The army was quickly integrated, and Ye Paragon made the 100 army ready for attack.

Emperor Longtian in the border area of ​​Zhentianfu got the news, and he was quietly lurking in the direction of Northern Section 300,000 li from Zhenbei Town with 30 slaying ancient killing gods. As long as a wave of impact can surround the enemy.

Lou Aotian not at all mobilized 30000 Inner Sect Disciple, and without alarming the older generation, he only controlled 300,000 Outer Sect’s disciple and was stationed in the south.

700,000 private troops plus 300,000 slaves are controlled by Ye Paragon himself. The 3rd army is on a straight line that runs through the north and south, but the ancient killer and Outer Sect’s disciple are in the dark. Ye Paragon attracts the attention of the enemy with a high profile.

The time passed on the 3rd.

Fu Longwen personally commanded a 1000000 army, Yunkong was a power forward, stepped out of the border, and rushed straight to Zhenbei City. There was a small pit about 10 li away from Zhenbei City, and only one person could be buried, and the pit In the center stands a 2-person tall wooden token engraved with dozens of irritating characters.

The cloud-air brigade was buried here-by Ye Paragon.

Yun Kong looked at a dozen words, his eyes were red, his forehead was congested, his forehead was blue, and his muscles were murderous aura rushing to the sky.

“The two armies confronted each other with rigor and personal emotions. Once they were angry, they could easily find the weak spot,” Fu Longwen reminded in a deep voice.

huhuhu ……

Yun Kong gasped for a breath, and the suffocation in his eyes could not be conquered.

It was about 5 miles away from Zhenbei City. The city gate of Zhenbei City suddenly opened wide. Ye Paragon held a long spear, and she rushed out.

“Ben Paragon is here to fight you! Yun Kong, you silly bird, there is a kind of heads-up!” Ye Paragon raised his long spear with momentum.

咚dong dong! !

Bang bang bang!!

The drums on the city wall of Zhenbei City shook loudly, and the trumpet sounded wave after wave. The morale was very strong.

Ye Paragon is not even a Mysterious Immortal, the coach of Dignified, even went to the front to declare war on a power forward.

Yun Kong and Fu Longwen couldn’t help looking at each other in blank dismay.

“Is he an idiot?” Yun Kong asked silently.

Fu Long Tattoo is the chief coach and a deep-funded military division. He cannot help but wonder, said solemnly, “Be careful and cheat.”

“Since he dares to come, I dare to catch him! Even if there is fraud, this risk is worth taking. After all, we just want to catch Ye Paragon.” Yun Kong took the fairy sword and wanted to come forward to fight.

Before waiting for Fu Longwen to speak, Ye Paragon had rushed not far ahead.

“Son of a bitch, I never trouble in town city, you actually Jubing to commit, I do not put you dig a pit and buried today, after the people of the world who put this handsome mind?” Ye said proudly Paragon “Yunkong, this coach has already appeared here, don’t you dare to fight?”


The cloud was furious, and he drew his sword directly to kill Ye Paragon. One sword took the air, and the fierce kendo mystery tore the void, sending out dozens of sword glow, all chopped in front of Ye Paragon.

Hey! !

In the thunder and lightning, Ye Paragon suddenly took the air and turned into a Divine Phoenix combination with feather wings covering the sky. A scream of screams was mixed with horrible soul fluctuation. Crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood The potential collapsed through the mountains and rivers and blasted directly into the cloudless Sea of ​​Consciousness!

Golden Immortal Gangster Soul Attack …

Yun Kong just reacted, his eyes suddenly turned black, his body lost control, fiercely’s decline to the ground, and his soul was almost annihilated!

Xianfeng’s soul has recovered almost, and all the Golden Immortal-level fairy fruit and Immortal Pill in Ye Paragon’s hands have been swallowed by her. At this time, her state is not as good as that of Peak, but it is comparable to Zhang Fan’s soul, and a strong sneak attack. If it is Yunkong, even Zhang Fan has to get confused for a while!

call out! !!

