2 The great horror of dead souls join forces, and many quasi-perfect emperors who can be crushed are afraid to move. After all, the countless creatures in the emperor’s domain are their biggest weakness! Once the war, there are absolutely countless casualties.

Human Race has always been passive defense. Unless the emperor appears, he can counterattack. The dead souls cannot be turned over in the short term. Once the limit of the emperor comes, most of them will enter the forbidden area. They will be slaughtered for thousands of years. The maximum time.

Unfortunately, it has been 5000 years, and Human Race has not yet emerged as an emperor. The disadvantages immediately came out. The dead spirit was strong. Human Race 10000 spirits were used as food. Human Race has become the edge of slaves, 10000 spirits and 10000 captive creatures. Let anyone slaughter.

The 10000 quasi emperor dared to break through the space in the ancient killing god territory, do small moves, slaughter Junjie, if Human Race has an emperor, no one dares to do so!

Now that the two dead souls join forces, they dare to grab the Emperor Corpse and the Human Race elite, showing how powerful the other is.

Ye Qinghan was sweating coldly, and the flames were spraying in his eyes. He died, and he had already died once. Even if he took Self-destruction again, he would not let the ghost sink.

“This seat gives you 5 minutes of time to consider whether you want 10000 100000000 souls, or the corpse and 2 juniors!” Lightning stood indifferently in the Imperial Foreign Domain. .

The 10000 family powerhouse came down, watching Human Race insulted indifferently, and wanted to share a piece of cake.

The breath of death shrouded Ye Qinghan and Stan innocence. There is no solution at this moment. Essence of Metal is tempted by the Imperial Capital. It is the best Supreme Treasure to block the dead gas. The golden blood is the deadly enemy of the dead. Impossible to let go!

Everyone looked at Ye Qinghan, hoping that he would come up with another horrible thing to deter these damn things.

“Is there a baby?” Nangong God looked at Ye Qinghan expectantly, thinking more of a miracle.

Ye Qinghan shook the head, who could scare these beings apart from the emperor himself? Even if Tiewa is the Great Emperor Daoguo, for the time being he cannot shoot, he can only deal with the soul of the undead that’s all.

Ye Huang took Ye Qinghan’s big hand, he shivered and didn’t want to give up.

Stan’s innocent blond hair rose back, her blood was fully open, and she glared at the ghost sinker, but unfortunately the realm was so bad that even their natural enemies would not regret them.

“Golden blood, the source and the way, you two juniors choose it for themselves. As the emperor, they obviously can’t compromise their face!” Gui Shenzi smiled coldly, and the people who laughed were chilling.

“Qinghan, no evil, when you step back, there is no fear of death in Human Race!” Emperor Ye shouted, unwilling to flinch.

“Don’t regret it!”

The hunters and the ancient killing gods rushed out of the realm and killed the emperor Yuancheng, knowing that they were dead, and they did not want to shrink.

“He he he … a group of ignorant human beings! What else can you do besides kill them? You don’t know what to choose, how to stand on the endless universe!” Lightning sneered, scorning 10000 spirits.

“Do you kill if you know how to choose? What is the Spirit of Human Race 10000? Food? Do you plunder!” Emperor’s wrath scolded.

“Nice! Even if you sacrifice 100 100000000 souls today, you can’t escape! 9 Emperor Killing Formation strangled the ghost and the Shenzi. Couldn’t more than a dozen of our quasi-empires still kill you?” Zhan Yunxiao scolded the lightning, unless the other party was too fast to do Killed, chased after a long fight.

“Hahaha, you can chase me again, and anxious Bendi, I will definitely explode countless life planets, no matter how many of these ants die, I don’t know if you feel bad!” Lightning threatened coldly.

“You!” The emperor hair stands up in anger, but he didn’t want lightning.

“This emperor also wants to share a cup of tea. One of you wants the emperor’s corpse, the other needs the golden blood and the Essence of Metal. I want the Hanlong Star Domain. This seat will give you a year to relocate Human Race, or I will Let the Langs seize it, massacre it, and leave none! “

10000 clan lion’s big mouth, profiting from somebody’s misfortune, opening a huge Star Domain!

No one knows what the Monster Race quasi emperor evolved from, and how strong its body is, and the emperor does not know, only that the other party has been a quasi emperor for more than 4000 years, which is longer than his own years. !!

“You dream! Human Race territory, every inch is stained with the blood essence of Human Race’s predecessors, refuse to yield an inch!” Ba Cang Tian Ba ​​Xue revived, shattering the void.

“Then you have to be ready for death! Human Race has no emperor, see if you can carry the forbidden land and join me with the 10000 tribe!” Monster Race monster sneered, and was in no hurry, until now, Human Race had to compromise.

“Xiandi once said that one inch of mountains, one inch of blood, 1000000 Human Race, 1000000 soldiers! The reason why Human Race can continue to this day is to rely on cohesion. Even if you join hands, Human Race will only stand dead, not kneel!”

“Took out to kill the divide token! Order the heavens and unite the endless universe!”

Emperor Xi roared, Diwei broke out, and decided to fight to the end.

“Took out War God, please revive the war department!” Zhan Yunxiao burst into anger and shattered the mountains and rivers. Dao Realm, a horrible war, broke out of Yunxiao, facing the emperor city far away, and raised the will of Supreme.

“Heavenly Dragon Army orders! Imprison the Emperor’s Domain! Swear to die!” Xia Shen Celestial Emperor Emperor divine might erupt and unite with the Heavenly Dragon dynasty.

No one wants to retreat, and no one will retreat!

