The Imperial Family!

Emperor Qin Hai to be wild with joy, looking at his young grandson, Qin 4 Hai, shaking with excitement.

Ye Qinghan looked at the firmness in Qin 4’s eyes, and his face was full of tears, but he still stood up, unable to help but with a touch of approval, nodded, took him out of the field, waved his pain to ease his pain, and wiped his injury .

Soon, with the first one there will be a second one!

The second one who stood up asked a young son of Divine Sect. It looked like he was only 2 years old. His eyebrows were full of righteousness, as if he were an adult, very mature, sweaty, and stood up in pain.

The third one is a poor man.

The fourth one is still a poor child.

The fifth one who stood up was a rich child.

The sixth is the Imperial Family.

The seventh asks Divine Sect disciple.

Although the remaining 4 people are still struggling, but time is running out, they still haven’t stood up, their faces are full of sadness and despair.

Ye Qinghan was about to erase the memories of the four people who had been eliminated. I saw a shabby child kneeling in front of Ye Qinghan in a respectable dress and said, “Spiritual God of Supreme, please accept the grassroots. I want to be a slave for life. I do n’t Standing up does not mean that my will is not enough, but that my strength is too weak! I am willing to use my life to prove that I am not weaker than others! I implore Spiritual God to give the grasshopper a chance! “

“Shut up! Does Supreme ’s Spiritual God lack a slave like you?” Liu asked God coldly.

The shabby-dressed child didn’t snor, but knelt on the ground respectfully, his head against the ground, and refused to look up.

The other three children did not dare to disobey the will of Liu Wenshen, and did not dare to ask Ye Qinghan to accept it for cultivation. Only one child dared to kneel there.

Ye Qinghan looked curiously at Little Brat and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Back to the Spiritual God of Supreme, my name is Mo Jingtian!” Said the young boy respectfully.

hahahaha …

Ye Qinghan burst into laughter, tears of laughter almost falling out, eyes stared at the young child, his face suddenly became cold, and said, “lifts the head, let me see you.”

Mo Jingtian lifts the head, his eyes are full of firmness, and today he ca n’t become a disciple of God. He died here.

“Mo Jingtian, who gave you the name?” Ye Qinghan stared at him, asking coldly.

Mo Jingtian respectfully said, “I had no parents since I was young. I started it myself. Mo Jingtian wanted to remind myself that it is better to awe the sky because it doesn’t give me food. I can only rely on myself when I’m hungry. “

“Impudent! How brave you are!” At this time even Emperor Qin Hai was angry, and waving his hand would wipe out Mo Jingtian.


Ye Qinghan coldly snorted, cold glow swept over Emperor Qin Hai and Liu Wenshen, the two people who were pressed couldn’t even move.

“If I accept you as a discipline, would you respect me?” Ye Qinghan indifferently asked.

“Yes! You give me strength, teach me to be an adult, I will respect you.” Mo Jingtian replied respectfully.

Ye Qinghan is indifferently smiled. He is the first time he has seen this kind of child. He is different from Lin Wutian. No matter is innate talent or will, it is a big difference, but this idea is somewhat unique.

Wow ————————

Ye Qinghan waved his hand to arrange the illusion, and sent the previous 7 winners together with Mo Jingtian into the illusion, let them feel despair, and see how they will behave in despair.

Loyalty is actually a compulsory test for Imperial Family and asking Divine Sect. They have also taught them loyalty separately. The response of the 4 successful people of Imperial Family and asking Divine Sect is not particularly good, but at least they have not disappointed Ye Qinghan. .

The reaction of that rich child and the other two poor children was slightly different. One poor young child was grateful and chose to guard, while the other was resentful and gave up his teammates. He even had a killing intent for the teammates. The last rich man The children chose to escape and gave up their teammates.

Mo Jingtian, just as he said, he respects Ye Qinghan, he is willing to protect by death, but he cannot integrate into others, except Ye Qinghan, he is neither respectful nor love.


Ye Qinghan sighed, erasing the memories of the losers and sending them all to the foot of the mountain.

Even with Mo Jingtian, only 6 people passed the level, and it was considered a Honorary Disciple.

However, Ye Qinghan is more looking forward to Mo Jingtian, and he also takes special care of him. Mo Jingtian sees in his eyes and is naturally grateful, but he still cannot integrate into the disciples of his peers, and even have some hatred.

