The green grassland, the green river, all around the forest stand, 100 birds cheer, 10000 fairy flowers bloom.

The two immortal princes look at each other.


The king of the north of town took a deep breath, and said solemnly, “Marquis, I ’m not a good man. I do n’t dare to say World’s First, but I am definitely more mature than those younger brothers who are incompetent, and I am the king and understand the world ’s trends. Psychology with the people, instead of building cars behind closed doors, talk about it, you can also go to my Fiefdom investigation, if people are dissatisfied with me, I immediately give up the Crown Prince position, I have been in Fiefdom for countless years, it is impossible to show from the beginning, I Sincerely. “

Ye Qinghan nodded, lightly saying, “Imperial Brother, I understand. I asked about Qing Yun Princess before, and Swire Ancient God Bloodline Tang Jiayao also commented on you, saying that you are a benevolent king, otherwise I won’t see you today. It ’s just the Crown Prince. I ’m afraid you and I can do it. If I were you, I ’d rather wait for it. ”

The North King of Eldest Prince stared at Ye Qinghan, said solemnly, “You do n’t know the seal of the Crown Prince. Sir Immortal Emperor will definitely ask the parties about the meaning of Marquis Imperial Uncle. After all, their support is the foundation of the stability of the fairy kingdom. Wang, who has been away all the year round, has almost never operated at Imperial Capital. The civil and military officials are not 100. The relationship between Marquis Imperial Uncle and me is not very good. I am going to be with them a little too late, but you are different. I After seeing your breakthrough, I was inspired by your last battle. I think the younger generation in the world is a hero. You are the only one. Your value emotion and value friendship are also for your own people. I think I can Work with you. “

Ye Qinghan pouted and thought, he was unwilling to take part in the Crown Prince, and honestly managed his own town Tianfu District, even if Immortal Emperor let himself enter Danger Land one day, even if he could not come back alive, Kuangzong also had a foothold in the immortal Immortal World. capital!

Once in the Crown Prince position, it is tantamount to enemies. If you succeed in securing the Eldest Prince position, if you fail, it will be very obvious that you will be retaliated.

“My king knows Marquis’ concerns. The mad house just now has a foothold in the immortal Immortal World. He does n’t have enough information to fear revenge. I also know that you are not afraid of it, but you are worried about the survival of Kuangzong, but my king can guarantee that if I The Crown Prince, the northern part of the town, is also your town’s fiefdom. “The town north king said solemnly.

Zhenbei King’s Fiefdom is just the throat of Zhentianfu District. That area is really important, and Zhenbei Wang understands the importance and strategy of Zhenbei District, and in a word, Ye Qinghan was excited.


Ye Qinghan exhales one mouthful of impure air, differently asked, “How do you want me to help?”

King Zhenbei looked at Ye Qinghan and knew that he was moving. He said bluntly, “If not bad, Sir Immortal Emperor will convene all the Marquis Imperial Uncles in the near future to discuss the Crown Prince. You just need to recommend this king impartially. I ’m grateful if I can do it. Yes, Zhenbei District is yours. If it does n’t, I will stay in Zhenbei District. No one can retaliate against you.

Ye Qinghan pondered for a moment, and nodded said, “Imperial Brother writes down your advantages and advantages to me, and I organize the words, my younger brother, I also believe in the judgment of Tang Jiayao and Qing Yun Princess, I believe you are the King of Mercy.”

The king of Zhenbei was overjoyed and said, “Many thanks Zhentianhou so much love, if the King can seize Crown Prince and control the immortal kingdom, he will definitely vigorously support the development of Zhentianfu District, support the construction of Kuangzong, and marquis as brother Never do the best thing that a bird can do. “

“If you do n’t use it, you do n’t need to use it. Since I support Imperial Brother, I have naturally investigated the Imperial Brother. If I really covet in Zhenbei District, I can get Zhenbei District by supporting Prince Cang, but it ’s just reused by Sir Immortal Emperor. I am my Bole. I naturally have to be able to deal with his Senior, so he just asks me, and I will naturally recommend him the best candidate, so I never doubt my vision. “Ye Qinghan said confidently.

The king of the north of the town took a deep breath, ruddy complexion. He knew that since Sir Immortal Emperor had registered Marquis in Ye Qinghan or Mysterious Immortal, he would definitely reuse it. His attitude was at least more useful than other Marquis!


King Zhenbei took out a copy of the letter of recommendation and his achievements in these years. This is traceable, not a false report.

“Marquis, please look around. In addition, please invite Marquis to Zhenbei District for inspection and research. The king is absolutely free from imagination. I just want to be a generation of Mingjun.” King Zhenbei said firmly.

Ye Qinghan took the material and read it carefully, and found that Zhenbei Wang ’s ruling methods and policies are advanced, and there are many places worth studying in the mad government, saying that he is a generation of Mingjun.

“I will accompany you to the past, and you don’t have to pretend. Once I return to Imperial Capital, I will report truthfully. Only with a clear conscience can I speak out of justice.” Ye Qinghan said truthfully.


King Zhenbei took off his cloak, his face was vigorous, his eyes were clear and bright, and his face was born from his heart, and his face was bright.

“My king really did not read the wrong person. I endured countless years without contacting any Imperial Uncle or Marquis. I just wanted to be myself and wait for my Bole!” Zhenbei Wang said excitedly.

Ye Qinghan sighed, “Imperial Brother has to jeopardize his younger brother. If Imperial Brother is registered as Crown Prince, the younger brother will depend on Imperial Brother in the future.”

King Beibei has a complex mood, and it is difficult to control himself. In his opinion, as long as Ye Qinghan is willing to support himself, this Crown Prince is at least 50% sure!

“Marquis, please, let ’s go to Zhenbei District. By the way, you can look at the connection between Zhenbei District and Zhentianfu District. You can also look at the prosperity and solidarity of Zhenbei District. The King feels that he can be on the terms of mad house . “

Ye Qinghan no longer said that he left Beishen Island in cooperation with Zhenbei Wang and ran straight towards the town of Tianfu City.

Both of them are masters and extremely fast. Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move became popular.

A few days later, 2 people shuttled over half of the town’s Tianfu District, and entered the town Tianfu City not at all to enter, but galloped in a straight line to the direction of the ancient killing station.


At this point, the princes of all parties have heard the wind and looked for their supporters. Qingzun Immortal Emperor waited silently for the princes of all parties, but also wanted to see the attitudes and relationships between Marquis and Imperial Uncle. Take a look at the parties Marquis.

The battle between Immortal Emperor is to enter the Ancient Immortal realm, where they will fight, and life and death are unknown. Several immortal Imperial Capital will lay some foundation for their immortal kingdom.

Taikoo giants and sects in various places were shocked. They had a high status and generally did not participate in the struggle for power. However, this time was a special period. They had to come to the Mountain Gangxian Town to guard the chaos.

These archaic giants and sects are only loyal to the Imperial Family Immortal Emperor, and have received all the blessings. As long as the Immortal Emperor nodded promises to the Crown Prince, they will stay and never betray.

The Tang family was also one of them. Elder of the Tang family even met Xuanyuan Qingyun in person and asked her what she meant.

Xuanyuan Qingyun twitched his lips, she didn’t want to join the Crown Prince, and didn’t even want to help Xuanyuan cover the sky, everything was natural, but her attitude was not so determined, just to say that Zhen Tianhou helped anyone she would support.

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