Sword Immortal Qing Lian walked behind Ye Qinghan and kept talking to Ye Qinghan, for fear he would fall asleep tiredly.

Ye Qinghan forcibly gritted his teeth, struggling to keep his soul awake. His hands were stained with blood dyed red and stained on Sword Immortal Qing Lian’s body.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian is walking like a footstep, flying through the mountains, such as walking on the ground, watching the clothes in front of him wet with blood, more anxious, the moonlight is getting brighter and brighter, pouring on Ye Qinghan’s body, and the hell bloodline within the body is even more active!

咚dong dong! !

Ye Qinghan’s heart beat involuntarily, hitting the back of Sword Immortal Qing Lian, Ye Qinghan’s eyes became heavier and he couldn’t open at all.

huhuhu ……

Ye Qinghan gasped, blowing into Sword Immortal Qing Lian’s ear.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian only felt that the ears were itchy, and the blood inside the body seemed to boil, a strange feeling shrouded in my heart.

“I can’t stand it…”

Ye Qinghan only felt that his soul was about to fall away, and slowly returned to chaos. His voice was hoarse and tired, as if mortals had not eaten or slept for a few days.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian looked at the distant snowfield, not far away, but it also took several hours to get around, turned to look at Ye Qinghan’s pale and inhuman face, clenched the teeth, and took the initiative to send Ye Qinghan’s big hand Get in your arms and press on your chest!

“Be awake! Hold on!”

Sword Immortal Qing Lian’s voice is melodious, as if it is the most beautiful nature, which stimulates Ye Qinghan’s soul.

Ye Qinghan suddenly woke up and gently rubbed the big bun in his hand, grinning suddenly, although miserable, but really happy.

“Azure Lotus … you really … good!” Ye Qinghan whispered.

“Really? But you’re not scolded lightly.” Sword Immortal Qing Lian barely laughed.

Haha …

Ye Qinghan’s voice was hoarse. He really wanted to live at this moment. He helped Sword Immortal Qing Lian to take revenge, and his big hands involuntarily kneaded the soft meat.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian groaned, but did not stop, at this time at least let Ye Qinghan restore some energy.

Talking like this, Ye Qinghan and Sword Immortal Qing Lian appeared on a snowy field after a few hours. The snow was flying, covering the ground, and the ground was almost invisible.

Snow Mountain hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Only when stepping into the snowy field, Ye Qinghan felt that the bloodline of hell within the body seemed to be suppressed. The speed of swimming was very slow, but the speed of eating was getting faster and faster.


Ye Qinghan yelled, his big hand scratched his big hoe and changed shape.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian was once again groaned. Instead of feeling angry, I felt very excited and excited! The pores were exploded.

“Be patient again! Crossing Holy Land is Extreme-Cold Land. Here, the bloodline of hell is suppressed, and a lot of food is needed to keep you asleep. It is crazy before you fall asleep. If you hold on for a while, you may survive. ! “Sword Immortal Qing Lian reminded.

“I … can’t stand it!” Ye Qinghan The desire to survive has never been stronger. I want to live, I want to help Sword Immortal Qing Lian, and even more …

In order to gather the spirit, Ye Qinghan raised his eyes and glanced at all around, looking at the land of snow, the silver light shrouded, and it was extremely cold, even the blood and blood were suppressed.


Sword Immortal Qing Lian Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, galloping in the sky, roaring in the snow, the two seemed to have turned their heads.

After a few days of flying, it became colder and colder. Ye Qinghan only felt that the speed of hell bloodthirsty within the body had decreased, but his life was nearing extinction, so soul flies away and scatters at any time!

At this moment, Ye Qinghan relied on the last will to gather the soul, not to let the soul fall apart, and his eyes widened.

For several more days, Snow Mountain appeared in front of them.

A ray of red glow emerges from the east and shines on Snow Mountain. The silver light is bright and beautiful.


Ye Qinghan’s big hand gradually pulled out his warm arms, because he couldn’t feel the hell’s bloodline smoking. Although very tired and cold, it was much better than eating the hell’s bloodline.


The robes were frozen in the cold wind and snow, and Ye Qinghan’s hair was as hard as steel and completely frozen!

Sword Immortal Qing Lian immediately reminded, “You use Essence of Fire to protect your soul and give up the fleshhy body. It is impossible to compete against the temperature of Extreme-Cold Land with your strength.”

When Ye Qinghan heard this, he immediately covered the soul of Divine Fire and protected the internal organs with Ruyi Bell. This time, if it was not for Ruyi Bell, he would not be able to compete with the bloodline of hell!

Wow ————————

A cold wind blew through, and Ye Qinghan’s fleshy body was instantly frozen, covered with snowflakes and ice.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian’s clothing was also frozen, but she was an eternity. She was so energetic that the word energy was raging and she couldn’t get close.

call out! !!

Sword Immortal Qing Lian speeded up, the more northward the north, the colder the temperature, there is no longer any living here, everything is frozen, the ice layer is almost as thick as the hunted zhang, bottomless.

Ye Qinghan’s soul is in a state of horror. Although he is not dead, he cannot wake up, and he is allowed to walk with Sword Immortal Qing Lian.

In this Extreme-Cold Land, Sword Immortal Qing Lian is not only unaffected, but even more glamorous, as if it is the most beautiful demon lotus on Snow Mountain. It is budding and unspeakable.

call! !

“It’s finally here, maybe I can save you!” Sword Immortal Qing Lian exhales one mouthful of impure air, holding Ye Qinghan with the ice on his back in his hands, and sprinting north towards the north, it became colder to the north Now, I’m afraid that even Ruyi Bell can be blocked, she dare not go any further.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian placed Ye Qinghan on the ice, took out the wooden sword, and drew a deep pit on the ground. Sword energy shot, and the hard ice blocks broke instantly.

Later, Sword Immortal Qing Lian put Ye Qinghan into the deep pit, and wiped the ice cubes on Ye Qinghan’s body with sword energy. The sword energy pierced Ye Qinghan’s wrist, blood 4 splashed, and the cold air rushed into the wound of Ye Qinghan along the wound. Within the body, stimulates the hell bloodline within the body.

Hell’s Bloodline just doesn’t like the cold, and it won’t be frozen by the cold. It swims slowly at this moment.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian cut his jade arm, the powerful sword element shrouded the golden body, and the temperature was much higher than the temperature of Ye Qinghan within the body, which was very suitable for the environment of hell bloodline survival.

Hell’s Bloodline seemed to sense a suitable living environment, and rushed out of Ye Qinghan within the body, approaching Sword Immortal Qing Lian’s arm.

call out! !!

The first blood line came out, but before entering the within the body of Sword Immortal Qing Lian, it was wiped out by a ray of energy.

Xiu xiu xiu! !

Articles 2 and 3 are out of Ye Qinghan’s body.

Ye Qinghan within the body has at least nearly 100 hell blood lines, one after another rushing out of the body.

Sword Immortal Qing Lian keeps killing the bloodline of hell. The hell bloodline is cut off. If others cut off, it is impossible to kill them, but the word energy of Sword Immortal Qing Lian is too scary. As long as it penetrates the enemy ’s defense, it can be blocked Everything is alive!

After an hour, Ye Qinghan within the body had only 2 or 3 hell blood lines. They seemed very smart. They seemed to know that the outside temperature was just a bait and refused to come out at all.

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