Ye Qinghan came from afar, staring at the architectural decoration of the tribe’s Totem and all around, which is very different from the Yan people.

“Did I find the wrong one? The people in this tribe are not Yan clansman at all?”

Ye Qinghan was secretly astonished, some unacceptable.

da da da! !!

hua hua Wow ————————

Two people stepped on the fine stones, and there was a billowing heat wave on the ground. The survival environment on this planet was especially cruel.

Stepping across a vertical stone road, opposite the lush grass, a dozen oddly dressed children were playing in the grass and flowers, and when they saw Ye Qinghan and the dark dance coming, they screamed and fled, which caught the attention of humans in the tribe. .


Dong dong dong ……

The war drums at the entrance of the tribe were struck, and they were trembling, followed by the distant war drums, one wave after another.


xiu—— ————————

In a moment, at least 30 more than Mysterious Immortal-level characters rushed to the entrance to confront Ye Qinghan.

Hua hua hua! !

Immediately after, the first powerhouse aura in Gangster Realm recovered, and it appeared at the entrance of the tribe in an instant.

2nd, third …

Just a small tribe, there are several big brothers, and they have to say that they are a bit exaggerated.

After about the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, Ye Qinghan stood not far in front of more than 100 masters, eleven big brothers, two of them three, and a fourth state, their breath is ancient and With solemn, deep eyes with doubts and surprises, obviously there was no expectation that outsiders would appear here.



Ye Qinghan’s breath revived, Yan people’s blood surged, and Paragon opened with majesty, looking down at the entire village.

They do n’t seem to have all the Yan scent, but they seem to have the Yan scent. It ’s very strange. Ye Qinghan is a little unsure how they cover the Yan scent if they are the yan clansman, not even the Yan inheritance. comfirmed.

“He is Yan clansman! So strong Yan blood ….”

The old man in the fourth state looked at Ye Qinghan in surprise, blurted out, and suddenly the old man burst into tears, as if his mood was out of control.

“Ben Hou is Emperor Yan inheritance, who is responsible for the Yan people ’s rejuvenation, you are Yan clansman! Why is there no Yan people blood?” Ye Qinghan looked at each of the masters and each of them in surprise, and solemnly suddenly asked.

Wow ——————————

All of a sudden, the tribal entrance was in a mess, discussed spirited, surprised, uplifted, ecstatic intertwined.

“Descendants of Crown Prince! The inheritor of the First Emperor has come to us!”

Dozens of people yelled, the drums of war were beaten, the roar ceaselessly, and they passed into the clouds and swept toward the depths of the star, as if they were notifying other clansman.

At this time, Ye Qinghan affirmed that the person in front of him was a member of the Yan clan, but he covered his blood with special methods.

Da da da ……

Ye Qinghan took a dark dance to the crowd, raised his eyes and saw that many people were surging deep into the tribe. Some women even rushed to the tribe entrance with their children with choppers. It seemed to be desperate.

The child was holding a wooden stick and a wooden gun, angry and embarrassed, and looked at Ye Qinghan in disgust as soon as he rushed over.

Many people have just arrived at the entrance of the tribe and can’t tell the situation. They don’t know that Ye Qinghan is a descendant of Emperor Yan. They think that the enemy is coming after them, so the atmosphere is completely different.

“It seems that their history is good. They know that one inch of mountains and one inch of blood, 1000000 million children and 1000000 soldiers.” Ye Qinghan watched the tribe move fast, there were about 7 80000 people, old and weak, disabled, women and children, they are in the first 4 ladders, 1st Rank ladders are all old man, decaying old man, they are not afraid of death, they think die without regret, so in the front, the second ladder is middle-aged, and the third ladder is youngster.

This formation seems to have been researched for many years of fighting, only to retain an inheritance for the Yan people.

Ye Qinghan looked at this formation, and his heart was a little bit sour. These people had a hard time. In order to survive, his heart must have suffered more than himself, and his emotions were very depressed.

“Sorry! I’m late!”

Ye Qinghan bowed deeply, this bow is for these old man, they are for the inheritance of Yan people, I do not know how many times to block in front.


The old man slowly stepped towards Ye Qinghan, reached out and supported Ye Qinghan’s arm, and stroked Ancestor Yan’s right arm. Even in the fourth state, he still couldn’t control his emotions, and his tears couldn’t stop flowing down.

After countless death battles, the biting wound was vivid, but he never cried. Today, because of an inflammation clansman, he left tears and saw Ancestor Yan’s right arm, and he couldn’t stop crying.

Wu wu wu ……

The Elder was wailing, his body was shaking, and he wanted to kneel to the ground, but was held by Ye Qinghan so hard that he was not allowed to kneel at all.

“Elder, I am not qualified to withstand your kneeling. It is you who let the Yan inheritance come down, not me! This week, it should be me.” Ye Qinghan hoarse, kneeling on his knees, gave the Elder a kick Scream.

“Come up! You are the Crown Prince inheritance, representing the Crown Prince of the Yan clan, how can the old man accept your kneeling!” The old man immediately lifted Ye Qinghan, said respectfully.

Ye Qinghan had too many questions in his heart to ask them, and whispered, “Elder, let’s dismiss everyone, let’s talk about it alone, I have something to ask.”

“Okay!” The old man quickly nodded.


The old man waved and everyone left reluctantly, looking back in 3 steps, watching Ye Qinghan.

Shadow Dance is a little overwhelmed at this point, not knowing what to do next.

Ye Qinghan lightly saying, “Dark dance, go play with children, I and Elder have something to say.”

The dark dancer did not dare to disturb Ye Qinghan, and immediately turned to go in the direction of those children.


Ye Qinghan and old man walked side by side, came to a remote valley, and sat face to face in a long pavilion.

“The old man can’t imagine that after many years, there will be a clansman coming back here.” Old man said solemnly.

Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, looking at the dead hand of the old man, and there were still fresh wounds, and he whispered, “This is a long story. I played a princely battle in the immortal Immortal World, and as a result, I was identified by a few ancient Lords. The inheritors learned the identity. Instead of notifying others, they chose to ambush me. In the end, I slaughtered with them for decades, escaping and killing, and finally entered the Greedy Wolf Giant Star. I accidentally found a teleportation stone The tablet sent us to Darkmoon Star. After 2 killings, I successfully beheaded 3 Archaeological Lord God inheritors. Although their Lord God has escaped, there is no hunted thousand years of effort. Do n’t try to restore Peak. status.”

Slay 3 Swire Lord God inheritance in ambush!

Old man pupils shrank, I didn’t expect Ye Qinghan’s battle strength to be so exaggerated.

“There were 5 Swire Lord God inheritance people, and 4 of them ambush me, but all of them are dead, without exception!” Ye Qinghan said with certainty.

“Okay! It’s very good!”

The old man caresses his hands and screams in excitement, even if Ye Qinghan kills 4 Swire heritage men, he feels irritated.

Ye Qinghan looked at the excited look of the old man, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, as long as he knew how hard this battle was.

“Elder, what’s the injury to you?” Ye Qinghan calmed down quickly and asked in a whisper.

The old man’s breath was stagnant, and helplessly said, “Ancient Immortal and the ancient god lineage chased after us. We teamed up with the Darkmoon people to kill a group, but there were still a group of people who did not die. Here, we have been fighting with us for countless years, always maintaining both sides suffer. These years, their advantages are getting stronger and stronger, but our number is getting smaller and smaller … In order to cover up our identity, we have to find medicine ingredients and apply them on our bodies. Identity, often organize Suicide Squad to kill each other’s tribe … ”

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