Eliminating the hundred thousand years of worship is a very large number.

Ye Qinghan bowed slightly, thanked him, and left the temple to return to the Yue Family.

Both Yue Family and Qin Xuan Xuan were panicking at the moment. The atmosphere was dead. Yue Congsheng’s life card was broken, but it was not broken. I do n’t know if it was death or severe damage. As for Qin Yehuo, the life card was in Fire Beacon City. 10000 points.

Qin Xuanxuan understood the danger of this mission, and it was normal for some people to die!

As everyone waited for the meeting, Ye Qinghan returned, still carrying a fight, but the low mood suddenly panicked.

“Sorry, I haven’t been able to bring your family’s Patriarch back!” Ye Qinghan’s voice was very low.

Qin Xuanxuan’s body flickered, desperately paralyzed sitting on a chair, and several old men of the Yue Family burst into tears. They were all Yue Congsheng’s sons. The cultivation base is not bad, but it can never lead a family in Holy City. Survive.

“I have applied to Sword Dao Sect, Qin Family, Yue Family, and the family of 4 of their friends will be exempt from the request for worship for thousand years, and they have already agreed.” Ye Qinghan stared at the crowd, said Hell.

It is good news to waive the hundred thousand years of worship. For these old men who are about to become enlightened, it is worthwhile for them to die for the thousand thousand years of worship. These families also think so. Sad, but no more embarrassing Ye Qinghan.

Sun Family, Liu Family, Tang Family, Cao Family, it is the family of several friends of Congsheng Yue who are in the Holy City and live in a group with the Yue Family. Ye Qinghan personally went to convey the news.

After completing the message, Ye Qinghan returned to the Yue Family, came to the room alone, completely sealed the room, sighed in relief.


With a wave of Ye Qinghan’s hand, there were more than ten souls in the room, but at this moment the soul was weak and almost collapsed.

“Mr. Yang, why are you destroying our fleshhy body? Why does Lord XIII kill his men? Why is this?”

Qin Yue Fire Spirit, who was the first to wake up, rebuked the unwilling anger.

Ye Qinghan gritted his teeth and silenced, destroying the fleshhy body of these people. Lanyan demon fire did not kill the fleshhy body of these people, but he still felt guilty for 10000 points, facing the purest questioning of their soul, he could not answer.

Yue Cong’s life can still be seen, after all, he is approaching the limit, he will be enlightened at any time, life and death are already very open.

“Beacon Old Brother, forget it, presumably Mr. Yang is also compelled to see it, you also saw how vicious and merciless the sword ten 3 adults shot to kill their own, Mr. Yang can leave our soul, is already taking risks “Yue Congsheng whispered to persuade.


Ye Qinghan sighed, “I will help you to consolidate the flesh and blood, but not now, I hope you can understand that you cannot appear in the world, or else you, your family, including me, cannot live . “

“Because of that Earth Palace?” Qin Huan fired into the real body, but he was very shy, and his soul was far less powerful than the Peak era.

Ye Qinghan nodded.

12 The soul is silent, they have no choice in this mortal action, and Ye Qinghan has no choice.

“Please rest assured, as long as I am still, your family, I will never let them go wrong.” Ye Qinghan said affirmatively.

After soothing everyone’s souls, Ye Qinghan wrapped it in a bag full of life spiritual medicine, hid it in his arms, and then left the Yue Family.

Yaowang Pavilion, Yaowang is back, but the soul is no longer his own, but is replaced by the Queen Queen Mother.

Ye Qinghan came to the top of Yaowang Pavilion and found ‘Yaowang’. At this moment, a lot of materials have been delivered to him. The queen mother looked at Ye Qinghan and immediately sent all the materials to Ye Qinghan. Respectfully replied, “Master, this is the material you want. The Zhiyin to Yang Shenbao has already got it, so Samsara Dao is the fruit.”

Ye Qinghan was satisfied with the nodded, reminding, “10000000 Do not expose the horse’s feet, transfer most of the assets of Yaowang Pavilion and Yaowangzhuang to Zhentianfu. We need to build a small force based on Zhentianfu and temporarily hide here. “

“Yes, Master.” Queen Queen Worm replied respectfully.

Ye Qinghan took back the resource materials, not at all to leave, but to enlighten Longevity Pill in Yaowang Pavilion, every detail was memorized.

Later, Ye Qinghan flipped through the ancient book and Pill Recipe in Yaowang Pavilion. I do n’t know how many Pill Recipes there are, most of which have been lost Pill Recipes, from low-level Pill Recipes to top-level Level 14 Pill Recipes.

Ye Qinghan flipped through the pages, reading them all at a glance.

“Worm King, help me to copy all the Pill Recipes here, I originally wanted to take them away.” Ye Qinghan was so fascinated by these Pill Recipes that he was deeply attracted to them and he put it down.

Queen Queen Mother hastily released countless Child Insects, gathered into adult shapes, and began to transcribe these Pill Recipes.

The layout of the room is very simple, all of them are bookshelves. Each bookshelf has several 100 Pill Recipes. Some medicine pills are killing invisible poisons, and some are Supreme Treasure holy medicines that save people from fire and water.

Ye Qinghan walked around the room, always feeling that some places had not been found.

After searching for a long time, Ye Qinghan put his eyes on the alchemic furnace in the room. The Dan furnace contains endless vicissitudes, I do n’t know the level, and I do n’t know how many years exist in the world. Each rune represents a history.

Ye Qinghan reached out to lift it up and take it away, but suddenly he didn’t hold it.


Ye Qinghan looked at the black Dan furnace in surprise, and found that this Dan furnace was actually connected to Yaowang Pavilion.

Squeak ——

Ye Qinghan turned it gently, and found that the Dan furnace could turn, but he couldn’t pick it up.


The moment Ye Qinghan turned the Dan furnace, the two bookshelves separated automatically, and a small room appeared.

There is also a bookshelf in the room. There is only one book and a very small Dan stove on the bookshelf, but it is the size of a casserole. There are such small Dan stoves, but they are all defective products, but this Dan stove is obviously not Defective goods.

“Good baby!” Ye Qinghan touched the little Dan furnace, revealing purple-golden, and a cold feeling came out after touching it. It was like holding a mountain, which is hard to find. Baby, it is definitely a furnace of ten Grade 5 or more!

Ye Qinghan hid it in his arms and looked at the only book on the shelf.

It’s better to say it’s a book than Ye Qinghan opened it at first glance, the pump light flashed rays of light, carefully read it, almost smiled.

“Longevity Pill refining skills …”

Here is a note from St. Pill Master! Although there is no Pill Recipe in it, there are many pill concocting techniques for advanced divide medicine, which are more valuable than ever!

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