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Zhang Fan is also scared. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the army to shake the Golden Immortal boss, and the worst case is that the Golden Immortal boss cannot help the army, and the army cannot help the Golden Immortal boss, but the current situation is completely Upside down, Pingyang Hou just suppressed the Golden Immortal-level Peak, and he couldn’t stop the attack of the army.


In Zhenbei City, Ye Shentian saw Zhang Fan ran to the city, and quickly stepped forward and said respectfully, “Ye Shentian, the son of Zhentianhou, met his predecessors.”

Zhang Fan looked at Ye Shentian, but he could see Ye Qinghan’s shadow from him, and he said nodded, “Well, tiger father will not beget a dog son, yes, now you are in control of the town north?”

Ye Shentian quickly nodded and said, “Back to your predecessor, Junior is now in charge of Zhenbei City. You can rest assured that my father 3 emphasized that you must not attack the main city of Jingfan and the army of Jingfan.”

Hahaha ……

Zhang Fan said with a big smile, “It ’s a bit of a conscience for the kid, you can rest assured that this seat was forced and helpless, so I came to defend the northern Xinjiang. I was not interested in attacking Zhenbei City and Zhentianfu District. Understand that I will not actively attack you. “

Ye Shentian waited and respected Zhang Fan very much.

Zhang Fan looked at the hinterland of Zhenbei District in the Western District, pointed to the army, and said, “Who is that army in command? Isn’t Yanao the Lingyang War Zone?”

Ye Shentian shook his head again and again and said, “He isn’t Martial Uncle. As for who it is, this is a tactical secret. Junior can’t say.”

Zhang Fan’s face was dignified. I didn’t expect that Kuangfu also had a soldier sage who did not lose to Yan Ao. I am afraid that this person’s tactical deduction was more terrifying than Yan Ao!

“The old man is gone. When your father comes out, let him come to me. I have something to look for him.” Zhang Fan said lightly, turning around and disappearing over the town north.


After a few hours, the dark clouds in the hinterland of Zhenbei City cleared up, the army slightly adjusted, all returned, and the momentum was as rainbow, even in the face of a Golden Immortal level 3 big brother, he did not change his face.

The chess sage stared at Pingyanghou. He held half a handsome seal, and suddenly cup one fist in the other hand said, “I’ve seen Marquis.”

“Hahaha … Lou Shuai respects the chess sage so much, the old man is still a little skeptical. In today’s battle, the old man has completely served your mad house, talented people have emerged. With today’s hand alone, the old man can be sure that you will not lose to Yan. Jun Hou is handsome, old man admire! “Pingyang Hou bowed down,” The master is the master, and the chess sage alone is 1000 to 100 times better than me. Please accept this worship. “

The chess sage got up and avoided Pingyanghou’s bowed saluted, but the self-confidence came from in the bones. Regarding the formation of troops, Yan Ao could not be his opponent.

“Marquis, your handsome seal?” The chess saint curiously asked.

Pingyang Hou said immediately, “It is the founder Your Majesty who asked Madman to help guard the southern War Zone. Go to Lingyang War Zone. “

The handsome seal has been taken, and Ye Huang has agreed, and the chess sage no longer says more, and then said, “In accordance with Marquis’ order, Marquis is also asked to remove the 5,000,000 army.”


Pingyang Hou is a big brother of the Three Realms. His World is much more exaggerated than the Eternal Great World. He is advanced enough to give birth to the Mysterious Immortal Great Perfection, and even the Golden Immortal Big Realm. Both of his hands control time and space. , His World entrance appears in front of him.

Great Dao of Connecting Heaven.

Wow ——————————

The chess sage did not hesitate to mobilize the army to enter Pingyanghou’s World.

After another half an hour, Shengqizun took 5,000,000 private troops and went straight to Lingyang War Zone.


At this moment, in the hinterland of Northern Divine Province, 1000 ‘lost soldiers’ avoided the city and quickly approached the most fertile area of ​​Northern Divine Province, the Imperial Family hunting ground.