Ye Paragon shook his little hand, and a rope appeared in his hand, directly covering the cloudless fleshhy body, and turned to flee to Zhenbeicheng.

It’s too fast, and no one else can respond. Fu Longwen also threatened for a while, and waited until Ye Paragon fled back to Zhenbeicheng.

Before the 2 army started, the dragon forward was captured!

The army of Zhenbei City was even more imposing, and the drumming sound was deafening.


Immediately following, in the town of Zhenbei, Ye Shentian and Stan Wuxie each led a 400,000 army to kill the enemy army, and the momentum was as rainbow as the death!

“Those who kill Thousand-man Commander are promoted to Thousand-man Commander, kill 10000 captains to be promoted to 10000 captains! Kill a blood dragon guardian to be a captain of ten, and reward 10000 cents, and so on, brothers, not the enemy in front It is our money and credit books.

Ye Shentian and Stan yelled in unison, this is the charge command set by Ye Paragon for the charge!


The old part of King Wenzhong was under the control of Huo Lingtian, even more powerful.

“Brothers who do not want to be slaves, rush with me! Kill the enemy, we are the orthodox soldiers of Zhentianfu!” Huo Lingtian roared.


Who wants to be a slave? Who doesn’t want to go up? Who doesn’t want military success?

The 300,000 old Wenzhong Department was even more powerful than the private army, and actually rushed to the front under the leadership of Huo Lingtian.

5 miles away, the archers could not play any role, they rushed together and strangled each other, there was no Formula at all, according to Ye Paragon’s sentence: Where is that many Formation? 2 Armies battle, the brave meets on the narrow side! Just kill the enemy and kill any enemy!

The momentum is too strong, the 1000000 army directly divides 3 roads, and the 1000000 army of the Zunlong army is scattered!

The Blood Dragon Guards couldn’t show their momentum!


wu wu wu ————————

Da da da ……

“Kill ——————————”

The sound of the oncoming horn and snare drums rang through the sky, and an army rushed from the south of the city. It was the 300,000 Outer Sect’s disciple commanded by Lou Aotian, but he was not Ye Paragon’s gimmick, and the outer sect 300,000 people were uniform and imposing. What’s more, the earth was shattered.

In the north of the city, the 300,000 slaying ancient killing gods, under the leadership of Emperor Dragon Sky, were even more imposing, and they all looked as if they were dead.

1,6 million people, which is almost the essence of Zhentianfu. There is no wrong calculation of Zunlongfu. With the 1,000,000 army of Jingfanfu, killing the details of Zhentianfu and catching the leaves. Paragon will never say anything. Unfortunately, the army of Jingfanfu did not. Obey the order, and Yun Kong and Fu Longwen can only take risks and gain power. As a result, Yun Kong is captured. The manager of Fu Longwen is a clever woman who ca n’t cook without rice. Without a power forward, he can only order the Blood Dragon Guard to charge. Kill the old Wenzhong Department and the private army in front.


Outer Sect’s disciple, led by Lou Aotian, continuously harvested the scattered Zunlong army, and the blood flowed into a river within a short time, and the bones piled up.

Under the leadership of Huo Lingtian and Ye Shentian and Stan Wuxian, the old Wenzhong Ministry and the 700,000 private army rushed forward. They also cooperated with each other and strongly defeated the will of the Zunlong Army!

Without the power forward, all the troops could only follow the Blood Dragon Guard, but the Blood Dragon Guard was soon entangled by the old part led by Huo Lingtian, and the army was running around like a headless fly.

700,000 The private army was taught by Ye Paragon to be very obedient, where it is good to drill where, where to go where they are, they are like a sharp knife, piercing the enemy’s sore points, and the Zunlong army is busy.

wu wu wu ————————

The drums on the city wall of Zhenbei City once again soared into the sky, Yun Kong’s soul lost his self-control, and Ye Paragon again mobilized the attack in the bracelet to kill him, and then his body was hung on the city wall!

“Do not surrender! Otherwise you will be buried!”

Ye Paragon stood proudly yelled on the city wall.

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