“Respectfully, Heavenly Dao of Supreme, order Time Law to burn, let the endless universe speed up, and take away all the filthy things!” Heaven’s Mystery Sect supreme existence Mystery Sect is brilliant.

“9 Emperor Killing Formation opens! Leave these two garbage at Human Race today! To comfort the people of 2 spirits, their death must be buried by the quasi emperor!”

“Are you crazy? In order to have an Emperor Corpse and 2 juniors, you have to fight the forbidden ground and the 10000 clan. Do you wait for the Human Race’s Great Emperor to be born?”

Lightning stepped into the emperor’s realm, and she sounded a warning.

“Hmph! I see how strong your Human Race is. My 10000 clan will not only be a person who is a great demon!”


The void is shrouded in darkness, and the 10000 clan will have 4 powerful great demon quasi-empires. The battle strength is horrible, and the Will can influence the Great Dao’s principle at a glance.

“Tsk tsk tsk, do you still think that the Emperor Shenwu is still on earth? If he is here, I will not dare to come to the endless universe of Human Race territory. Unfortunately, he has been enlightened for more than 5000 years. If I had not been in the powerhouse for a long time, It ’s time to enter the endless universe. Now that I want to go to war, that ’s the best, I ’m waiting to capture just a few quasi-empires! ”


The space of Emperor Realm was torn, and more than a dozen horrific necromancers appeared. The death was permeated. The entire Emperor Realm became a purgatory on the earth. Some weak vitality was sucked away instantly, and he died on the spot.

Emperor Shenwu is the writer of the Martial Emperor Code! Mighty and powerful, he has been called a martial art by the 10000 spirits. The 10000 clan has awe and fear of blasphemy, protecting Human Race 2 for 10000 years. It is the longest living person in Human Race!

The emperor and the others are pale, this is the trend of the Two Great Influences forcing the Human Race!

But if we do n’t fight today, 10000 races and necromancers will surely have to go in! In the future, Human Race will be free!


The funeral groaned and snarled loudly, murderous aura shrouded the ten thousand li mountains and rivers, the melody was soaring, the iron song was surging, and the mighty came, as if Barbarian Desolate Era came, the emperor came out, shook a field with his hands, and the corpses fell, endless. The universe is all red!

The turbulent melody shattered the blood of everyone, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and the human race cultivator suddenly rose.

“Fun Emperor Yin! Hasn’t it disappeared for countless years? This little girl … is actually a Human Sovereign physique!” Gaze as if a torch, staring at Ye Huang.

boom ~ boom ~ …… groaning …

The piano sound is getting more and more urgent, more and more crazy, the murderous aura is rich and substantive, and the majestic spirits are inspiring, as if seeing the advent of Human Race’s Great Emperor, the 10000 clan of pressure and the dead souls are rising, watching Ye Huang, murderous intention 4 up.

“Armored! Fit!”

Ye Huang desperately, splattered with four fingers of blood, and fit with the eagle condor, slender 4-finger golden light, the huge feather wings behind him spread out, shaking time and space.

“You want to touch my Master, you don’t deserve it!” Ye Huang opened his eyes, Great Dao of Destruction penetrated the Star River, stared at the dead soul with cold eyes, and the scared dead soul sucked in a breath of cold air. Annihilation Light killed.

Ye Qinghan Iron Fist was tight-lipped. I didn’t expect to let Ye Huang stand up to protect himself today.

“I Stan is innocent, golden blood, how can I beg for life with you filthy generations! If you want to fight, there will be no mad sect!” Stan’s eyes are golden, eyes of soul, deceived soul body Said with a sneer, “Even a dead soul who doesn’t have a Taoism dare to leave the forbidden ground, really when Human Race is unmanned? Although this seat is young, but the golden blood is not fake, after Self-destruction, Bloodline Strength is enough to kill A dead soul! It depends on which one of you is lucky, I’m eyeing you!


Essence of Metal resurrects, golden light waves, shakes the whole body, God Martial Emperor draws power crazy, and constantly rotates in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He wants to kill and defend Human Race.

God Martial Emperor Code is Emperor Artifact! The mystery crafted by the Emperor Shenwu himself, but has never shown formidable power that’s all. Once excited, he can definitely guard the Human Race and slaughter a party.

Strands of real Emperor Wei broke out from Ye Qinghan within the body, and the shocking 10000 clan and necrotic powerhouse could not speak for a long time, and even Emperor’s face began to change.

Nangong God and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, pumps shrank, looked at Ye Qinghan, and knew that he was inside the body and was hiding the baby! It may be Emperor Artifact, otherwise Diwei cannot be so rich!

“You want to fight, then fight! Even if the host is dead today, I can guarantee that none of you can escape from the imperial realm!” God Martial Emperor controls Ye Qinghan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness and borrows Ye Qinghan’s body to fly into the sky. , Contains the will of the emperor, overlooking sentient beings.


What controls Ye Qinghan? What’s going to stay with the fleshhy body of Ye Qinghan?

The ghost Shenzi gazed at Ye Qinghan’s eyes, his body trembled, as if stared by the emperor, his legs were soft and kept backing.

“Gui Qing, the host calculated that Human Race would have you, and still wanted to influence you. I hope you can contribute to Human Race. Unfortunately, you are still stubborn. If the host knows, you will regret that you did not kill you! Ye Qinghan stared at the ghost Shenzi indifferently, calling out the real name of the ghost Shenzi, his voice without emotional fluctuations.

“You … who are you? How do you know my real name?” Gui Shenzi was terrified. This feeling of uncontrollability appeared for the first time, making him afraid to impudent.

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