The roar roars, another giant feral comes down the mountain, and a bouncing can travel more than 1000 meters.

The masters of Fang Yuan ten thousand li can feel the horror of this place. Zuo Shuguang’s battle has shocked too many masters, and many people have heard the wind.

Zuo Shuguang watched so many masters approaching instead, instead of shooting, he stood on the side and did not mean to leave.

Ye Qinghan crossed the mountains and rivers, and brought Lin Wutian and Gu Qingyu and Ye Huang to a high mountain, where he looked at the guardian of the birds, which is a small mountain, all around are sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, 4 faces Yang, a flaming divine medicine swaying on the hill, just like a Fire Phoenix, wants to rise into the sky.

That fierce bird is also a fire bird, with red wings and horrible temperature. It can already control ten Grade 6 Divine Fire, but it is still worse than True Dragon.

Ye Qinghan discovered the fire-divine medicine, and others will naturally find out that it is a divine medicine with ten Grade 6 or more, but it is not yet mature. Once mature, fire-fighting poultry must be able to step in. Upper position.

“Good baby!” Divine Bird cry out in surprise.

“It’s a good baby, no wonder Zuo Shuguang is willing to fight for it!”

At this time, the approaching powerhouses were amazed, and their eyes were full of greed. With this fire-based holy medicine, in the future, as long as you step into the middle position, you will definitely enter the upper position!

How many powerhouses can there be? The powerful Sect Master is just the upper level!

Zuo Shuguang is a clever man. Now that so many experts gather, if he suffers with both sides of the fierce bird, how can this fire-based holy medicine fail to win him? Now it is better to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, or other people After leaving he shot again.

The strong masters are not stupid, and they are unwilling to be first soldiers and make wedding dresses for others, so all around is dead at this moment.

The fierce bird of the fire is most afraid of Zuo Shuguang, otherwise how can it be seen only by these subordinates!

Roar! !

A huge creature approached, climbing the cliff like a monkey, reaching out to the ground with a strong hand, and it was very fast. At this moment, it had reached the middle of the mountain, causing the screaming and angry of the furious bird.

唳 ——————

Furious birds roar, mountains and rivers are fragmented, and ancient trees are rustling.

“Should we compete?” Gu Qingyu looked at all around standing at the big powerhouse, the younger generation of Paragon King, trying to grab food from this group of people.

“Of course I have to fight. I ca n’t see how to give up when I see treasure, but this monster seems to be quite young. I do n’t know Azure Lotus Sword Song, so I ca n’t be shocked by the sky, so I do n’t have to rush and wait for them both sides suffer again. “Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

But everyone is waiting for the opportunity, so no one shot!

Zuo Shuguang looked all around, and finally stared at Ye Qinghan and the others, especially Lin Wutian. Although he stood at the back, but the realm was there, he could not see it.

“Median position? Didn’t you say that the median position powerhouse is not allowed to enter Secret Realm?” Zuo Shuguang secretly whispered, frowning, once the median position appeared, it was too tricky. The median position was more than those of Holy Son It’s difficult.

Lin Wutian’s pump light, such as electricity, also stared at Zuo Shuguang, and a heart of war broke out in his heart, but he wanted to suppress realm to a lower level and fight again, and never wanted to take advantage.

When the powerhouses of all parties were hesitant, the melody was roaring, golden light 4 shot, and a silhouette came from afar!

Who said that the lower position cannot fly?

Ye Qinghan’s light flashed, you can clearly see that there is no Holy Artifact blessing at the foot of the youngster, and he really flies on his own. He walks slowly in the air like a higher position. The golden light under the foot is like a bridge. The same, like running flat!

“Very powerful youngster …” Ye Qinghan took a deep breath. This kind of talent is the trickiest. Holy Son is Holy Son. It definitely does not lose to Xia 9 Dragon. Xia 9 Dragon is not in the middle position, but it is high. Great experts like him are afraid of him, but imagine that his strength can fight across realm!

The gap between the upper and middle positions is definitely much larger than the gap between the middle and lower positions. The 3 lower positions can be used to encircle the middle positions, but the 500 middle positions cannot threaten the upper positions!

Ye Huang ’s reincarnation, as the Holy Lord of one side, would not know the Battle Clan son, and quickly reminded him, “He ’s the Battle Clan son Nine Heavens. He warned that this person ’s same rank The battle strength is absolutely comparable to that of the Middle East Holy Kingdom. “


But Zhan Zizhan Nine Heavens has not yet arrived, and a rush of Changhong rushes from the west. Buddha’s radiance soars into the sky, and the Buddha’s voice shoots 4 times.

“It’s a Buddha! This person’s strength is unfathomable. It is the younger generation who has a higher call to become the eternal. It is younger than Xia 9 Dragons, and everyone else calls them Little 9 Dragons.” Ye Huang complexion slightly changed With 2 Holy Sons, Buddhas, and a Zuo Shuguang at once, this fire holy medicine is probably not good enough.

“Anyway, let’s watch it change. I don’t believe that the Buddha and Zhan Heaven Heavens will join forces to win a holy medicine.” Ye Qinghan whispered.

Weng! !

At this time, the Buddha and the battle Nine Heavens came at the same time, a bath of holy light and a Buddha Law Is Boundless, all of them were afraid to look directly.


When the Buddha appeared not far from Ye Qinghan, the wishful bell in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly roared, and the shocked Ye Qinghan was almost unconscious, his body was awkward, and he almost fell from the back of Purple Gold Tiger King.

Ye Huang reached out to support Ye Qinghan and asked in amazement, “Husband, what happened to you?”

Ye Qinghan Divine Consciousness was stunned, immediately mobilized Mental Power to control Ruyi Bell, and quickly resumed as usual. Inwardly startedled in one’s heart, sound transmission replied, “It is the Buddha ’s reaction that caused me within the body Ruyi Bell, but it ’s okay, the Buddha is not After being approved by Ruyi Zhong, he was just attracted to the authentic Dharma and caught his attention. “

The Buddha did not pay attention to others. This place really can make him pay attention and fear, that is, fighting Nine Heavens and Zuo Shuguang!

Fierce birds and ominous beasts are even more daunting. A Holy Son or a Buddha completely competes with a mid-powerhouse, not to mention there is a Zuo Shuguang that can compete with a mid-range!

“Amitabha, evil creature, treasure. Those who have fate will get it. You actually take the mountain as the king and don’t retreat? Otherwise, the Buddha will save you today!” The Buddha’s palms folded together, Buddha’s radiance rushed to the 4th side, prestigious 4 Shoot.


Ye Qinghan groaned, what kind of Buddha is this Buddha? If you want to grab it, you will say it, and you will feel uncomfortable listening to it!

Zan Heavens and Zuo Shuguang raised a mockery at the same time, it seems that the ability of Tianfo Temple to teach the world has long been known.

唳 ——————

The roaring birds are roaring, and the fiery red wings slap into the sky, glaring at the Buddha, but I do n’t know how to rebut if I am blocked by such nonsense.

Roar! !

The huge ominous beast and the furious bird looked at each other, and decided to join forces against humans first, with four limbs and one shot, and they shot down the lower position on a mountain overlooking the 4 Great Saint and Zuo Shuguang.

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