Ye Paragon’s face was all green. I never imagined that Emperor Longtian would play tricks. This clearly wants to rely on those resources.

Emperor Longtian looked at Ye Paragon in a very positive manner, persuading bitterly, “Ye Paragon, you don’t know how hard we have been on this road, across the mountains and the sea, and have died a lot of brothers. This Money and resources are not enough to settle. “

Ye Paragon rolled his eyes and asked, “Do you know how much it costs me to restrain you from King Wenzhong? Brothers are almost exhausted from running back and forth. In the end, you said nothing and lost money? I believe Become a fool! “

No matter how yelled by Paragon, Emperor Dragon and the Ancient Army of Killing Gods are laughed faces, and they never acknowledged that they had obtained resources. In the end, Ye Paragon almost lay down for resources.

“Have a little sympathy and sympathy for me, or a little bit, I have at least a consolation, otherwise I’m sorry for 1000000 brother.” Ye Paragon mourned.

Emperor Dragon shrugged and could only surrender 2,000,000 cents and 1% of resources.

Chat is better than nothing. Ye Paragon can only get the resources and hate gnash the teeth. Knowing that it is impossible to get more resources back, he can only return.

“Fuck, I lost a lot this time, I lost a city, and all the benefits let them go. Niangxipi, the first time doing a loss business.” Ye Paragon looked at the desolate town of North City, almost covering his face weeping bitter tears .

Ye Shentian and Stan Wuxie also looked at each other in blank dismay. This time, even if they include the spoils of war and prisoners of war, plus this part of the resources and cent coins, they will also lose half of the city. Of course, the hunted thousand dragon is killed. Wei, more than 100, 10000 Wenzhong Wangjun, and then captured more than 100, 10000 troops, but this credit is not your own!

“What should I do?” Stan Wuyi looked at Ye Paragon and asked helplessly.

Ye Paragon 2 had no eyes, stood on the ruins, and suddenly growled, “What should I do? Of course, the city is built first, and the city is built. We will not cooperate with Emperor Dragon’s dog / day next time, we ourselves play.”

“Pull me all those prisoners of war and let them help us build the city. At least, we can save a group of resources, and the supervisor will leave it to you. I will find a way to get some resources.” Epar Paragon facing Ye Shentian and Stan Innocent said.


Flustered and exasperated is more than just Paragon. The King of Dragons confronted Yan Ao at the border of Northern Divine Province. He was overwhelmed by the army of King Wenzhong and lost the thousand thousand Qinglongwei. His eyes were red.

However, the King of Dragons still had time to declare war, and the fighting in the southern region had already begun. Jufeng Mountain began to formally attack and expand its territory. The Paragon Fairy landed 10000000 million troops at the southern border, glare like a tiger watching his prey, making him careless.

“I ordered all other princes to leave their posts, enter the border area, and take over the army. Ben Hou will start a full-scale war today.” The dragon king slowly stood up, angrily said.

Within a short time, all the details of the immortal Dragon Emperor Immortal Kingdom were dispatched, and the interior was empty, all gathered to the border.

Masters gathered, and the war broke out.


In the southern area, Tai Hao was sitting in the town himself, with 6 Marquis leaders in the military uniform, and 7 Imperial Uncle and Wang Ye led their respective troops, occupying more than half of the main force of the fairyland.

Paragon Fairyland, Jiefeng Mountain, are all in the army, ready to go to war on all fronts, open up territory.

Extreme Peak Mountain has the least troops, but there are many Marquis in Extreme Peak Mountain. They do not want to serve the fairyland, they just want to occupy the mountain as the king and achieve immortal hegemony.

At this time, the 5 Marquis of Jingfan Mountain did not want to participate in the war too early, but the Imperial Family came forward personally, and urged Zhang Fan and Elder to sit in the Northern Section, hoping to calm the town’s Tianfu District.

Zhang Fan had no other choice but to lead the Jingfan Army in the Northern Section.

