Fan Yin is more painful to die than to die. Once again, her choice appears in front of her, and she still has to choose.

Ye Qinghan sat silently in front of Fan Yin, and now she decided by herself. Even if she didn’t want to take a shot, he wouldn’t embarrass her because the punishment for Fan Yin was enough.

Fan Yin hugged his knees and buried his head under his knees, avoiding stress like an ostrich.


Ye Qinghan got up, sat beside Fan Yin, stretched out his hand and carried her in his arms, and whispered, “Senior Sister, if it is painful, then you don’t have to choose, I don’t blame you, only blame for covering the eyes of the people. I It ’s not immortal. I ca n’t see through the world ’s confusion. I have done something wrong, not to mention that you are deceived by destiny. ”

“Leaves … I will shoot. I will use my life to make up for my mistakes. I will be responsible for the three Fellow Daoists who died. In the end, if you can spare him, spare him. Half Master, “Fan Yin whispered, leaning on Ye Qinghan’s shoulder.

Ye Qinghan held Fan Yin’s jade arm, feeling that her body was shaking, knowing that she was very distressed, so she nodded and said, “Then follow the meaning of Senior Sister, as long as he is not excessive, I will spare him.”

Fan Yin couldn’t stop weeping, and two lines of tears washed her face. I didn’t expect Ye Qinghan to make concessions for herself, and even more remorse for her actions. The self-blame from morals and love almost crushed her bottom line.

Ye Qinghan gently wiped out Fan Yin’s 2 tears, but the collapsed Fan Yin can no longer control his emotions, and the tears are still flowing.


Ye Qinghan sighed and whispered, “Senior Sister, let me look at your soul, I want to see the mystery of Fengxian Si.”

Fan Yin froze, and then silently nodded. Ye Qinghan’s request now, she could not refuse.

Ye Qinghan extended the soul slowly into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Fan Yin. The souls are intertwined, fused with each other, regardless of each other. Fan Yin not at all goes to see Ye Qinghan’s soul memory, but he is studying all the secrets of Fan Yin.

Fan Yin’s everything is under the control of Ye Qinghan. At this moment, trying to kill her is just waving her hands.

Two powerful souls are united, and the souls are intertwined. Fan Yin suddenly feels that Ye Qinghan’s soul is desperately rushing towards his in the depth of one’s soul. It seems that he is looking for more than the mystery of the seal of immortality. It seems to be searching. Anything else, I wanted to resist, but after thinking it over, I still didn’t object, and let Ye Qinghan find his own memory.

Soul-forming villains are becoming one, just as fleshhy body is becoming one after another.

Ye Qinghan’s goal is not to purely integrate the soul, but to find memories about Fengxian Si! I also want to search for the most fundamental idea that she helped the World consciousness at the time. What he wanted was not Fan Yin, but the key to understanding Xian and knowing Fan Yin.

Fan Yin no longer thinks about Ye Qinghan’s purpose, but only enjoys the joy of the soul at this moment, leaving Ye Qinghan to ask for his own memory.

“Ah … um …”

Fan Yin kept shaking his body, his soul was weak like an electric shock.

Ye Qinghan’s soul is hiring, working on a pure soul that has never been opened up, looking at the crazy Fan Yin, his soul is surging madly, and finally found the structure and condensed process of the seal of the immortal.

If you want to become a fairy, you must create your own immortal mark. This is what the old immortal peach said. The reason why Fan Yin is weaker than Ye Qinghan is because she depends too much on the immortal mark given by the world consciousness, instead of thinking Focus on condensing the seal of immortal.

Fan Yin’s soul ‘looked at’ Ye Qinghan while condensing his seal of immortality, but he didn’t care at all, just thinking that he could finally indulge himself and suppress his pain. If Ye Qinghan wanted himself this time just to ravage his soul, She also recognized!

Ye Qinghan’s soul is horrible. In addition to Fan Yin’s soul and the memory of the Fengxian mark, the second Fengxian mark quickly condenses. Ye Qinghan also added some insights about himself, not specifically according to the World consciousness. Condensed by the Seal of Immortality.

Ye Qinghan’s Seal of Immortality focuses on mystery and skill, but World Conscious Seal of Immortality focuses on Law and Tao.

The seal of Xianxian gradually appeared in Ye Qinghan’s forehead, becoming more mature and more powerful.

The souls of two people merge quickly and almost form a whole. As long as Ye Qinghan thinks, he can kill Fan Yin at any time and incorporate her soul into her soul.

Fan Yin has given up resistance and left Ye Qinghan to decide his fate.

As time passed, Ye Qinghan took control of his soul and insisted on it. He wanted to make the seal of Fengxian more perfect.

One day, two days …

Until the 5th day, Ye Qinghan as Great Saint can no longer hold back, and his soul is tired. Fan Yin’s in the depth of one’s soul is like having a vortex, desperately absorbing Ye Qinghan’s soul.

Wow ————————

Ye Qinghan roared, forcibly separated his soul and lay on Fan Yin’s body, exhausted.

Fan Yin also collapsed completely on the grass, unable to lift a trace of strength.

huhuhu ……

Ye Qinghan rested for half a day before getting up, sitting cross-legged, and using the Seal of the Immortal to continue to enlighten the Holy Finger and breaking the Star Plucking Hand, and found that the Seal of the Immortal is used as a medium. The formidable power of the Holy Finger is greater than before Dozens of times!

The same power, with or without the Seal of the Immortal Seal, is not comparable.

The most important thing is that with the seal of immortality, the first 3 fingers of the annihilation finger and the first 6 styles of the broken Star Plucking Hand are quickly merged. It seems that Four Finger and the Star Plucking Hand Seventh Style can be pushed at any time.

Ye Qinghan holds her breath, concentrates on understanding the Immortal Dharma, and wants to promote the true cultivation of Immortal Immortal!

The ten fingers of the villain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness are continually sealed, and the Fourth Finger of the sacred finger is about to break through. One finger of prestige sinks into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, all around Lightning diffuses, splitting time and space, almost breaking the fist of the fleshy body. Be aloof!


Ye Qinghan’s soul was taken out of the air, with one finger pressed deep into the sea beyond millions and millions of li, sea wave overflowing heaven, flooding everything, Devouring Vault of Heaven.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan’s soul feels that he can control all life and death, overlooking all beings, looking back and destroying the first 3 fingers of the holy finger, it is so simple, Fourth Style was born, promoted by a Great Saint, and achieved Eternal Great World first Lingxian!

The spirit fairy, which is the weakest immortal fairy, only the soul achieves the immortal fairy grade, but the fleshhy body is still Great Saint.

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Ye Qinghan’s soul formed a web, covering the World, looking for balance, and instantly breaking the energy balance, the soul broke through the imprisonment following the order of the World and rushed to the immortal Immortal World!


A fairy light enveloping Ye Qinghan seems to be leading Ye Qinghan’s soul.

Ye Qinghan did not resist, and let the immortal fairy light bring his soul out of the Eternal Great World.

Standing on the immortal Immortal World and overlooking the low-level World, you can see a lot of information about this World, such as who is the owner of this Eternal Great World, how is the cultivation base, and what is its status in the immortal Immortal World.

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