Ye Paragon rode on the neck of a young man, proud of himself, without feeling tired.

huhuhu ……

Dong dong dong ……

But the young man he was riding for gasping for breath, even for a few months without even a break, the power of the immortal spirit within the body was almost lacking.

“Huo Lingtian, look at you ashamed, quickly take your Dualbladed Halberd, dig a pit and bury yourself, and you’re breathing like this when you walk this little way behind me, are you kidney deficient?” Ye Paragon said disappointed.

Huo Lingtian, anyway, is also the top 20 people in the younger generation Heaven Ranking. I don’t know how many times have been damaged by Ye Paragon this way, and the forehead is full of black lines.

“Boss! We’ve been galloping for several months. They still have time to rest. I don’t have time to sit down and rest. Can’t you always sit down and sit on someone else’s neck?” Huo Lingtian’s handsome face was full of dissatisfaction, Muted.

“Ben Paragon sits on your neck and looks down on you! Who makes me look at you pleasing to the eye? People are not interested in me sitting and sitting. You are nonsense. You are almost hunting. Good. “Ye Paragon urged.

Others laughed more and more, Huo Lingtian’s battle strength is extremely exaggerated, Mysterious Immortal ranks mid-level, ranked in the top 20 in the Heaven Ranking, the same order Paragon is invincible, Ye Paragon also depends on his battle strength. Around his neck.


Huo Lingtian sighed, and only took Ye Paragon to speed up and penetrate into the mountain range.

Once in the hunting area, Qi of Immortal Spirit drilled directly into the body. All around was obviously a powerful Gathering Spirit Array, just because it is now in wartime, the Imperial Family hunting operation was stopped, and only a few people were patrolling all around.

The 1000 team lurked into the hunting area, plundering resources arbitrarily, and did not even leave the low-level immortal spirit medicinal herb, which was completely a bandit act.

As long as Supreme Treasure and senior fairy were taken by Ye Paragon, Holling Tian was no longer dissatisfied at this time, and he could not wait to tie Ye Paragon to his neck.

“Where to go? Where can I have a good baby?”

“I rely on! Golden Immortal-grade fairy fruit … Jinling flower … My grass nest Fuck …”

Huo Lingtian took Ye Paragon into the depths of the hunting area. Supreme Treasure is everywhere, but Golden Immortal-grade fairy fruit is still scarce, but it can always be found by them. Holling Tian is full of joy, holding the senior Mysterious Immortal-grade fairy fruit. Constantly plundering Xianbao.

Ye Paragon arrogantly, patted Huo Lingtian’s head and said, “Follow Ben Paragon and eat spicy and spicy, you will not regret it.”

“That’s that …” Huo Lingtian said excitedly.


1000 “Bandits” swept through the hunting area under the leadership of Ye Paragon. The immortal Fengwei deterred those powerful Immortal Beasts. The creatures of the too ancient blood veins did not dare to move, they could only lie on the ground and let them plunder resources. The eyes were all staring red.

Unfortunately, Zun Longhou’s main energy was restrained by Yan Ao. Where would one think that his rear hunting area would be swept by Ye Paragon.

More than ten days later, Pingyang Hou and his 5,000,000 army and chess sages appeared in Lingyang War Zone and found Yanao.

Yan Ao learned that the Southern War Zone turned out to be so rotten. He was attacked by more than a dozen large cities in a row, and his face was a bit unsightly. After consulting with the chess sage, he decided to take the initiative to let the chess sage fight the dragon army a completely unprepared. After that, he asked the chess sage to take over the Lingyang War Zone, and he took 5,000,000 regular troops to the Southern War Zone, so that the crisis of temporary coaching could be lifted.


Dong dong dong ……

5,000,000 private troops stepped out of the Golden Immortal level 3 heavy world of Pingyang Hou, the team is uniform, the momentum is as rainbow, holding the ten feet long lance, pushing to the border.

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