The Situhao tribe also prepared to entertain Fan Yin and Ye Qinghan in Xuejiaguan that year, but they hurried away at that time and left without a meal.

The people of the Situ family have wanted to invite Fan Yin several times. Ye Qinghan also heard Fan Yin said that this magnificent man was not bad. The tutor was also very good. The ancestral training has been strictly enforced. This has continued for so many years and has become an ancient one. Giants.

Ye Qinghan is at the Inner Sect great hall, waiting for the powerhouse of the Situ family.

At this moment, Situ Haomen ’s strongest clan, patriarch, and his two twin sisters hurried forward, looking excited, and seemed very much looking forward to this meeting.

Frenzy Law Enforcer took 4 people to Frenzy Inner Sect.

The patriarch is pale and gray, and patriarch is a middle-aged person. Compared with other lords of Holy Land, the patriarch and patriarch are much more gentle. They look nothing like the ordinary elders in the village.

Ye Qinghan was sitting on the frost war chariot. The temperature in the room was a bit cold and awkward, because there was only Ye Qinghan in the room, he didn’t speak, and the Situ old and Situ patriarch were at a loss. As for the two twin sisters, Very uncomfortable, he didn’t dare to lift his head.


Immortal (仙) ‘character condensed, directly into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of 4 people, as if there is a voice, full of will, 4 people did not dare to stand, all sat down.

The old white hair ruddy complexion of the Situ tribe, with a soft face, said respectfully, “Ye Shangsheng, when you were in Xuejiaguan, the old man did not know that day, otherwise you must go in person, please have a meal. If you have any difficulty today, you can come to me for help. With you, old man is upset … “

“Anyway, straight to the point …”

Ye Qinghan silently condensed Immortal (仙) ‘character, calmly replied.


The old Situ clan signaled to Situ patriarch that 4 people stood up directly and wanted to kneel in front of Ye Qinghan, but where could Ye Qinghan accept their kneeling, they stopped at half of their knees and couldn’t kneel.

The Situ clan looked at Ye Qinghan awkwardly, only to realize how big the gap between him and Ye Qinghan was. He could not move without his permission.

“Ye Shangsheng, you know, now Holy War is on the verge of a hit, and Xue Jiaguan is in a strategic position. Once the war begins, our tribe will bear the brunt. Our tribe’s wealth and wealth can rival the country, but the battle strength is much worse, so I want to implore you to help Situ lineage a hand, the old man is willing to give all his belongings, just a piece of habitat. “Situ said old respectfully.

Ye Qinghan was silent for a moment, not at all in response to the old Situ clan, so that the old Situ clan was anxious.

“If it is difficult for Ye Shangsheng, even if my Situ clan marries with your mad Zongcaijun, my two sons and daughters, although not considered exquisite beauty, are also one of ten thousand li, and cultivation talent is also Not bad, if you can, even if you choose 2 Outer Sect’s disciple to marry them, the old man has nothing to say. “Situ old said quickly.

Ye Qinghan Divine Consciousness looked at the old Situ tribe and united the Immortal (仙) ‘character again, asking, “How old are you? When the Holy Kingdom destroyed the top ten Secret Realm, did you have any memory?”

The Situ tribe was old and shook his head quickly. “I was still young and had no image at all, but my father once recorded the events of those years. Those books are still in my Hidden Scripture Pavilion. , I’ll go back and get it for you. “

Ye Qinghan was instantly happy, condensed Immortal (仙) ‘character asked, “Detailed?”

“It’s very detailed. At that time, my clan was not a giant, and the main attack was on information. If our information is not detailed enough, we can only find Tianyin Pavilion.” Situ clan said.

When Ye Qinghan moved his soul, it was unexpected that Tianyinguan would record these messages.

Hall Master of Tianyinguan, he has never seen it, even men or women do not know, and this person does not know if it is a holy nation, it may not be available.

“Go to Lin Wutian and let him take you to Xue Jiaguan to get all the information. Only Situ’s giants, let’s migrate.” Ye Qinghan condensed the Immortal (仙) ‘character and entered the Situ’s old Sea of Consciousness.

The boss of the Situ tribe is so happy, thanks again and again.

Ye Qinghan had to make 2 moves at the moment, on the one hand looking for the 100-mile dragon fairy’s fleshhy body, and on the other hand specializing in prisoner Heavenly Dao Scripture.

The Situ clan quickly found Lin Wutian and told Ye Qinghan’s instructions again. Lin Wutian considered it and took away 4 young saints, Stan Wuxie, Emperor Dragon Sky, Tong Tong, and Heavenly Sword.

Five people took the Situ tribe to Xuejiaguan for 5 days, and now there are many masters in Xuejiaguan. There are spies from all ethnic groups. Experts as common as the clouds, murderous aura rushing to the sky. Alas, the war came to Xuejiaguan at any time. Even Situ Haomen was extremely low-key at this moment, and he was afraid to catch fire.

As soon as the five saints appeared at Xuejiaguan, all of them became honest, and even the spies did not dare to do anything, for fear of annoying the saints.

Lin Wutian brought 4 young saints and Stu family into the Situ Family, went straight to the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, and moved all the records from that year into the storage ring.

“You 4 escorted the Situhao people to migrate, I will take the ancient book back to the Nine Provinces mad house to the Master.” Lin Wutian looked at the 4 youngsters, said solemnly, “You 4 do n’t want to come here, if there is a slight error in the migration, Just explain to the Master yourself, I don’t care about you. “

Tong Tong and Heavenly Sword didn’t dare to say more, but Stan laughed and said, “Senior Brother don’t have to worry. With me, I have a sense.”

Lin Wutian no longer said more, and rushed back to the Nine Provinces mad house with a few hundred ancient books. No one dared to intercept him. Even if any one of the 100 lords came in person, he did not dare to resist this evil. After all, he was And Xia 9 Dragon existence on equal terms!

The ancient book was quickly delivered to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan Divine Consciousness looked at the ancient book, condensed the Immortal (仙) ‘character, and said, “Godless, help me, look for the message about 100 miles of dragon fairy!”

Hundreds of books, each of which is half a person tall. It would take a while for the sage to read it. Lin Wutian transferred more than 100 Inner Sect juniors to look at the ancient book and watched it for a full 100 days. Ye Qinghan I stayed in the great hall for 5 days, and finally excerpted everything about 5 miles of Longxian.

There are hundreds of messages about the Battle of Coiling Dragon Realm. These messages can only show how powerful the Coiling Dragon Realm was. In the end, the Lord ’s fleshhy body to bury 100 miles of Dragon Fairy was the highlight. Even so, there are ten 100 messages.

“Master, in general, the Lord released twelve smoke bombs in order to bury the 100-year-old dragon fairy’s fleshhy body, and there were dozens of confusing news, representing twelve ancient tombs, dozens of small Graves, dozens of small graves have been broken one by one, not at all 2 corpses of dragon fairy, only these twelve ancient tombs have only approximate locations so far, but it is certain that 2 miles of dragon fairy The fleshhy body must be among these 100 regions. “Lin Wutian expelled more than 2 Inner Sect young disciples, sorted out the information by himself, and then said respectfully.

“Which ten or two positions?” Ye Qinghan condensed Immortal’s character.

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