Zhang Fan has kindness to Ye Qinghan, and the Imperial Family also looks at this point, knowing that Ye Qinghan will never actively attack Zhang Fan, so he let him defend.

The Jingfan Army has only 1,000,000 troops, but it can contain the 6,000,000 army of Kuangfu. Zunlonghou and the Imperial Family are really beautiful.


Because of the arrival of Zhang Fan, Ye Paragon originally wanted to rush into the hinterland of Northern Divine Province to rob resources, but now he plans to be completely disrupted.

“Mother, if I attack Zhang Fan, let alone say that he is a Marquis, I ca n’t attack him just by saying that he is kind to the boss.” Ye Paragon lay lazily on the chair with two eyes staring.

At this moment, the 1,000,000 captive army took the night to build Zhenbei City. It took 3 months to pick up Zhenbei City from the beginning, and the Defense City’s Formation was re-enabled. Ye Paragon was a little bit nervous, thinking about how to get more resources. .

The maps have been smashed, all resources that can be plundered are plundered, but they are not enough for the army to consume.

The money in Ye Paragon’s hands was emptied, and the army soldiers were almost out of hand.

“Come here! Tell me about Yan Ao, Lao Tzu has left King Wenzhong’s army of 3,000,000, no credit or hard work, how can it be almost a year, the Imperial Family didn’t even reward me with a fart?” Ye Paragon teased Roaring with immortal ring.

Ye Shentian and Stan innocent looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that Ye Paragon is a little hysterical, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get the army, he estimates that even Zhang Fan’s army dare to attack.

“I’m going to inform Yan Ao Martial Uncle. You stay here to guard this guy. 10000000 Don’t let him break in. After all, Zhang Fan is the new Golden Immortal. One person can sweep the 1000000 army. Fighting against him is definitely both sides. suffer. “Ye Shentian said to Stan Wuxie.

Stan was nodded and walked into Ye Paragon’s camp.

Ye Paragon looked at Stan Wuxie and said with a lip, “No evil, we have to think about the future of the army. Now we want the army to sacrifice the army, and the masters to be the masters, we need to know that we are in a hurry.”

Stan rolled his eyes and said, “Of course I know that I am anxious, but the full-scale war has not yet begun. It is not good for us to actively attack the Jingfan Army. The boss will not allow us to requite kindness with enmity. Immortal World people can They are watching. Once we take the initiative to attack, our reputation will be gone, and it will be gone in the future. “

Ye Paragon looked at Stan without evil, and stood up lazily, pointing at Dragon City in the southern part of Zhenbei District, and said, “We can bypass the Jingfan army by attacking Zunlong directly. Army. “

Stan innocent pumps shrank, immediately reminded, “This is out of bounds and will cause misunderstanding of the Dragon City army.”

“Misunderstanding! Yan Ao is afraid to come to see me now. Does he dare to ask me? He wants shameless?” Ye Paragon growled.

Stan smiled innocently, and it was estimated that only Ye Paragon dared to yell at Yan Yan.

“You dissipate first. Shen Tian went to invite merit. I hope that Martial Uncle can reward the army and get down.” Stan Wuxie said helplessly.

Ye Paragon understands that he is a private army and a private army promised by Ye Qinghan. Xianguo does not recognize it. Unlike Shengqizun ’s 5,000,000 army and army puppet, there is basically no army puppet on his own. .

“It’s better to rely on people than yourself. Before the war breaks out, I have to get some money, otherwise how to fight?” Ye Paragon pondered for a long time and decided to take the initiative.

“What do you want?” Stan asked innocently.

“Gather me a group of Mysterious Immortal-level private troops and sneak into Northern Divine Province with me,” Ye Paragon said firmly.

Stan looked at Ye Paragon innocently, feeling that he was really crazy, and could not help reminding him silently, “You are the commander of the army in Zhenbei District, what do you do when you leave the army?”

“You and Shen Tian are dead people, how can I be divided into you two idiots, and farts can’t help, and they are especially messy for me.” Ye Paragon said with a smile of disdain.

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