Ye Qinghan looked at each other with 3 eyes, looking arrogant and arrogant. At this moment, he has absolute confidence.

“You can rest assured! This seat will never be a sneak attack!” Ye Qinghan rushed out of the canyon with a knife, trying to use the power of Grade 5 Divine Pill to condense the fleshhy body to the strongest!

At this moment, Ye Qinghan no longer needs to worry about the other person betraying himself. Now he is dead. If he can really escape, the realm at that time must have approached the Dao Venerable Realm world, coupled with his unparalleled battle strength, he returned to the meteorite star. Cooperate with lone light feather, enough to hold!

If suppress and kill 3 people at this moment, it may also affect Daoxin. After all, Liu Ning once held hands to allow her to tamper with her memory. Even if she regrets it now and has a heartbreak, she must first return this great kindness. As for Ye Lingyu, herself There is no hatred, there is the grace of teaching in previous lives, this life he just wants to win himself, solidify the heart that’s all, it is not hatred.

Ye Lingyu and Liu Ning watched Ye Qinghan’s departure, and they knew that he was so strong that he didn’t worry about betraying him after going out! This kind of person is too terrifying. Except for the betrayal of the people around him, which can cause him horrible harm, the other person’s betrayal or not has no major impact.

“He became really strong!” Liu Ning took a breath and thought that Ye Qinghan’s battle strength in this life might be stronger than his previous life!

“I originally wanted to step on him to Peak, but I didn’t expect to have been stepped on by him!” Ye Lingyu’s voice was hoarse, and an unwilling will to flash in his eyes, Iron Fist clenched, deep shouted, “I must be able to Win him! In this life! “

Yi Jianmo twitched his lips, knowing that Ye Qinghan was able to break through quickly and the battle strength was so strong, it must be because of his Grade 5 Divine Pill! But worried that Ye Qinghan would fight with them again and chose to be silent.

Ye Qinghan rushed out of the canyon, madly dancing the demon dragon sword, Daotiantian dragon phantom roared, borrowed Profound Truth’s true solution to engraving the texture of the law in the void, and shocked gently, and the solid law of the void collapsed, extremely powerful.

Battle strength is more than 100 times stronger!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Blade glow ten thousand zhang, the air blows the sand and stones flying, blasts into the sky, and splits towards the galloping meteorite.


The meteorite was cracked at 40% 5 and turned into powder. The body of Ye Qinghan hit fiercely on the ground, flesh flew horizontally, but turned around, rushed again, and the blood boiled. The medicinal properties of Divine Pill were fully exerted. The more courageous, arrogant, and arrogant!

Who dares to compete with meteorites!

Ye Qinghan dares! Profound Truth of Water is really ridiculous. The water resources here are so scarce, but he was squeezed out forcibly. The dark element Profound Truth is attached to the demon dragon sword, no stronghold one cannot overcome, eroding 10000 things, like terrifying matchless.

The fleshy body is constantly exploding, reorganizing, as if the power is inexhaustible, it is constantly consumed, but it is also growing!

1000000 catties, 3,000,000 catties, 5,000,000 catties …

The dragon arm evolves True Dragon, twines the demon dragon knife, and it is a whole, Person and Blade Unite!

Ye Lingyu and the others Ye Qinghan staring into the distance like a crazy person, completely disregarding the consumption, True Yuan is exhausted, so use his fleshhy body, fleshhy body power is exhausted, True Yuan has been reborn, and the sea is like the sea, True Yuan The sea is roaring! To drown the universe and shatter the sky, it is enough to suppress any master within 3 steps of Life Palace Realm!

The parrot was so embarrassed that it hung on a fulcrum above the cliff, leaning against the mountain, knocking two legs on its thighs, fearing that others would not notice it.

“Tsk tsk tsk, the master is really a cow fork, it is indeed the master of the 10000 Beast God Emperor.”

Yi Jianmo fiercely glared at it and muttered, “Broken bird, really cheap, what 10000 beast god emperor, but that’s all the bite eagle that’s all, smart brain no longer needs to be on the way, really when no one sees you Is it the way? “

The parrot stunned, and for the first time someone called his identity.

“Aiya, you actually know my true identity, ashamed, ashamed.” The parrot was really surprised. This race has already become extinct. It is estimated that it is difficult to find the second head in the universe. I did not expect this little girl to recognize herself.

“Shameless, you are the most cheeky creature I have ever seen, no matter whether it is Human Race, Monster Race, or Vicious Spirit, no one can ever play with you!” Yi Jian scorned ironically.

“Hahaha, awards and awards, it doesn’t depend on where this Divine Bird comes from! The wisdom and power of ours can easily pass through one, and we can suppress you with wisdom and wisdom.” Parrot arrogant said with a big smile.

“Crossing? Where are you? Where are you from?” Yi Jianmu frowned.

“Viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, Little Brat, the vastness of the endless universe, tells you that you don’t understand it.” The parrot suddenly stopped, unwilling to say more.


Dead Foreign Domain, nebula dense, Star Explosion bombing constantly, numerous meteorites galloping, crashing into stars, igniting a huge fire, volcanic eruption, rushing into Star River, it is completely a dead Star Domain, probably just born, no A little bit alive.

Nangong Yuanhong brought Three Great Powerhouses to the front of the dead domain, stared at Star Domain, frowned, and asked in confusion, “I have walked through every territory of the Dragon Dragon Domain. I have seen that there is a small ancient star here before. , Although there are no people, but there is life, but it disappeared … “

“With your strength, can you cross this dead zone?” Fengsha solemnly asked.

