The old man changed his face, clumped his hands and feet, looking at Fan Yin’s expression did not seem to be a joke, and almost cried.

Fan Yin asked with a raised eyebrow, “Why? Reluctant? You beat and killed me when you didn’t know me before. Now that you know me, you want to play with me, and just fart the promise you just made?”

“Don’t … don’t dare! Old man tells the headquarters to ship.” White haired old man wants to cry without tears and can’t wait to slap himself.

“Then I’ll wait and give you ten days. If I can’t wait for the goods, I can’t guarantee whether my mouth will talk nonsense. When the time comes If you stink the reputation of Holy Spirit Trading Company, you can Don’t blame me. “Fan Yin threatened slightly.

Old man, how dare you gamble on the reputation of Holy Spirit Trading Company. Others want to stink the reputation of Holy Spirit Trading Company. But Fan Yin is not the same. She shouted aloud. Who does n’t believe it? Not to mention that today’s things are justified!

“Master, please be busy, I’ll get ready …” White haired old man Cangjie turned his head and watched the crowd draw his sword and stood all around, suddenly scolded, “What are you still doing? Will you open the door to do business?” Any more eyesight? “

The crowd spread out, opened the door, and the light suddenly turned on.

The leader of Bloody Guards gestured to the other Bloody Guards. The 4 Bloody Guards immediately retreated. Only the leader remained not far from Fan Yin, bowed and said, “Master Fan Yin, you have no intention of offending today, you don’t want to worry about it.”

“Of course I won’t put it on my heart. I can just put it on my mouth. The holy country shop is a big bully. The little heart of your servant is still flapping around. Don’t believe you to listen.” Fan Yin Said a very proud chest.

“Whatever the adult has told me to say, I must do it.” The leader smiled bitterly, Fan Yin this person, even Xia 9 Long did not want to see it, it was difficult to avoid, but he ran into the muzzle, this is not courting death?

“Hey, forget it, old man … heh … this Miss is a lady, a beautiful Fairy, and can’t be ridiculous like an ordinary woman, so I won’t embarrass you, like this, you help me buy some High-level medicine ingredients, I want to make Sheng Dan. “Fan Yin said in deadly earnest.

Ye Qinghan curl one’s lip, if she is a lady, all women in this world are good wives and mothers.

Fan Yin glanced at Ye Qinghan, stomped on his lap, and stared, “What are you looking at? You haven’t given money to others, do you want to make it impossible?”

“Lady! Pay attention to the image!” Ye Qinghan was silent, and the dust on pats waved his hands and threw 5,000,000 money to the leader of the Bloody Guards.

The leader of the Bloody Guards took the money with a guarantee of 1000, for fear of angering Fan Yin.

Fan Yin got up and left, and Ye Qinghan followed closely behind.

The leader of the Bloody Guardian sent the ancestors to Fan Zhong from the Trading Company. The cold sweat in his forehead kept falling, his back was wet, and he took a deep breath, glanced at all around guests and servants, and closed the door directly. He said, “Keep your mouth out! What is happening today cannot be known to anyone.”


Xiu xiu xiu! !

There were several sword glows in the store, followed by the sound of thumping to the ground. Dozens of people in the store all fell into a pool of blood, and none escaped to heaven.


Fan Jun sighed in relief, pats said, “Junjun Trading Company,” I’m really afraid of the group of people who are unable to subdue. Since they are the people sent by the Holy Kingdom to stare at your mad house, they are definitely masters, let’s Starting today, I will definitely suffer, and I ’m too injured to leave alive. ”

“This is why they didn’t know that Xia 9 Dragon had a fight with you. If they knew, we wouldn’t be able to fight today.” Ye Qinghan whispered.

Two people quickly left the street and returned to Qin Mansion.

Ye Qinghan has a somber face, and is the so-called side lying couch. Fire Beacon City is the throat of the town of Tianfu. Here, the blood cloaked by the people of the Middle Kingdom Holy Kingdom is equivalent to stuck in the throat of the mad sect, as if having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat.

Seeing Ye Qinghan’s concerns, Fan Yin reminded, “Some things between the Great Holy Lands are well-known, and everyone does n’t pretend to pretend they do n’t know. The Kendo Holy Land certainly knows this, since they Without speaking, you can’t move the Bloody Guard here, and say it later. “

Ye Qinghan is not willing to be nodded.


At this time, the Western Territory of Battle Clan had been flattened by the Wraith Beast, and the old Battle King invited the Holy Chess Lord and Heavenly Sword of the Holy Land, Heavenly Sword, and the 9 princes of the Holy Kingdom and Heavenly Sword. A few masters of the master, led a large number of masters to pounce on the beasts, beheaded and killed all the way, and strong suppression, drove a large number of the beasts towards 2 Wolf Mountain, ready to force them back to the underworld.

The beast is fierce, almost scared of death, battle strength is superb, sharp claw fangs no stronghold one cannot overcome, killing many high-level masters, wiping the Ping City pool, devouring life.

The holy chess player flickered the stars, and Heaven and Earth walked around. It seemed to use the sky as a chessboard, 10000 100000000 stars as chess pieces, and imprisoned a large number of powerful golems in the chess array. Stunned other Holy Land masters!

Shengqi Zun has already seen the road, only half a step away from the true eternal!

“Evil creature, don’t retreat!” Sheng Qizun’s white hair fluttered, and he waved his hand to control the sky to suppress the chessboard, and the number of powerful 10000 beasts escaped.

strength! This is really powerful strength, and there is not much gap with those old eternal ones.

100000000 10000 years of spiritual practice, no one knows it, the world is shocked by one move!

Om ————————

The world ’s 100000000 10000 stars are bathed, and the rivers and rivers are natural phenomena, like millions and millions of li can be clearly seen, countless masters are looking up at the sky, looking at the west in shock.

“Is the Eternal Born? Heavens! Is this the strength of the Eternal?”

Countless creatures marveled. Even Ye Qinghan and Fan Yin, who were far away in Fire Beacon City, were shocked. They stared at the distant Tianhe River, the stars moved in an orderly way, the avenues floated, and they were controlled by humans. This is not the eternal Who else can burst into such a powerful strength!

At this moment, Sword Immortal Qing Lian, who was hiding in the house where Kuangfu lived alone, opened her beautiful eyes slightly, pierced through the sky ten thousand li, looked directly at the source, and saw the true meaning of the holy chess statue, and then retreated 10,000,000 li , Back to the other courtyard.

At the same time, somewhere in each of the Great Holy Land, the eternity opened his eyes and was a little surprised.

“Is anyone going to break into the big Eternal Boundary again?”

The eternal one marveled in whispers, but it was known to the world.


The sky was intercepted instantly, the ghost beast was taken away, and it was suppressed into 6 Wolf Village in an instant.


The holy chess player has white hair flying, waving his hand to bring Heaven Vault Star Chen back into place, his majestic face shows a slight smile, just like the real World Avenue, and his order of 10000 things is all affected by his smile.

The holy chess master breaks through, does not rely on any medicine pill, and the pure avenue of sacrifice has achieved so much. Once it is obtained, it can surpass the 9 government leaders of the holy country!

“Hahaha … My Kendo Grand Eternal Holy Land finally has another eternal one! It should be celebrated all over the world, and the heroes of the world will come to see you!”

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