At this moment, not to mention Lin Wutian, even the elderly immortal peach was holding back. Ye Qinghan’s speculation was indeed bold and terrifying, making people have one’s hair stand on end.

Everyone was lost in thought, but Sword Immortal Qing Lian was still in retreat.

Time passed, 3 days passed, Agarwood suddenly woke up for 100 miles, and said, “Sin Evil Spirit is here again …”


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Ye Qinghan silhouette flickered, left here directly, returned to the starting point of Xiaoyu in the same way, and appeared in front of everyone.

Several Great Saints and Little Saints looked at Ye Qinghan with heavy faces. At this moment, no one knows what Ye Qinghan thinks.

“Sin Evil Spirit is here, everyone is prepared.” Ye Qinghan lightly saying.


The breath of the Holy Spirit erupted, Holy Weapon revived, waiting for the war to come again.

However, the evil Evil Spirit also felt that Ye Qinghan was next to the saints, knowing that he had no chance to start, and quickly retreated. This small region of Star River was once again quiet and harmonious.

Ye Qinghan returned to the World opened by the immortal peach tree and asked straight to the point, “We can’t fight against the World consciousness now, we can only choose to leave, immortal peach, you have a way to leave Eternal Great World?”

Immortal peach, the old man shook the head, bluntly replied, “I have been in Big World for so many years, and I have been to almost every place, but I have n’t found an exit. Everywhere I go, there is an infinite place, it seems that the sky is not at all days. “

Ye Qinghan gave up asking the immortal peach tree and turned to look at Lin Wutian, sound transmission said, “We went into the cockpit of Xu Gong No. 9 and asked Xu Gong No. 9, we can’t trust the immortal peach tree now.”

Lin Wutian and Ye Qinghan walked into the distance silently, summon out of the Xinggong No. 9, now only the cockpit is left, but the sin of Evil Spirit soul not at all hurts the origin of the Xinggong No. 9.

Two people entered the cockpit and directly opened the Xun Palace No. 2, and now there are not many holy stones left, which are very economical.

Xun Palace No. 9 opens, and the elf-like girl appears on the display again, looking at Ye Qinghan and Lin Wutian as if they have a soul.

“Xiyagong 9, you told me before that Eternal Great World has an end, and there is a more advanced World outside of World. I want to know if you can take us away from Eternal Great World to a more advanced World?” Ye Qinghan solemnly asked.

The elf thought, looking up, its host did not know how much knowledge and memory was hidden, and it would not forget.

“It is theoretically possible,” said the elf for a moment.

Ye Qinghan asked with a raised eyebrow, “What is the theory? You can do it, you can’t, you can’t, don’t tell me the theory.”

“It’s okay. It just needs a limit to break the ban, but to break this limit, the energy required is inestimable. It may be necessary to get the purest holy stone of the whole Big World in order to let me have Enough to break the imprisonment, so this is impossible again. “The elf replied crisply.

Ye Qinghan was sitting on a chair, covering his head, completely speechless. It was too tired to communicate with something that was not a civilization.

“Simply simple, you need extreme energy to break this space and enter another more advanced space?” Ye Qinghan asked frowning.

The elf looked at Ye Qinghan, and for a while he did n’t know how to explain it to make him understand. After thinking and thinking, he said, “So, to tell you, Eternal Great World is a circle. The space and time in the circle are balanced. You If you want to break the balance between time and space, you can distort time and space. You can even travel to the past and the future. You can also jump out of this space and enter another space. Understand? “

Ye Qinghan pupils shrank, stunned by the elf’s idea.

“How much energy is needed to break the time and space balance of this World?” Ye Qinghan asked.

“Maybe … maybe about 100 of you like you,” the elf said truthfully.

Ye Qinghan leaned leaning on a chair and big eyes staring at small eyes. After a long time, he held his head and sighed, “Heavens! Who told you all this? This is simply not possible!”

“Say it blindly, you are so ignorant. This is called conservation of energy. The energy of Big World is fixed. When its energy is not conserved, everything is naturally broken. Time and space are also contained in energy … hey, no A civilization, can’t explain, I won’t tell you. “The elf said angrily.

Lin Wutian and Ye Qinghan looked at each other in blank dismay. Even though Lin Wutian is now the owner of Xu Gong No.9, he still does not understand the so-called energy conservation. If he breaks the conservation, he can shuttle time and space? Wouldn’t that change history?

“If I had the power to break the balance of time and space, wouldn’t I have to go against the sky?” Lin Wutian asked tentatively.

“What do you want? Even if you reach that realm and break the balance of time and space here, you go to a more advanced World, do you think you can still break the energy conservation of others?” The elf questioned, “even if you Now you can break the balance of this Big World, the World will naturally adjust, and next time you want to break, you have to advance further. “

Ye Qinghan and Lin Wutian shrugged, saying they couldn’t understand, but understood that when the force reached its limit, it could break the balance of time and space and just enter another World.

It’s not easy to leave this world. It needs 100 existences like Ye Qinghan to work together to break this balance. Where can I find 100 Great Saints?

Ye Qinghan was in hard thoughts again, and it seems that the temporary enemy is still the sin of Evil Spirit.

“Do you have a special way to destroy the sin Evil Spirit?” Ye Qinghan looked at the elf, curiously asked.

“This species is special. Its power comes from the negative emotions of your 10000 things. When the World 10000 things die, civilization falls, and over time, it dies …” the elf said directly.

“Wait, you mean, even if this era is falling, the sin Evil Spirit soul will not hurt the world’s consciousness? Instead, it will die by itself?” Ye Qinghan grasped the point and asked immediately.

“Yeah, it has no source of power. How can it hurt World’s original consciousness again?” The elf asked curiously.


Ye Qinghan slaps his hands on his thigh and stands up and says, “I see! World consciousness has been blessing, let human beings progress, let me wait for the immortal immortal realm, and then he will come to understand human cultivation methods and techniques, It looks like it’s for salvation, but it’s really just using the potential of human beings to perfect themselves!

“Achieve the immortal …” Ye Qinghan paced back and forth, looking for the key to becoming an immortal, said whispering, “Fengxian Si, this is something condensed by World consciousness, prisoner Heavenly Dao Scripture, Fan Yin’s immortal immortal code They are all immortals that have been changed by the world ’s consciousness through human cultivation. They are not immortals, but they have already infinitely moved to immortals … “

Ye Qinghan clenched his fists and squinted, trying to guess the realm and ability of the World consciousness at this time.

Just then, Lin Wutian curiously asked, “Is there a way to kill the evil Evil Spirit without destroying humans?”

Ye Qinghan also looked at the elf, hoping that this past civilization could help himself.

“In theory there is …” the elf frankly said.

“Rely, it’s theoretical, is there any real thing?” Lin Wutian and Ye Qinghan said in unison.

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