Zhang Xiaoshen is not reconciled. If he doesn’t even dare to take a shot this time, what face will he reach in the future? What else is there to compete for the king?

Ka ka ka !

Zhang Xiaoshen held Divine Sword, held the hilt of his sword with a big hand, and moaned, “Please enlighten me!”

On the cultivation base, Zhang Xiaoshen is not the worst among these 4 people, but it is the youngest. The battle strength and talent are not bad. Any strong one is also a first-class master, but what he sees is Lin Wutian. This kind of ten thousand li Daoxin was almost penetrated by this sword.

“I’m coming.” Gu Qingyu stepped forward, holding Divine Sword in his hand, and the lone Kendo breath took a sharp murderous intention to suppress the enemy’s will.

Zhang Xiaoshen felt the majestic pressure, grasped Divine Sword with his big hand, and slowly pulled it out.

Sword glare.

Yin ———-

Gu Qingyu draws a sword, Jian Xiao is soaring into the sky, and the potential is 10000. The lone cold kendo is integrated into Azure Lotus Sword Song, which has a different power.

Brush Shua! !!

Wow ——————

Sword glow tearing the world, thorny opponents cannot have eyes opened.

Brush Shua! !!

Xiu xiu xiu! !

Zhang Xiaoshen swept 9 days and forced 4 sides, trying to repel Gu Qingyu in order to protect himself.

But he underestimated Gu Qingyu, and saw him attack Zhang Xiaoshen with a stronger attack, suppressing his opponent with absolute advantage.


Yin ———-

Zhang Xiaoshen was forced to lose ground, his Sword Art is not weak, but in the face of Azure Lotus Sword Song, he doesn’t even match the shoes! Eternity is eternity. Except for the eternal divine technique of the same level, no one at the same level can compete!

Every time Zhang Xiaoshen made a shot, he was intercepted by a strong force. He couldn’t make use of the formidable power. The two people fought wildly, but Gu Qingyu didn’t want to kill him, he just wanted to suppress it. After all, Kuangzong needs to mine.

After the time of 2 people fighting for 2 Ayaka, Zhang Xiaoshen gave up the resistance desperately, certainly had no chance to escape, and then fight, he really dare not guarantee that Gu Qingyu has the energy to freely send and receive.

“I lost … Do you really only let me dig 1000 years of mine veins?” Zhang Xiaoshen said with a bitter smile, if he was enslaved for a lifetime, he would rather die, the dignity of the powerhouse would not make him a slave to others.

“After 1000 years, if you want to follow Kuangzong, I have to consider one 2” Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

Dragon 6 is no longer interested in playing. Only with Gu Qingyu and Lin Wutian, anyone can crush him. As for the cultivation base of Li Feng and Mu Zhu, he is not interested in testing. Once 10000 is destroyed, then It was a big loss. For 1000 years, it was only a chance to experience. If you lost it, you lost it. Life was the most important thing, so he was the most cheerful and surrendered directly.

Chishui marks are very unwilling, shouting, “Ye Qinghan, there is a kind of fight between you and me!”

Chi Shui Hen does not want to lose to other Kuangzong people. Ye Qinghan is still a Sect Master of Kuangzong. If he really loses, he will go out and say that if he loses to other Kuangzong people or Kuangzong juniors, this old face will be lost That’s it.

Ye Qinghan groaned, cold glow like sword light, staring coldly at the Chishui mark, said coldly, “You say it to me again.”

Chishuiren’s heart stopped suddenly, and Ye Qinghan stared at the hair. I didn’t know what he wanted to do, but he didn’t dare to say it anymore.

“I give you a chance to live, don’t give face to face, want to win me? Win my disciple and say!” Ye Qinghan warned sensibly, “Don’t try to challenge my bottom line, I practice murder, if you want to die, I can fulfill you. “

Chishui mark was reprimanded and did not dare to say much, but could only choose to surrender.

4 great expert Ambush the Kuangzong, but was actually subdued. The Kuangzong was followed by a few 1000 Small Sects, stunned and away from the Kuangzong group. Although there were only more than 20 people, each had a desperate one. battle strength.

“Call your strong disciple, the man the more the better, and work for me to mine, I pay you, all the veins you dig, 0.1%, is your own salary, don’t think about hiding, otherwise I can’t make you walk around! “Ye Qinghan ordered.

Four great powerhouses have been suppressed. Where can you dare to refute, they went to the back to convene their respective sects.

“Come here, the crazy miner collects miners, do 5 breaks 2 and the rest of the time can let you look for dive medicine, we will provide you with protection, at least to save your life, you Small Sect do n’t have any luck, think If you want to gain something, and there is no danger, come to mine! “The mad Zong people spread out and persuaded Small Sect.

Small Sect has poor strength, but with a large number of people, mining can still be done!

Many weak sects are tempted. After all, Secret Realm is Secret Realm. It’s too dangerous. There are so many masters of Madzong, security is definitely not a problem.

“We have the golden toad, and we can guarantee that you can dig out countless veins in 1000 years. As for the holy medicine obtained the rest of the time, we don’t want it. Your income will definitely be better than your own independent search. Come and sign up for me. When we have enough people, there is no chance to sign up! “Huang Peng was yelled.

“There is also this Divine Bird, a treasure hunter. As long as you recognize me as the boss, there are many holy medicines with ten Grade 5 or more!” Divine Bird followed with excitement and encouraged the 4-party Small Sect.

Gathering more and more Small Sects, some lower-level powerhouses thought for a moment and decided to follow the Kuangzong. Otherwise, their sect will inevitably collapse.

After a while, a few 100 Small Sect powerhouses went to Huang Peng to sign up.

Others in Qiangzong helped to record, Jian Shenxue followed the busy schedule.

9 Xianxia Cave is a must-go place to enter the hinterland. More and more people gather, but there are few strong people. After all, strong people walk in front, and most of them have already entered the hinterland.

Some unknown Small Sect saw Ye Qianhan mining at the first sight and signed up one after another. A few days later, 9 Xianxia Cave had more than 2 people.

Ye Qinghan looked at it and felt that it was almost there, and took away more than 2 people.

Passing through the 9 Xianxia Cave, the Spiritual Qi in the hinterland is diffused, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the golden bite torch becomes active and keeps sending soul fluctuations to Ye Qinghan.

Many high-grade mineral veins are hidden in the mountains and are generally not found, but the golden toad has special induction.

“We only need ten or more veins, preferably ten grades. 5 years is too short. We can take as many as we can!” Ye Qinghan said excitedly.

Jin Qianchan took Ye Qinghan to the first to rush to a bare mountain. From the outside, there is nothing special. There is not much spiritual grass and it won’t attract the attention of others.

Jin Qianchan is very certain that there are veins here. Ye Qinghan waved his hand and mobilized the powerhouse of Chi Water Sect to mine. However, the number 100 disciples of Tailaizong were used as supervision and monitoring each other, which could reduce people’s private veins. .

Bang bang bang!!

Several thousand powerhouses were mining at the same time, and the peaks above were instantly flattened, revealing some purple-golden veins, exuding Spiritual Qi, definitely an iron ore of Grade 1000 or above, and the best material for creating a pseudo Holy Artifact!

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