“This Star Domain is a new dead domain. It’s hard to say that the dead stars are moving side by side and moving fast with each other. The born Eight Divinatory Array is easy to get lost. Even an Array Grandmaster like Tian Xunzi, it is difficult to be in the dead domain. Come out. “Nangongyuan Hong faced a heavy face and thought for a moment, and felt that he could come out even if he was lost here, so he decided to take a risk, flipped his wrist, and appeared a ball of white silk, staring at Tian Jizi, and said in a condensed voice,” old man go in and try, but it must be guaranteed. This is 1000 silk snow, endless, tenacious, even I chopped continuously, I hold 1000 silk snowballs, you pull the thread, and I will straighten 1000 silk when I return. Snow, you pull back, I won’t get lost! “

“Ok! Please be assured, Master. Yizi’s life is more important than the old man’s life. We all have 3 people who we want to save, and we will never give up the thread!” Tian Jizi assured Shen Sheng.

“I’m not worried that you will give up the thread, even if there is not even a thousand silk snow, I can come back, but just be more cautious.” Nangong Yuan Hong said indifferently.

Subsequently, Tian Jizi took over the thread, Nangong Yuanhong stepped into the dead zone, Heaven and Earth turned around, all around suddenly changed, and the scene you saw before you came in was completely different! Ye Qinghan and the others were flying fast and did not look at it, otherwise they would definitely be found.

Nangong Yuanhong continued to release 1000 pieces of snow, riding the wind and waves, and rushing into the dead zone. Divine Consciousness swung to the eight sides, searching for suspicious stars, but found countless meteors passing by, countless dead stars, but they could not be called Danger Land.

xiu—— ——

Countless meteors converge in one direction, forming a horrible meteor shower, passing by Nangong Yuanhong, making it curious.

Nangong Yuanhong followed the meteor shower and did not know how long he had walked, but at least one month had passed, and the scene in front of him had changed many times. If it wasn’t for 1000 snow in his hand, I am afraid he would not have much confidence Walk back.

1000 Although Si Xue is endless, it can run through Star Domain, but it is endless after all, the snowball is getting smaller and smaller, and the eyes are drained. Nangong Yuanhong’s face is a bit ugly, and they can no longer be found. I can only retreat.

Suddenly, the meteor turned around suddenly, forming a huge arc, and rushed in one direction again.

Nan Hongyuan Hong looked at the situation and found a huge planet spinning at high speed, rushing towards himself, about a few thousand thousand li away from him, the pressure suddenly increased, making him somewhat unstable.

Gravity is getting stronger and stronger, and the tearing force makes more meteors rush towards there, as if the moth flies into the flame, nothing can escape his restraint.

Nangong Yuanhong complex greatly changed, and found that he had lost control of the avenue and Space Law. Here, like a mortal, it is difficult to escape its restraint!


The Immortal Sect of Nangong Yuanhong exudes Dao Mark, a fairy light, against the tearing of gravity, and his momentum erupts with a palm shot, the void breaks, and the tearing force disappears immediately, and he immediately flies into the sky , Rushed to the other side, dodge the death star.

The death star is not a trajectory movement, but an irregular rampage. I do n’t know how many stars have been broken. Forcibly draw them and merge them into one. The dead star ’s area is getting larger and larger, and gravity is It will grow bigger! Sooner or later, I will swallow the entire dead domain, and then swallow to the dragon domain!

Nangong Yuanhong was shocked and shouted badly, this dead star is not as simple as thought! A fierce force, straightened 1000 snow, and fled madly towards the Foreign Domain.

boom ~ boom ~ ……

The death star seemed to have eyes, rushed towards Nangong Yuanhong, swept all the way, and crushed dozens of death stars! Horrible and terrible, the flames of death in the sky!

Nangong Yuanhong’s Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, shattered the void, and quickly disappeared. It seemed that the death star could not find the existence to be devoured, and began to hit the death star all around frantically.


Death of the Foreign Domain, Three Great Powerhouses complexion greatly changed, both shocked and scared. The reaction of Nangong Yuanhong was too fierce, and 1000 silk snow was tightened, almost pulling Tian Jizi’s arm, and Fengsha hurriedly extended the hilt. Wrap the 1000 pieces of silk snow a few times and pull backwards insanely.

“What did he encounter? Why was he so anxious to come back?” Feng Sha’s unshakable complexion finally changed, and it was sure to be a major event for Immortal Realm powerhouse to lose one’s head out of fear.

Did you find Yi Jianmo and the others?

Three Great Powerhouses are waiting patiently, their eyes staring at the dead domain, but besides the vast Star River, where is the powerhouse silhouette.


A star-shaking tremor in the Star Fragmentation field, Nangongyuan Hong burst out into the sky, covered with golden light, his face was pale.

“Sir, what happened? What is going on in this dead zone?” Tian Jizi asked quickly.

“There is a terrible death star, which is devouring other death stars, and continues to grow. The current scale has made me powerless. The gravity there is enough to suck me in and fly out. I must go to the Foreign Domain and ask for a stronger presence. Shatter this dead star! “Nangong Yuanhong said solemnly.

“Is Yizi and their children also on that star?” Tian Jizi was shocked. If the Immortal Realm powerhouse could not fly, how could they escape!

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