Xuan Xiu reminded himself, letting Xia 9 dragon eyes flash a glance of angry look.

For Ye Qinghan, Xia 9 Dragon did not want to keep him alive for a day, perhaps from the bottom of his heart, and felt that he was a danger, and could even threaten his future luck and chance.

Xia 9 Long Mi whispered to himself, “Darkwalker, he has not appeared for many years, and the emperor may not be able to find him. I will shoot first tomorrow night. If I can’t, I will find him. Ye Qinghan can’t stay long. “

“Congratulations, Your Highness succeed easily first,” Xuan Xiu bowed.

Yin ———-

Xia 9 The dragon slowly lifted the dagger from the stone table, his eyes were murderous-looking, and he whispered, “Without Fan Yin covering you, you are a waste that’s all, so that the emperor can take the shot himself, and your dead is also counted. glory.”

The original peaceful atmosphere stirred the dark swell, but the hidden Murderous intention was dispelled by joy, making it more difficult to figure out.


That night, Ye Qinghan closed his eyes and kept his eyes closed until dawn, and then he played the flute again and controlled the melodious flute, sometimes killing and sometimes pleasing. At this time, the people in the valley no longer thought that Ye Qinghan was abusing others’ ears, and It is the sound of flute containing the mysterious law.

The sun was falling on the lake, the golden light was shining, and the fish was very spiritual. With the sound of the flute, it rushed out of the water and slipped out into a perfect arc.

Ye Qinghan stepped out of the cave, and tried to control ten thousand things with the sound of flute, including everything with spirituality. The ancient trees were swaying in the wind, the branches were trembling, and the old roots were almost up.

xiū xiū xiū ——————

Hua hua hua! !

The flute was loud, and the big fish at the bottom of the lake rose to the sky, trying to be higher than the sky.

Yin ———-

The flute sounds repeatedly Murderous aura, swaying into the bottom of the lake, the fish in the water even kill each other, and more and more murderous, the suffocation in the flute sounds like a whispering forest wind, let people have one’s hair stand on end.

The surface of the lake was stained with blood, and the sound of the flute stopped abruptly. Then the flute sound suddenly changed again. It was like a breeze.

Yanzhong, more than 20 people had red eyes in their eyes, and they almost tried to fight, but the breath calmed down after hearing the flute sound. Fortunately, Ye Qinghan did not target them, but only experimented with fish in the lake, otherwise this group of people will definitely kill stand up.

“It turns out that the sound of flute can control the soul … The weaker the enemy’s soul, the easier it is to be controlled.” Ye Qinghan put away the flute and thought secretly.

This is a Spiritual Artifact that the eternal sacrifice for countless years. Formidable power must be more than this. To use it to the strongest formidable power, it must be accumulated and explored all year round. It may take 3 50 years, 3 500 years, or even 1000 years. time.

Ye Qinghan was not in a hurry, took away the Azure Bamboo flute, and was going to return to the valley, but the little girl ran over to pick up the dead fish.

“Don’t eat these dead fish. Before they die, the suffocation on them is too heavy, full of killing breath, lack of spirituality, and eating at not all good for you.” Ye Qinghan reminded lightly.

The little girl twisted his lips, retracted her hand, made a face with Ye Qinghan, and ran back to the valley.

Ye Qinghan laughed and followed up in the valley.

“Let’s go to town to eat something, and by the way buy some medicine pill. I don’t have any medicine pill on my body right now,” Ye Qinghan said, watching Gu Qingyu and the others.

“Let’s go, I’m Dong. No one in this Holy City is more familiar than me.” Jian Shi 3 said with a smile.

Ye Qinghan said with a smile, “Then there will be 3 brothers.”

Five people spread the Formation quickly inside the cave, and then galloped towards the city.

The city is now a crowd crowd, there are people everywhere, most of them come to pilgrimage, hoping to contaminate a chance, each and everyone smiles, without any precaution, not like walking in rivers and lakes, but more like visiting treasures .

Everyone knows that now is the great event of Kendo’s eternal Holy Land. Who dares to do it here, even Holy Land Holy Son can be captive!

Sword X3 was walking through the crowd with Ye Qinghan and the others, but after walking over a dozen restaurants, he did not squeeze in, and the team was at the gate.

“It looks like you’re out of luck.” Jian Shi 3 shrugged and laughed at himself.

Ye Qinghan A few people didn’t care. They found a snack shop located outside and ate some mundane things casually.

When 5 people were eating and chatting, a cold wind suddenly appeared behind them. The kind of Murderous Aura condensed into substance. This kind of breath has only appeared in Yanyun North, but now the intensity of this aura is obviously stronger than that of Yanyun North is strong.

Ye Qinghan suddenly turned his head and looked back. He saw a person wearing black clothed and wearing black cloth. He was about 1.7 metres 8 in height and thin. He could not even distinguish between men and women. His body was wrapped like a shroud. He is a deadly threat.

Ye Qinghan couldn’t help but clenched his fist, and didn’t dare to relax.

“Who is he?” Ye Qinghan looked at Jian Xuan 3 and asked soundly.

There was a hint of doubt in Jian Shi3’s eyes, and he murmured, “It may be a dark walker, but this person never walks during the day. No one knows its true face, so I am not sure.”

“Which power is it? Wouldn’t it be Xia 9’s men?” Ye Qinghan asked with a frown.

Sword Ten 3 immediately replied, “Relax, the Dark Walker is a lone walker, I don’t know about inheritance, but definitely not a 9 Crown Prince Long person.”

Ye Qinghan sighed in relief, if such a person is staring, it is estimated that it will be difficult to sleep and eat.

Only the master noticed the black clothed person, and everyone else walked past him without any feeling.

The black clothed person passed 5 people calmly, but glanced at Ye Qinghan and the others lightly, and then quickly walked into the depths, seemingly slow pace. In fact, after 3 breaths, they appeared outside 100 meters away.

“He’s going to Sword Dao Sect.” Jian Shi 3 hesitated.

Ye Qinghan suddenly remembered the word that Sheng Qi Zun passed on to himself, and threw the contents from the table to the table, saying, “Pay the bill.”

At the checkout, Ye Qinghan quickly followed, and said to Jian Shi 3, “Let’s go to Sword Dao Sect. I want to visit the Supreme Master Shengqi.”

Sword 3 1 quickly reminded, “Brother, it is not not to take you, but the holy chess respect Martial Uncle has been closed, no one sees, I want to see him Senior, it is estimated to be in the ceremony.”

Ye Qinghan said with a slight smile, “I didn’t want to see him face-to-face, but I went to see him at the order of Senior.”

Sword 3 4 This led 1 people to rush towards Sword Dao Sect.

Half a day later, at the foot of Sword Dao Sect, 5 people reduced their speed and walked towards the holy Qifeng on foot.

Shengqi Peak is peaceful, and is now bathed in the Holy Light. The avenue is covered by mysteries. At the foot of the mountain, many young talents are participating in the avenue. Supreme Dao Law.

Ye Qinghan came to see you on purpose, and no one stopped. He climbed to the top of Shengqi Peak all the way, the whole mountain was cut off, and a huge temple was sitting on the mountain.

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