The mountain range is secluded, with 4 seasons as spring, 10000 purple and 1000 red, and large volumes of spiritual medicine. Many years are more than 10000 years, which is very suitable for fake Realm Master.

Ye Qinghan was not polite, mobilized the gods and other gods, and saw spiritual medicine for more than 10000 years. As long as it was a boutique, all were taken away, and Fan Yin and the others were stunned.

“Are you so poor? We didn’t come to Panlongshan for these ordinary spiritual medicines.” Fan Yin scoffed.

Ye Qinghan rolled his eyes and shot back, “You are not in the house and you do n’t know that chai oil, salt, and salt are expensive. I am not your True Disciple of aloof and remote saints. There are many dolls waiting to be fed behind me to raise, spiritual medicine you despise. , To me it’s Supreme Treasure. “

Zhanzi and the others shook their heads. Ye Qinghan’s Sect Master like this was really lucky.

But fortunately, the rattan rattan rattan 10000 1000, the speed of grasping spiritual medicine is faster than all of them together, and with the help of Divine Bird, it is almost swept, geese plucked, it is estimated that they were plundered by Ye Qinghan Panlong Mountain, without 10000 years, I’m afraid I can’t get angry again.


Just when the 4 people and Spirit Pet were advancing rapidly, a huge flying bird fell down from the sky, sharp claw tore the rock, grabbed 4 people, and it was endlessly powerful, and the ancient trees with rough feet were uprooted by it. , Rock is like shredded tofu, is directly shredded.

“Get out!”

Ye Qinghan waved unceremoniously, with imposing momentum, like a rainbow, wanting to go against the sky, directly blasted on the sharp claw of the venomous bird, splattered with blood and splashed red blood for half a mountain.

唳 ————————

The roaring screaming of the fowl, the claws were almost cut by Ye Qinghan, the wolf howled up into the sky, and the scream rang through the valley, echoing beyond a thousand li.

For the brutality of Ye Qinghan, Fan Yin and the others can only shrug his shoulders, and he is there, as long as he does not encounter other fierce creatures at Saint Level, there is basically no trouble.

Ye Qinghan and Fan Yin both wore 2 Yi8 Gua Dao robes, standing on the left and right sides of 2 people, Zhang Yingshi was still ahead, attacking, retreating and defensive, the warrior walked in the center, observing the direction, vigilant all around.

Xiu xiu xiu! !

pa pa pa! !!

The entanglement of the star-wrapped rattan galaxy is in the vein of this dragon island. This is its world. It devours the powerful ominous beast, and some wild beasts with some high feet can not carry the entanglement of dozens of rattan. Swallowed by students, but as long as it is a spiritual medicine named by Divine Bird, Xingtang Vine is very knowledgeable and never swallows!

Divine Bird forgot about the danger for a while, and looked at each of the top holy medicines, grinning, and even the little Divine Bird and the little wealthy fan sneered at it.

A few days later, not at all particularly dangerous things happened, Divine Bird said with a smile, “It seems that the world is bragging and scaring people, how can there be any danger here? This Divine Bird can sweep everything, In the future, I will set up camp here, become my base camp, and establish a new Holy Land. “

Fan Yin, Zhanzi, and Zhang Yingshi shook the head. At this time, there is no danger, which does not mean that there is no danger in the back!

Ye Qinghan is still vigilant, he will not be confused by the security in front of him. Since a sage can be disappeared without a trace here, there must be a big problem.

Robe 2 Yi rays of light walked inwardly, the breath was faintly discernible, the violent blade lightning and dark rays of light in the hands were intertwined, and the momentum was extremely appalling.

4 people walked around and suddenly found that there was something wrong with their sight. World is no longer multi-colored, trees are no longer green, landscapes are no longer transparent, but pure blue!

The water is blue, the sky is blue, and even the clouds have become blue. The creatures, even the 4 of them plus Spirit Pet, have all become blue. All are blue, the blue is charming, and the blue is beautiful. Intoxication is simply indescribable.

“A beautiful World, beautiful …” Fan Yin and Zhang Yingshi are women after all, and they have no resistance to this Top Grade World.

Ye Qinghan and Zhanzi blew their hairs, rubbing their eyes, and found that this is not an illusion, but the World in their eyes.

“We just came in. Try back 2 steps …” Ye Qinghan immediately warned.


Ye Qinghan stepped back ten times, and found that everything is still blue, not at all changed, and the world in the eyes is fascinating and unforgettable.

“Be awake, we should be in a fantasy,” Ye Qinghan reminded in a deep voice.

Fan Yin said disdainfully, “Don’t be vigilant when you should be vigilant and talk nonsense when you should not be vigilant. How can such a beautiful place be a fantasy?”

Zhang Yingshi also said with certainty, “This is not a fantasy, it ca n’t be a fantasy. This palace is also a top-level environment. Even if it is a fantasy under the cloth of an ordinary saint, I can perceive it. The resembles nature itself should be born here. The sanctuary of breeding must be that some kind of creature affects the environment of all around, so that everything is blue. “

Ye Qinghan shrugged, looked at all around vigilantly, and finally looked at Divine Bird, and whispered, “Is there anything I found? I just stepped back a dozen steps and didn’t enter normal sight, so I concluded that this place is a fantasy . “

Divine Bird looked around all around, not at all. I found something special, but I found that my perception had dropped a lot, and I could not even feel spiritual medicine at all, and my privilege had disappeared!

“Mother, let me have one’s hair stand on end, hurry out.” Divine Bird whispered.

Ye Qinghan gently lifted the madness and mobilized the rules, but found that his power was suppressed by 70-80%, and only 20% of the power was left.

“Not good, this is not a fantasy, but someone’s ‘field’. My battle strength has been mostly suppressed.” Ye Qinghan immediately reminded.

Zhang Yingshi and Fan Yin just sobered up, carried the Divine Force, and found that their strength was also suppressed by half. They suddenly changed color, exclaimed, “Oops, we really entered the ‘field’ of other creatures, and quickly retreated. Go out. “

Ye Qinghan shook the head, said solemnly, “I ’m late, I just stepped back more than ten steps, and found that everything is still blue. I suspect that as long as it is within blue, it is the domain. In the domain of others, our behavior Will be severely restricted. “

“What controls the realm? Find it!” Fan Yin immediately looked at all around and found that all were blue. It was almost impossible to find the creatures that controlled the realm.

Ye Qinghan glanced at the sun, glanced at all around, wanted to see through the origin, and found the creatures that control the blue field, but most of the creatures in the field are like chickens. There is no spirituality, and it cannot be a thing in the control field.

At this moment, the situation changed, the winds rose 4 times, covering the eyes of 4 people, and then eyes opened, there was even more people in this area.

5 people!

But there is one more Zhang Yingshi, there are 2 Zhang Yingshi!

The two Zhang Yingshi’s expressions were exactly the same, they were staring at each other with astonished and shocked eyes, and then pointed at each other’s yesled, “She is fake!”

Ye Qinghan and the others fried hair, even stepped back a few steps away from 2 Zhang Yingshi, from the outside to see, it is impossible to distinguish between the true and false of the two.

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