Ye Qinghan didn’t teach much. Some things need to run in. They need to cooperate before they know the importance of each other.

Kuangzong is like that, he can give his life to his teammates to guard, don’t worry at all, he doesn’t expect these 6 people to be like Kuangzong, but at least don’t sell his teammates.

Agarwood provided resources for 100 people in 6 miles. Ye Qinghan created some cultivation techniques, changed the Star Plucking Hand beyond recognition, and formed another method. The cut-off ten styles, Great Saint level cultivation technique, each style With a layer of mentality, you can accomplish the so-called God, which is the Little Holy Realm, by practicing to the Eleventh Layer.

Except for Mo Jingtian, the talents and wills of other people are all the same. Although Mo Jingtian’s talents are poor, but the small-headed soul is calm, calm, and a bit like Yanyun Bei, but in the bones is a bit like Gu Qingyu, strictly speaking. It is a schizophrenic patient and it is very serious.

Ye Qinghan regards Mo Jingtian as the second Lin Wutian to cultivate, but he does not deliberately, completely follow his heart, hoping that he can feel the trust and love of himself and the thickness of the teacher.

Mo Jingtian regarded Ye Qinghan as a Spiritual God, but with the ebbing of time, he gradually felt the closeness and affection. He was very smart. He could see that Ye Qinghan was only a cultivating and compulsory education for others, but Not the same to himself.

The indifferent and calm heart gradually melted.

For 100 years, Ye Qinghan wasted 100 years, but he didn’t regret it, because he saw the progress and persistence of Mo Jingtian, there was such a shadow of the sky, sometimes he looked at the cultivation of Mo Jingtian, like a trace of silhouette It coincides with Lin Wutian.

Mo Jingtian worked hard. Other people practiced half of the day, but he even used his sleeping time. In addition, Ye Qinghan turned on the small stove occasionally. He was one realm higher than the other five.

Seventh Layer realm, ten days ten 2 style, he modified 7 styles.

On this day, Ye Qinghan watched that Mo Jingtian was still working hard, and summoned him in front of him, saying lightly, “Old 6, how do you feel about your mood after 100 years?”

“Many thanks to Master for 100 years of care. Disciple feels relaxed and sees the World differently. I was a bit exclusive and crowded out other Senior Brothers, but disciple knew something wrong.” Mo Jingtian knelt respectfully before Ye Qinghan. Said firmly.

“Knowing about mistakes can improve Mo Dayi. The reason I didn’t remind you is that you can find the problem yourself and fix it, but you didn’t let me down. You successfully trained to Realm Master realm. There is a section far from Xiaosheng. Of the road to go, resources can spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, but they can only help you get to the Realm Master level, and the road below is up to you. “Ye Qinghan said with relief.

Ye Qinghan, as a Great Saint, wanted to teach several Realm Masters. It was easy to learn. Besides, there were 100 miles of agarwood to provide countless various grades of holy medicine.

“Remember, I want to be the same level, fleshhy body, soul, fighting skills, calm heart, indispensable, I do not doubt your Taoism, but fighting skills and fleshhy body, 10000000 Do not pull down, wait until Great Golden World When you see it, there is always someone who is better than us, the same realm, True Paragon can even kill you. “Ye Qinghan stood up looking at the sky with his back to Mo Jingtian, said solemnly,” From today , You are going to claim the task. You are alone and you must not underestimate the enemy. “

“Observe the Master’s order.” Mo Jingtian was a little excited, and he practiced hunted red or so years, and finally had a chance to go out and practice.


Ye Qinghan waved out a list of about a dozen personal names, probably in clear positions.

“Go and kill all ten of them. Their cultivation base is Realm Master. The highest cultivation base is Realm Master 4-Layer, and your cultivation base is Realm Master 8-Layer. There is still a gap, but Absolute skills can be smoothed before. “Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

These fourteen people are all specifically opposed to the Qin Hai Dynasty. They did not know where they came from, and their moves were very strange. They are not like the product of this civilization, but apart from the holy chess respect, Ye Qinghan could not think of anyone else. Can get these people out.

“Disciple takes the lead!” Mo Jingtian took the list and resigned respectfully.

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