensure that the yield is more than 50%. If you want to get 3 A, you must guarantee I can make Top Grade Divine Pill. These materials ask you grandfather for more. The better, you have to prepare a few hundred thousand strands of material. “

The Pill Refining Master is the accumulation of money. The average family cannot afford such a consumption. Even a force such as Fire Beacon City, it is difficult to cultivate a Divine Pill Master. If it is not Ye Qinghan, it will help Qin Xuanxuan raise the fire. Department of origin, plus pill concocting guidance, I do not know how much money will be consumed.

Qin Xuan straightened his tongue, got up and put on his clothes, and left the room to ask Qin Huihuo for materials.

Qin Yuehuo started to practice pill concocting when he heard it, and he was very excited. Not to mention the waste of a few thousand thousand strands of money, which is a few million, which is 1000000% less than many Divine Pill Masters!

Qin Yuehuo quickly left Inn, wasting an hour and buying dozens of materials. This is still because of the relationship. After all, it is during the Pill Master competition. I do n’t know how many Pill Masters gather. All of them need pill concocting to reserve experience. Current materials High, the Pill Master can only watch people’s matches, and he can’t buy too much materials at all.

Back in Inn, I found out that it ’s impossible to pill concocting in the room without refining the pill room. In a hurry, Qin Maohuo and 2 people came to Holy City with a friend family, the Yue Family, the Yue Family is not a small force, There is a master of Realm Master 8-Layer, and there is also a guest official Divine Pill Master in the clan. Both the Dan furnace and the pill room are available.

Yue Family Patriarch Yue Congsheng heard that Qin Yuehuo came, and went out to greet him with a smile on his face.

Ye Qinghan looked at Yue Congsheng. The cultivation base reached Realm Master 8-Layer Peak. He should be a man of the times with Qin Fuhuo. His lifespan is almost close to the limit. It is estimated that it is only 10000 years from the end of life. It is not much better than himself. , The hero is late, and the glory of that year is no longer. Now it is very kind to treat people. Even the tone of speaking to Qin Xuanxuan and Ye Qinghan is very gentle, not as arrogant as that year.

“Brother Qin is long, long time no see, I can’t think of seeing you again in my lifetime.” Yue Congsheng sighed.

Qin Yuehuo was also dim, pulling Yue Congsheng’s fold-like hands, and said lowly, “Brother Yue, we are all people who have been buried in the loess all the time, and we have to come out and run for clansman in person, this is not The Pill Master contest, my little granddaughter even got expert help. Now that I have achieved Divine Pill Master, I want to borrow your place to make a few furnace medicine pill. If she can become a real Divine Pill Master, and draw the Pill Master Association to Fire Beacon City, even if we are gone, you and my family can continue for at least some time. “

“What? The girl Xuan Xuan has become the Divine Pill Master?” Yue Congsheng’s shocked expression stared at Qin Xuanxuan and Ye Qinghan, with unbelievable eyes.

Qin Xuan said with arrogance, but said respectfully to Yue Congsheng, “Yue grandfather, I heard that you had hugged me when I was born, and I gave you a hoe here.”

Having said that, Qin Xuanxuan quickly knelt on and made a noise, which was already the most solemn etiquette.

Hahaha ……

Yue Congsheng rejoiced for 10000 points, and quickly helped Qin Xuan Xuan Xuan, and then stared at Ye Qinghan. Although he could not see the special bucket, he could see that Ye Qinghan was not an ordinary person. He could cultivate Divine Pill Master. The most amazing thing. Also Divine Pill Master 9-Layer great expert!

“Sir … what do you call it?” Yue Congsheng asked cup one fist in the other hand.

Ye Qinghan wrote 揖 replied, “Yue Family Zhuang, call me Xiao Yang, or just in heaven.”

Yue Congsheng did not expect Ye Qinghan to speak so well. Suddenly, a full of smiles introduced 3 people to the Yue Family, and his eyes were a bit different.

Ye Qinghan saw the glory in Yue Congsheng’s eyes and was not malicious. There seemed to be something to discuss, but Yue Congsheng didn’t say that he would not take the initiative to ask, otherwise others thought he had any motivation.

Yue Congsheng arranged a refining pill room and a high-end alchemic furnace for Ye Qinghan and Qin Xuanxuan, and took Qin Yinghuo into the main hall.

Not at all in the main hall disturbed, Yue Congsheng looked at Qin Maohuo with excitement, and looked forward to asking, “Who is this Mr. Yang? Can I teach the Divine Pill Master, presumably the big Divine Pill Master?”

Qin Maohuo frowned, shook the head, said with a bitter smile, “old man, there is no person who can see through in this life, but this person, I can’t see through, in just 3 months, forcibly has no foundation in my family Xuan Xuan sent Divine Pill Master realm, and I can see that the main attack direction of this person is not pill concocting, it should be a god martial artist. “

“What? Three months for Xuan Xuan to advance to Divine Pill Master? Old Brother, are you sure that Xuan Xuan had no foundation before?” Yue Congsheng stood up from the chair in shock, his face full of doubt.

“Brother, what else can you and I not say? I walked from a small monk to this step in my life, and you do n’t understand my granddaughter. She loved martial arts Magical Powers from a young age. Where did you want to learn Pill Refining Technique? , My Qin Family may not be able to support it! “Qin Yinghuo said with a bitter smile.

“Mr. Yang can elevate a person who has no foundation in Pill Recipe to Divine Pill Master realm. Isn’t this person’s pill concocting accomplishment to reach St. Pill Master realm? At least it is St. Pill Master small accomplishment realm powerhouse. “Yue Congsheng asked with 10000 points of joy.

Qin Yuehuo shook his head again and again, “This is impossible. If it is really the Holy Pill Master small accomplishment realm, how could it be because of a Yin-Yang Jade staying in Fire Beacon City for so long?”

But Yue Congsheng said with anticipation, “If is real? I occasionally get a Pill Recipe called Longevity Pill, a very complete Pill Recipe. If he can make Longevity Pill, can we not live for another life?”

Qin Yuehuo was surprised next time, and quickly grabbed Yue Congsheng’s hand and said, “Brother, is this true? Longevity Pill Everyone knows that the main materials are also well-known, but few people know the details of Pill Recipe. If you have, say Maybe I can invite St. Pill Master! ”

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