Yan Yunbei is cautious and serious by nature. He can’t accept an unreliable Master like Luo Wuhen, but Ye Qinghan feels very appetite.

“Senior, you see that my talents are also good. Would you like to collect them together? Just give me a few Golden Immortal-level immortals. I am easily satisfied. The ancient Golden Immortal-level immortals are too advanced, so I don’t want to. “Ye Qing Cold Mountain said with a smile.

Ye Paragon grinned immediately, “Senior, see that I divided you into 3 Fire Dragon Golden Pears, and let me accept it. I am the 10000 beast emperor, Paragon among the people, Ye Paragon is also!”

Luo Wuhen looked at the two people angrily, and said disdainfully, “Even if he is absolutely dead, he won’t take you two and hurry up for me! This game has just begun and the following levels can live. Come down and be arrogant. “


Ye Qinghan and Ye Paragon can’t help but wave a scorn, anyway, this guy won’t shoot himself, they are not afraid of him at all.

Yan Yunbei looked at the expression of Ye Qinghan, and he could guess that Ye Qinghan wanted to enter the door of this person. After all, this road is very dangerous. If he doesn’t promise, he will probably die. In addition, Luwu system is also a super power. It is always good to learn something.

True Paragon, all on the ten thousand li road, worshiping 1000 people.

“Disciple Yan Yunbei, meet the Master. So far, you are my second Teacher, please accept the worship.” Yan Yunbei no longer hesitated, and did not care about the form as Luo Wuji said, respecting the teacher, yes The most basic etiquette to kill the gods in the ancient times!


Yan Yunbei kneeled on one knee, respectful of 10000 points.

Luo Wumark grinned suddenly with a big smile, “hehe, obediently, although I am your second Teacher, you are my first disciple. Get up fast, and you can bow down, showing that you still respect Lao Tzu in your heart, etc. The form is fine, I am satisfied. “

Yan Yunbei quickly stood up, standing as a pine, acting like Wind and Thunder, and acting rigorously. In this regard, Ye Qinghan was not as good as him.

Ye Qinghan pats Yan Yunbei’s shoulder said, “Congratulations, no matter where you are, Kuangzong is your home. When you are strong, Kuangzong is waiting for you to cover.”

Yan Yunbei was nodded and whispered, “It is true that Kuangzong is our home. We need to be strong to have the right to speak.”

Ye Qinghan laughed, again pats Yan Yunbei’s shoulders, and slowly retreated.

After leaving several dozen meters, Ye Qinghan took Divine Bird and rushed straight to the edge of Jue Xian Ling, heading straight to the east.

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On this way, Ye Qinghan was overbearing 10000 points, swept through the barriers, and after a few months crossed 2 barriers, successfully heading for the 11th barrier.

The 11th mark is a big mark, and it is the mid-level mark that calls the Mysterious Immortal.

Mysterious Immortal 6th grade, Mysterious Immortal intermediate 1st, playing a Celestial Immortal Great Perfection is a bit ridiculous, but the reality is so cruel.

Ye Qinghan looked at the map given to him by Yan Yunbei. The 6 Mysterious Immortal were in the first stage, but it was difficult to fight. Now there is another mid-level great expert. The hope of victory is almost zero.

Ye Qinghan touched his nose, looked at Ye Paragon, grinned and asked, “Ye Paragon, how are you going to fight?”

“You said that if we surrender, would they spare us?” Ye Paragon asked with a sneer.

Ye Qinghan licked his teeth, and surely shook the head, “The projection live hunting game, even if the peak killer and 9 killers want to end, the big brothers will not allow the end, and the recording system is even more It is impossible to agree, how many bets must be made at this time? The live broadcast is now over, and no one can afford the money. “

Ye Paragon rubbed his little hands and cursed, “Fucky, these bullies raised bully intolerably. Mysterious Immortal hit us, so don’t get a high order to fight us.”

