Through the sky Great Saint!

The moment Ye Qinghan knelt down, many masters of the mad sect, pumps shrank, hurriedly knelt to greet the Great Saint. This is not an ordinary eternal saint, but an eternal Great Saint! The entire world covers only three people on the bright side, plus one Sword Immortal Qing Lian, and only four people.

Tongtian Great Saint white hair and youthful face, although not angry, but the momentum did not dare to blaspheme, at this time glanced at Ye Qinghan, lightly saying, “Small domain is taught well, the world is stupid and needs a good elder It ’s taught that Big World ’s powers are diverse and people ’s hearts are different. It ’s impossible to achieve this step. The warlords of various small domains are separated, and the forces are more chaotic. Few people can achieve a territory like Nine Provinces. You can do it, I am very relieved. ”

“Thank you Master for complimenting that this is my lifelong effort and should be done.” Ye Qinghan replied respectfully.

Tongtian Great Saint lightly saying, “The old man took a glance at the history and biographies of your Nine Provinces, including yours, both merit and guilt, and did not conceal them from future generations. I remember there was an article that you broke the sky for a fight and swallowed it. The vitality of the state’s living beings is exchanged for Nine Provinces. One of your explanations is to sacrifice a small number of people to fulfill all the people when necessary. It is worthwhile, but today you must use eternal saint to complete the ego, give up the ego, and you should How to explain? “

“Because 100 things are filial first! 9 You Lord is not a saint, but he has done all the saints and is a great man with great merits. He is better than the eternal saint. His Senior is my elder and qualified Exclusively an eternal saint. As for our youngsters, there is no eternal saint. If there is a saint relationship, you can also enter the saint position, why do you need a saint? If you are incompetent, then you can come to 2 saints. Sage! “Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

“Please Great Saint come true! This is the desire of the madman, we hope that Senior Jiu You will survive. As for Sheng Dan, we don’t look at it.” The madman said in unison.

hahahaha …

Tongtian Great Saint laughed. He had never seen anything like this in his life.

“The old man has lived for so many years, and some have been ignored and inexperienced. Is it that I underestimated the world’s stupidity, or that suffering changes life? Or maybe the creatures here are beyond nature?” Tongtian Great Saint asked in doubt.

Ye Qinghan thought for a moment and said with certainty, “It’s suffering that changes lives. This small domain has suffered too much suffering. People who have grown up in suffering, they know what is on their shoulders. Of course, I don’t guarantee that everyone will experience it. Suffering can go to this step, depending on what kind of people are around them. “

A clear comprehension flashed through the eyes of Tongtian Great Saint, and his temperament became more aloof. He continued to nodded to recognize Ye Qinghan.

“I see.” Tongtian Great Saint smiled and said, “The old man thought that he had seen through the world for so many years, but he did n’t know that everyone was different, and he was really taught today.”

“Ten thousand li road, 1000 years of hard work, Old Master, you do n’t have to be bored at home all day, be careful of getting sick, and disconnected from the society. Now you do n’t know how big Big World is. It’s a giant, don’t know how many eternal saints. “Fan Yin teased.

Tongtian Great Saint glanced at Fan Yin, stepped into the solitary residence, and looked at the 9 You Lord, shook the head, lightly saying, “Who tells you that the eternal Sun can save a dead person?”

Ye Qinghan looked at Fan Yin and lowered his head bitterly. He never thought that the eternal Shen Dan would not be able to save the 9 You Lord, and he felt sad.

Wow ————————

At this moment, Tongtian Great Saint waved and pulled Taiji 2 instrument, Heaven and Earth strength of Yin-Yang all gathered in the palm, gathered the gasification blade, and cut to the old body of 9 You Lord.

Ye Qinghan startled, before it can be stopped in the future, this air blade has cut off the fleshhy body, 9 the death on the body has been dissipated, the order of death has been cut off, and the order of the fleshhy body has been flooded by the strength of Yin-Yang, and it is full of birth , The wrinkled skin has precious light flowing, the yin and yang intersect, the white hair turns black, the blood recovers again, and the power of Qi and blood is strong, just like a youngster.

The soul that was originally wrapped in Death Origin tears the origin, the Death Origin of all around dissipates, 9 The Lord of Umbrella is awake!

This is Great Saint, going against heaven to change fate, just waving hands.

Ye Qinghan and the others narrowed their pupils and looked at the 9 You Lord in horror. At this time, the understanding of Great Saint was deepened.

“Is this the Eternal Great Saint?”

The people murmured in shock and some were at a loss.

Zhang Yingshi and Fa Fiendgod, as veteran top-level masters, confess that they have left the category of mortals, but at the moment they find themselves in front of Great Saint, and they are not even mortals.

“Many thanks Master! Many thanks! Disciple will give you a gimmick!” Ye Qinghan knelt down with three ringing heads, respectfully, without any disregard.

“You don’t need to thank me. It’s a thank you for letting me understand something, hahaha … I can’t think of the old man who has lived for countless years and is even with the sky. He was taught by a kid.”

Tongtian Great Saint left with a big laugh, the silhouette flashed, and he had reached the end of Nine Provinces. He waved and stood next to a Heavenspan Stone Tablet with the words’ Tongtian Monument, trespass kill without mercy! ‘

Nine words represent the limit of momentum, killing the sky, the mystery of Tao and Dharma, and the power of the sky. Fan Yin’s words are like rotten ants in front of this stone tablet.

Tongtian Great Saint came out of the Nine Provinces and turned into a mortal old man. He once again toured the mountains and rivers to see the 10000 spirits in the world. The more he sees the clear comprehension, the more he looks more detached …


imperial city In the inner city, living alone in a separate courtyard, 9 The Lord of the Nether did n’t understand how he survived. Looking at his skin like a newborn, Yin and Yang turned into precious light. The gold body was stronger than before. I do n’t know how many times. He was a Realm Master before drowsiness, but now this realm, he doesn’t understand what this realm is, he feels that he can destroy the Nine Provinces land with a wave of his hand, and one idea is enough to kill everyone in front of him.

“I … what’s wrong with me?” 9 The Lord of the Reach reached out and looked at his palm, all puzzled.

“It is an eternal Great Saint that saved you! Master, rest assured, you are at least better than my lifespan at this time.” Ye Qinghan said excitedly.

“Did you find it? How much did you pay for it?” 9 Youzhi asked hurriedly.

Ye Qinghan laughed and explained, “Eternal Great Saint, all Worlds add up, there are only 4 people, it is not costly to be able to move, they are already aloof, he is Senior, and I do n’t need to worry , He just came to see with curiosity and saved you. “

“Congratulations to the seniors!” The Kuangzong people all kneeled on one knee, congratulations to the 9 Lord You recovered.

9 The Lord of the Universe stood up confused, a look of excitement in his vigorous face, reaching out to help the crowd, and suddenly all around rolled up a breeze. The soft strength of Yin-Yang gently held the crowd, even Ye Qinghan was almost Can’t brag.

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