Time flies, ten years have elapsed in an instant, and the young Junjie and the older generation masters of the entire Océ Holy Land rushed to the Holy City, on the one hand, to participate in the heavenly ceremony, and on the other, to see the Great Saint, by the way Listen to what Great Saint will announce on ceremony, and you don’t want to miss anything.

Ye Qinghan has been in retreat since the grievances of the four saints have been resolved. There has not been much change in ten years, but each secret technique has improved a lot. At his step, he has advanced further in the same level, and his strength has not increased. Fewer, infinite approaches perfection.

There is still a few days until Jingtian ceremony, Ye Qinghan automatically wakes up, gaze as if a torch, introverted, and there is still a gap between the strength and the saint, that is, it can not be compared with the 9-star saint of the year, want to reach the immortal, and Some way to go.

“I don’t know if Xinggong No. 9 can analyze the sacred fingers …” Ye Qinghan was very curious. This Xinggong No. 9 can analyze the saint secret technique. I wonder if he can analyze the Great Saint secret technique. What about the immortal method?

This doubt has been hidden in the heart, but Lin Wutian is still chaosing Dao Field, and he cannot confirm.

Dong dong dong ……

A slight knock outside the door awakened Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan for a while, no one has bothered himself in the past ten years, how could anyone come to find himself today?


Ye Qinghan got up, scrolled in black clothed, slender body stood upright, opened the array at will, and opened the door of the room.

Goddess white clothed is like snow, with a face like a peach blossom, golden blond hair, a monster-like figure, a ghostly face, mature, charming, and enchanting. It is different from Eastern women, but has a unique flavor.

“Goddess grows like this, how many men have broken the heart.” Ye Qinghan laughed and teased.

Goddess of love slightly smiled, Ye Qinghan’s heart fluttered and laughed, especially those eyes, weird, maybe because of the eyes of destruction, those eyes are beautiful, but very terrifying.

“Yeah, because of this face, I don’t know how many men are pursuing, so I don’t know what love is.” Goddess of love sounded like a heaven, singing like a spirit bird.

Ye Qinghan was stunned by this sentence and could not imagine that dignified saints would be plagued by such problems.

“Love … It should be a wishful thinking, willing to give life to each other. I have never met the 2-star sage and never communicated, so I do n’t understand him, but there is one thing I have to remind you that when Océ Holy Land did not Help Daluo Xingchen, the attitude of the 9-star sage towards you … “Ye Qinghan reminded kindly.

Goddess’s expression suddenly cooled down and asked, “What’s your attitude towards me?”

“I don’t know if he loves you or not, it ’s okay, but if he loves you, he may hate you because he loves you, and feels that you will not be saved if you die, killing all the living things in Da Luoxing, but may hate you … … “Ye Qinghan said in a condensed voice.

Goddess of love is cold and cold glow in his eyes.

Ye Qinghan shrugged and sighed, “I just speculate on people’s normal psychology. In other words, if the Holy State attacked Océ Holy Land then, you asked for help in Da Luo Star Realm, if he didn’t see it or because of other problems If you do n’t do anything, it will destroy Ousi Holy Land, the Emperor will be suppressed, and you will be tied up and humiliated for countless years. Will you hate him? ”

Goddess of Love was dumbfounded, for so many years remorse, self-blame, and hatred of the other 3 saints because of this incident, but never thought about this issue, and was reminded by Ye Qinghan that she was a little scared at this time, afraid of her obsession Will become a joke.

Ye Qinghan looked at Goddess’s expression of love, and couldn’t help but feel a little distressed at this silly woman. For a man, he has kept himself for so many years, suppressed himself for countless years, and even hated his loved ones for so many years. Until now, he did n’t know whether he was right or wrong. , Is almost a type with Ye Huang.

“Forget it, this is just my guess. Goddess doesn’t have to be on his mind.” Ye Qinghan shifted the topic and asked, “Yes, what are you looking for?”

Goddess of love converged to panic, replied, “King heaven ceremony is about to begin, I’ll invite you to pass, after all, you are Lin Wutian’s Master, you must always witness the advanced advanced saint ceremony of discipline.”

Ye Qinghan stunned replied, “Isn’t there any more days?”

“You’ve miscalculated the time. It’s morning. It’s only 3 hours away from the ceremony and Jingtian ceremony. Please wash it and let me go.” Aizhi Goddess replied, then took the door to the door and waited at the door. .

Ye Qinghan washed it immediately, changed a piece of black clothed, dressed a lot more orthodox, looked at the blue copper mirror, fangs grinned for a while, then pushed the door and went out.

2 people walked side by side, Goddess of Love kept silent, Ye Qinghan didn’t know how to say, 2 people walked all the way to the emperor city. At this time, there was a vast crowd outside the city. There were 7 seats on the platform and 2 seats on the main seat. One of the saints was seated by the emperor, the other three saints were sitting on the right side, Lin Wutian was sitting on the right side first, and the Yar Saint was behind the right side, and the middle position was naturally the Yar Saint.

Ye Qinghan stepped on the high stage and gave a gift to the Holy One of the Emperor, and after giving a gift to the three saints, he looked around and didn’t even know where to sit.

The Emperor’s Most Holy One smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand, “You are Lin Wutian’s orthodox Master, sit in this chair next to me, waiting for him to toast.”

Ye Qinghan’s mouth twitched, and he sat side by side with Great Saint.

Lin Wutian quickly got up and reached out to help. He hoped that Ye Qinghan would sit on the main seat. Ye Qinghan had to sit next to the Emperor Holy One, and looked awkwardly at Ouxi Holy Land 10000 spirit.

I don’t know how many people have gathered, densely packed, the masters of the entire Océ Holy Land have come, all kneeling respectfully and kneeling in front, for fear of blasphemy.

Seeing the ceremony is very simple, and soon passed, Jingtian ceremony is the highlight.

Lin Wutian first paid respect to the Cangtian Avenue, and then faced Ye Qinghan and the Emperor Supreme Holy One. He was about to kneel on one knee to respect the most respected Ye Qinghan and Emperor Holy Most. Ye Qinghan was shocked and jumped 3 feet high, directly Squatting on a chair, reaching out and stopping loudly, “Don’t you dare to kneel again, I’ll kill you with a hammer!”

The original rigorous and solemn respect for the ceremony was totally absent by Ye Qinghan’s move. Goddess of love suddenly burst into laughter, which drove the world ’s heroes to laugh.

The emperor holy one looked at Ye Qinghan unfathomable mystery, not knowing why he reacted so much.

Goddess of Aizhi quickly explained, “Wu Tian just gave him a kneel when he advanced to the saint, and then the Sect Master Ye who was injured was thundered and was very serious, so he was afraid …”

Thinking of the scene that day, Goddess, who has always been cold, couldn’t help but secretly covered his mouth.

Lin Wutian was embarrassed, and did not dare to kneel anymore, or even dared to kneel on one knee. He directly respected the Great Saint and Ye Qinghan with a glass of wine. After the worship of the heavenly ceremony, the heaven blessed and the holy light bathed the whole From the emperor to Holy City, all 1000 miles are shrouded, and all beings in the world are blessed.

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