Ye Qinghan laughed, no strength, life is cheap, at least this time I gave myself a chance, if it was not in the main city of Jingfanshan, he would die.

“4 sides of the mountain, the road that must be taken, the top of the mountain is very flat, about 30 li, suitable for powerhouse battles, think of a way, otherwise this level is our place of burial.”

Ye Qinghan stopped outside the city of 4 faces, and then walked forward to the 4 faces of the mountain. This pass was a must-kill level, and he had to be cautious.

Ye Paragon leaned on a big rock, and his two calves were almost kicking into the sky, with a grass in his mouth and a lazy waist, helplessly said, “What can I do? Now if we reveal the details, the group of fucking Big Dog will definitely change the rules, anyway, let’s not let go. “


The group of people on the Gangster Hill was slightly changed. Ye Paragon’s words were clear, but the projection passed. The big guys can’t be surprised if they are not angry.

Dragon roar of Luwu system coughed, and asked through a special projection communication method, “Son, find out exactly what is the origin of this leaf Paragon? Check what he said.”

Luo Wuhen is actually the son of Luo dragon roar, a big brother, absolutely few.

After hearing the question, Luo Wumark lightly said, “It’s normal for people to have an inside story. Don’t you always want to kill them under unfair circumstances?”

This sentence was directly transmitted to Da Lao Shan by special channels of projection live broadcast, which was not heard in other regions.

Many gangsters were speechless and blocked by this sentence. Luo dragon roar was blushing all the time. This is his own son, and he has blocked so many people to answer himself.

Because of the relationship between Yanyun and Bei, Luo Wujin has subconsciously favored Ye Qinghan. Even if Ye Qinghan really died in the later period, Yanyun Bei could not blame himself.

Most of the big guys who want to kill Ye Qinghan, they want to kill Ye Qinghan, they don’t need to do it themselves.

“It is announced to the public that anyone who kills Ye Qinghan’s younger generation Heaven Ranking will receive a bounty of 3,000,000,000 sen. Anyone who wants to participate in the top 1 players of Heaven Ranking who want to participate in the hunting game can notify the local boss to send directly to Northern Divine Province.” Dragon Marquis lightly saying.

“No problem, it’s a pain to raise your hands. If I have the top ten players in Heaven Ranking under my influence, I would like to open a domain portal for him alone.”

“Old man also supports.”

When Zunlong Marquis proposed, many bosses seconded their support. Only a few people did not support it, and only 3 remained neutral.

At this time, it is not Mysterious Immortal that is to be mobilized by Da Lao Shan, but the top 1 masters of younger generation Heaven Ranking!

The 3,000,000,000 bounty is nothing for big brothers, but for younger generation, even the high-level Mysterious Immortal is a big number!

When a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward.

The top ten of the Heaven Rankings of all states are very enthusiastic. Killing a Ye Qinghan can get a chaotic knife blank, and a 3,000,000,000 bounty. It can also enter the eyes of the boss, and flatten Bu Qingyun.

At this time, the ancient Celestial Emperor and Jing Fanshan still remained silent, watching quietly, and on the state of mind, the two were definitely the top level existence among the big brothers, even though Mount Tai fell into his eyes and his heart did not beat.

Those who can really change the attitudes of the Lord of the Extreme Peaks and Zunlong Marquis are only these two people. If the two do not join hands, the Daoshan Mountain will only be controlled by two people.


The resolution of Dagangshan was soon known by Luo Wuwen.

“Mental illness, the previous projection live hunting game is not so fun, I have invested 100 100000000 cents, now you are so interfering, who will pay me so much money?” Luo Wuyou politely cursed.

A word of complaint, Luo dragon roar not at all was conveyed to other big brothers and mountains, and the loss of 100 100000000 for Wuwu system is nothing. It offends big brothers in the world, that is the big loss.

After a while, Ye Qinghan got the news that the rules would be changed again. He couldn’t help but jump up to the sky and cursed at the sky.

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