Tianhe has no boundaries, the road is long, the mountain range is rugged, and occasionally a powerful adventurer rushes through the air, kills the powerful ominous beast, captures the demon core, and looks for the medicinal herb.

Looking from a distance, a group of 5 people at a moderate pace, posing in various costumes, can not see their identity at all from a distance, but if they look closely, they can still tell that they are Lin Wutian and the others.

They did n’t know that the 1000 Hand Buddha had already brought the True Disciple of the Bounty Hunter and had taken people to wait for themselves in the canyon in front of Xuejiaguan. Now they are approaching the canyon, the straight line distance is only 2 1000 miles, relative to their Peak speed, That’s 5 minutes of time that’s all.

After traveling more than 1000 miles, standing on the peak can face the canyon.


Yan Yunbei appeared next to the five of them, saying lightly, “You first camp here and rest for a long time. I go to explore the road ahead. The road ahead is the only way to Xuejiaguan and Martial Dao Holy Land Holy Land. , It’s easy to be blocked. “

“Trouble Uncle Yan.” Lin Wutian said, bowing.

Yan Yunbei didn’t say much. The silhouette flashed into the valley, and a few conversions disappeared.


Xuefeng Gorge, a famous valley in Big World, is a must-go to Martial Dao’s Holy Land. It is extremely dangerous, with steep gullies. The gorges on the two sides are almost soaring, and the top is as cold as the north. The place where you can freeze the master instantly, the most terrifying one is the monsoon, which is sharper than the Divine Weapon weapon, and can cut 2 things, invincible powerhouse.

The 2 sides of Xuefeng Cliff are isolated from Divine Consciousness. It is most suitable for ambush. The cave is covered by heavy snow. No one can hide on the mountainside.

The snow stopped halfway up the mountain. There were lush thorns below, but the bottom was densely forested. Birds and beasts were everywhere.

Below the canyon, pedestrians are constantly, mostly adventurer, looking to the place from the outside, there is no slight killing breath.

Yan Yunbei is one of the top killers in the world. His sensitivity to Murderous aura is no less good than those of the powerful True Disciple. He hid in a mountain not far and stared at the canyon for half an hour. The Murderous intention is covered by the snowy cold wind. If he is not too sensitive to the Murderous Aura, he can’t sense the murderous intention at all.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn’t find the location of the 1000 Buddha.


Until dark, Yan Yunbei pulled a short dagger from the ankle, only about ten centimeters, very dim and dark, hidden in the night, and could not be found at all.

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Yanyun North ventured into the side of the canyon, and ascended into the mountains while night fell.

On the side of Mountain Peak 2, at least nearly 100 masters were hiding. They were restrained and did not get a signal. They all blocked Divine Consciousness. They knew nothing about the outside world and were afraid of being discovered by Lin Wutian and the others. This is exactly cheap Yanyun North .

Yan Yunbei was holding a short dagger, and his eyes were bright, searching for targets like a wolf.

After a long time, Yanyun North quietly approached a dense thorn, with a mid-level master hidden behind the thorn.

puci! !!

The master is closing his eyes and recuperating, and he does not dare to emit any breath. Suddenly, he feels that an airflow is blowing on his face, and before the eyes are opened, he feels that his mouth is covered, a dagger pierces his throat, and the black mist is diffused, devouring his vitality. !!


The mid-level master is struggling, but he can’t get rid of Yan Yunbei’s arm.

Ka-cha! !

With a strong arm, Yan Yunbei twisted the neck directly, and the assassinated master’s soul was killed, and the fleshhy body quickly decayed.

A median powerhouse died without making a sound.

Yan Yunbei covered the dead with thorns and rushed to the next target. The assassinated target did not even emit bloody smell. The corpse had been sucked by poison, leaving only a skeleton.

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Yan Yunbei didn’t know how long he killed, the higher the attack, the lower the army was annihilated, the median state killed more than 30 people, and killed 3 higher positions!

Such a record is enough to shock Shifang, but this credit is dissipated with the night.

After midnight, Yan Yunbei looked deep into the thorn area, and there was a person up there. The ambushers in this half were wiped out, but the 1000 Buddhas were not there that’s all, otherwise he would not dare to do anything.

Close to the last master, that master is still like everyone else. He never imagined that he was an ambush, but he would be ambushed by others, so not at all is too much precaution.


A dark cold glow passed through the night. The superior had just opened his eyes and was speechless. He suddenly felt that his throat was cold, his mouth was wide, and he was pierced by a longer sword. Behind the trunk.


Yan Yunbei whispered, pulled his sword back to his sheath, and hid his sword in his sleeve.

“There are a total of 8 superiors, 4 killed here, and 4 seem to be on the other side …”

Yanyun North quickly descended one side of the canyon and entered the other side.


1000 miles away, Lin Wutian and the others were waiting anxiously, and the night passed quickly, but there was still no silhouette of the smoke cloud north, can’t help but be more anxious.

“You’re here, I’ll take a look!” Lin Wutian was a little worried about the security of Yanyun North, said solemnly.

“Wait a while! This place is too close to the canyon. If there is really an ambush there, once we move, the other party will definitely find us.” Yard Saint reminded.

“Wait!” Ye Huang said unusually firmly. “I know the strength of Yan big brother. If he doesn’t want to kill, no one can stop him.”

At this moment, a silhouette flashed, and Yan Yunbei was covered with blood and appeared in the sight of everyone.

“There was some trouble in killing the last superior, but it was not a big deal.” Yan Yunbei said in a tranquil voice.

Yard Saint pumps shrank, looking at Yanyun North, asked some incredible, “You killed their superiority?”

Yan Yunbei is now just a mid-level strength. Even if the hiding power is stronger and the assassination ability is stronger, it is impossible to kill all of their upper-level masters overnight?

“Fortunately, in order to prevent us from discovering, they blocked Divine Consciousness and did not dare to show the slightest breath, and gave me a chance.” Yan Yunbei seemed to have killed a few trivial ants, and scratched the dust and leaves on his body. 1000 The hand Buddha is still the same group of people. He is now a lonely person. It is impossible for him to stop us. Just in the daytime, he quickly entered the Xuejia Pass and arrived at Martial Dao Zhenjun Holy Land. It’s safe. “

Yal Sheng and Zuo Shuguang’s scalp was numb, and there were countless small insects crawling on his body. Looking at Yan Yunbei’s calm face, he always felt that he was staring at the devil.

“Go!” Six people rushed towards Xuefeng Canyon.


In Xuejiaguan, 1000 Buddhas and Palace Wusheng are so calm and composed. They believe that Lin Wutian and the others will appear during the day, so they are not guarded by Canyon 2 at night at all. Get out of the snow Jiaguan and stay on the side of mountain peak 2.

“I found that your group of concealers is very strong, but I haven’t found any of them.” Gong Wusheng found a good place, lightly saying.

1000 Hand Buddha smiled confidently and proudly said, “They are all fierce men who I managed to subdue. How can I make this Buddha fancy if I don’t have any patience?”

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