The three of them were also frightened by Ye Qinghan outside the room, taking several steps back.

“What are you doing in the room for the past 2 days?” Fa Fiendgod asked in a muffled voice.

Ye Qinghan groaned, said, “When I first entered the city, I went out and found a decent Ginseng Fruit, but it gave me some vitality.”

“A Ginseng Fruit will have such a big response?” Zhang Yingshi asked skeptically.

Ye Qinghan smiled evilly, “I also picked a beautiful girl, would you like to go in and see …”

boom! !

Zhang Yingshi lifted his feet and stunned. The speed was so extreme that even Ye Qinghan didn’t have time to respond before being kicked.


Ye Qinghan’s body slammed back into the room, almost slammed into the wall, the body was embedded in the wall without the body, and the face twitched. Then I realized that some women can’t be bullied, and words can’t be used for advantage.

“Scum, this time is a little lesson, next time you will know what is pain!” Zhang Yingshi said with a sneer.

Cough cough ……

Ye Qinghan pats The dust on his chest, a cough, no longer care about Zhang Yingshi’s sturdy woman.

Sword XIII is also grinning, but it’s all about alleviating that’s all in good faith.

Fa Fiendgod is very happy, smiling even happier, he has long been unhappy with Ye Qinghan.

“Let’s go.” Ye Qinghan turned his head as if nothing had happened.

Samsara Dao is very important. Even if you do n’t need Longevity Pill for the time being, it does n’t mean that you wo n’t be able to use it in the future. There are always many people who can use it. Besides, there are now 2 free laborers. The eternal ones do not come, and no one can help them.

Zhang Yingshi was coldly snorted. He returned to his room and hugged the child. There was a child as a companion, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. The 4 people guarded the child and used the Transmission Array to move around.

Rushing from one city to another, night and day, almost no need to rest.

It took more than a month for four people and one child to appear outside the Holy Spirit Trading Company.

The Holy Spirit Trading Company is in a neutral position, and is good with all the major forces. Every year, it will send some treasures to the Great Holy Land, which is regarded as an offering. Even if the Holy Spirit Trading Company has no eternal person, no one dares to provoke it.

4 people walked towards the city with their children in their arms, and there were crowds all the way, overcrowded, powerhouse as clouds.

Ye Qinghan looked at the beautiful environment all around and was quite appreciative. The spiritual medicine with immortal spiritual qi breath was planted in a large area, and no one dared to pick it. Guards made up of Realm Master-level experts came back and forth to patrol, Holy Spirit Trading Company’s territory is considered a Holy Land.

After less than 3 miles outside the city, Fa Fiendgod would not like to go all the way with Ye Qinghan, said coldly, “When you come to the city, you go, old man will not go all the way with you, and I will come to you when I need you.”

Zhang Yingshi naturally did not want to be involved with Ye Qinghan. The influence was too great, so he pulled the little Brat and raised him away.

Only Sword Ten 3 and Ye Qinghan 2 people looked at each other in blank dismay.

But the two powerhouses are secretly, they are more relaxed, no longer need to cover up talking.

“It may be dangerous to get into the city, so we should be careful,” Ye Qinghan whispered.

“I’m fine, Holy Spirit Trading Company is not brave, and it won’t kill me in Holy City, when the time comes If you really encounter danger, you leave first, I have my own way.” Sword 3 1 lightly saying.

Ye Qinghan nodded, not polite to him.

2 people speeded up.

Bang bang bang!

Drive! !!

As the two people approached the city gate, a large group of young powerhouses rushed out of their steeds, forcibly hit passers-by, and almost stepped on the human body to charge ahead.

Ye Qinghan and Jian Shi 3 quickly dodged and avoided the past.

Jian Shi 3 shrugged, and said silently, “This group of bastards is running on the power of the family. If I dare to run on my kendo eternal Holy Land, I unload their legs and let them crawl away!”

Ye Qinghan watched the crowd curiously, and asked, “Who are these people? It’s so arrogant at the city gate.”

“The holy spirit of the Holy Spirit Trading Company, the Trading Company is not a monopoly, but an organization consisting of eighteen Great Family and sect. They are all Holy Spirit family, the cultivation base is very high, but no one has become eternal However, the ability to do business makes many people feel ashamed. This is the same force as the same qi, connected branch, so the younger generation relationship of their family is also very good. These more than 8 people are the younger generation of Holy Spirit Trading Company. Presumably hunting. “Sword X30 explained.

“No wonder, so many families of younger generations are here. It is estimated that the Half Step Eternal people are also unwilling to provoke them. After all, picking them up is equivalent to offending all the forces of the Communist Party. Company. “Ye Qinghan nodded.

“Almost, in the Holy Spirit Trading Company territory, they are kings, and I want to give them face.” Jian Shi 3 said with a bitter smile.

Divine Bird immediately said proudly, “This group of idiots, that didn’t offend this Divine Bird. If it offends, I can’t let them eat and go.”


Sword XIII gave a scornful mockery.

Ye Qinghan shook his head, and Jian Xuan 3 entered the main city.

The main city continues, and the city wall towering into the sky is a tall several ten zhang, just like a huge bowl with a radius of ten thousand li. Only Holy Spirit Trading Company can have such financial resources to build such a city.

The main city area even contains several huge mountain ranges. Each and everyone tribes come together to form a super luxurious big city. The city’s interior Immortal Qi is soaring and dazzling, and the four seasons are like spring.

“I heard that if you walk through and want to cross this Holy City, it will take a year. There are countless branches of great power. Everyone wants to buy treasure medicine treasures in immediately, so the auction house in Auction House here Everything is a worldly treasure, and the outside world can’t buy it, there is everything here!

“Let’s go to the headquarters of Holy Spirit Trading Company first. I want to see who wants to see me that much.” Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

Sword 3 1 nodded, took Ye Qinghan along the official road towards the headquarters of Holy Spirit Trading Company.

2 people are walking fast and dodging constantly. Pedestrians in the city 10000 1000 dodge in succession.


At the moment Ye Qinghan and Jian Shi 3 entered the city, the people at Holy Spirit Trading Company headquarters had already got the news.

“The newspaper! Kendo of Kendo Holy Land with Ye Qinghan has entered the city.” A spy entered the great hall of Holy Spirit Trading Company headquarters, said respectfully.

There are 6 old men sitting in the Great Hall of the Trading Company headquarters. They are all the dean of Elder of Trading Company. The cultivation bases are all in Realm Master 9-Layer Great Perfection. The battle strength is equivalent to Sword 3 1. They red light across the whole face. With a smile.

“Since it’s here, let’s go and inform the people in Hell. We are only responsible for the introduction. Hell gave us the introduction fee. Ye Qinghan bought so many materials. Even if he paid the introduction fee, it is not our Trading Company matter . “A Trading Company Elder said with a smile.

da da da!

A group of powerhouses wearing black clothed came from outside the Trading Company. They all wore buckets. They looked particularly mysterious, and Mengzun could only walk behind. It seems that the hell powerhouses this time are Paragon masters, even the master of hell. Disciple.

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