xiū xiū xiū xiu—— ————————

Ye Qinghan has been practicing in the Ancient Immortal world for so long. The road is getting lighter and lighter, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In just 30 years spanning the endless territory, crossing from the realm of Monster Emperor, back to the entrance of the Ancient Immortal Realm and the immortal Immortal World, instantly tearing the nodes, and returning to the immortal Immortal World.

At this time, the immortal Immortal World, Ghost Weeping Mountain Range, 5,000,000 Zhengtian camp actually blocked the ancient God and Ancient Immortal from being conquered for several thousand years, but there were many casualties, but the ancient god and Ancient Immortal suffered more injuries, especially in the Lord of Jingfan Mountain. After returning, the power of Mad House increased again.

After three thousand years of cultivation and recuperation at Kuangfu, battle strength has undergone a qualitative transformation.

In the death battle of Xingliang Mountain, Kuangfu lost some outsiders, but after that battle, everyone strengthened a lot.

More than 3000 years after Ye Qinghan left, they survived many calamities on their own.

On this day, three masked youngsters came from Ghost Weeping Mountain Range, and the ancient god Ancient Immortal, who was surprised when they appeared, bowed backwards and did not dare to desecrate the majesty of the three.

The 3 people had sharp eyes and looked coldly at the ancient god Ancient Immortal and other major forces. They didn’t need to speak to make everyone understand their meaning.

A bunch of waste!

Including the Imperial’s inheritance, they have been scorned, but no one dares to say anything, because they represent the strongest force in the Ancient Immortal world, Ascendant Hall!

“Why did it take so long to kill a group of ants? Who can give me a reasonable explanation?”

One of the youngsters with a mark of warriors between his foreheads looked down on the five inheritance and Lord God inheritance old man of the previous generation, clearly speaking in an interrogative tone.

But the five previous-generation old men couldn’t get angry, even though there was fire in their hearts.

“Hmph! The enemy is strong, but there is a Divine General inheritance in the rear that always disrupts our main battle strength.” One of the imperial inheritance old man coldly snorted and said.

The youngster with the Mark of the Warrior and the 2 people around him said, “It seems that the outside must be inside first, we should clean up the sect!”

There are 2 left, one is a stick and one is a tripod, they represent the cultivation technique of the inheritance.

Avenue Warrior, Earthquake Stick, 4-corner tripod, anyone who knows Taikoo knows that Avenue Warrior represents Lord Taikoo Avenue, and Star Warrior represents Martial Dao Lord God, and Skykull represents Ancient Immortal. Emperor.

Hearing that these three people want to kill Luo Wuhen, many ancient gods Ancient Immortal are to be wild with joy, especially Young Master pure, and went straight forward and said, “That gloomy Divine General betrayed the master first, and helped the clansman behind, It is no accident, because there is still a person standing behind him, or he does not know if the three dare to kill him. “

Young Master is purely bad intentioned and would like to murder a person with a borrowed knife!

The Warrior’s Mark Master glanced at the Young Master purely, wouldn’t he know that he wanted to Murder a person with a borrowed knife, but since the other party wants to help the clansman, it’s OK to clean up the Young Master purely.

“Who is it?” Asked the Silent Mark Master silently.

“The ancient Divine sense Lord God God inheritance, 9 days old, is now in the 4th state, and there is a master behind her, the ancient Celestial Emperor of the Academy of the Ancient Emperor!” Young Master said purely coldly.

At this time, the soldiers, the heroes, and the inheritors of the four corner tripods all pumped shrank. The ancient Celestial Emperor is a Divine General cultivation base, and it also hides a lot of background. Ascendant Hall extended the olive branch several times to ask him to report. He refused. It seems that it is not to stop calling the emperor.

Everyone at Ascendant Hall knows that this person is not to be trifled with, who once took the mother’s inheritance of the ancient 9 days, but has been reluctant to expose it. The people at Ascendant Hall have long found out, but there is no direct evidence for these years. The ancient Celestial Emperor is very hidden.

“Would you like to borrow my hand to kill the ancient Celestial Emperor?” The murderous intention of the infantry inheriter flashed away, and he questioned sensibly.

Young Master replied purely and faintly, “You do n’t want to spray people with blood. This seat is also a diignified imperial inheritance. Even if you are also an imperial imperial inheritance, it is only because of Ascendant Hall that you are qualified to join me. Speak, but do n’t forget your identity, profane Taikoo! ”

“You!” Iron Fist, an infantry inheritor, suddenly saw a winged winger in his hand. Although it is an imitation, the formidable power is not lost to the true winged ridge.


The stunner inheritor stood up and took hold of the infantry inheritor, gently shook the head, and whispered, “Don’t be impulsive, the task is urgent.”


The Young Master is purely snorted at the same time as the infantry inheritor. It seems that the hatred between the real imperial bloodline inheritance and the imperial inheritance cultivated by these Ascendant Halls is quite large.

“Brother Young Master is telling the truth. If you dare not to clean up the sect, even if you go back to life, I won’t laugh at you.” Another imperial inheritance from the previous generation, said indifferently.

Ka-cha! !

The four-corner inheritor Iron Fist stunned, and he had never spoken, took a deep breath, and said directly, “to clean up the sect, there is no need to do with swords drawn and bows bent. The ancient 4 days are the ancient 9 days, The ancient Celestial Emperor is the ancient Celestial Emperor. The gloomy Divine General inheritance is the inheritor of the gloomy Divine General. There is no necessary connection between these three. We can’t listen to the nonsense of these people. We go to find the ancient nine days and the gloomy Divine. The general inheritance person Luo Wuwen asked and understood. If they really dare to help the clansman, they will clean up the sect. As for the ancient Celestial Emperor, we have no evidence that he betrayed the ancient god and the Ancient Immortal belief. “

The other two were suddenly nodded, but before they left, they took a cold look at the Young Master pure and the others, it seemed to be a warning, and it seemed that there was a gap between them.

Hua hua hua! !

xiū xiū xiū ——————————

Three people took the air towards the rear.

At this moment, the ancient Divine General Inheritor and the gloomy Divine General inheritance were at the headquarters of Luwu system. The news came very quickly. When the infantry inheritance and the others appeared, the two of them got the news.

3 great expert The headquarter of Chaoluwu system galloped, and 2 people knew it was not good, but they didn’t want to retreat!

In these three thousand years, 2 people have not been idle, and Luo Wuchen ’s cultivation has not been more advanced, and completely refining the godhead. The battle strength has approached the gloomy Divine General of the year. The gloomy Divine General of the year was stronger than weak!

The ancient 9 days are unique, and the blood seems to have the signs of returning to the ancestors. The practice of twist the results for half the effort has already had the temperament of Taigu Divine Sense Lord God when he was young, giving a breath that is difficult to blaspheme.

The dark and reckless man did not know how many resources were swallowed up in the Luwu system. The internal injuries of that year have been repaired. The battle strength is closer to the next level. It is definitely scary to fight. It is a rare existence in the ancient war.

“Send someone to inform my father that he loves not to come!” Said Guly 9 days coldly snorted.

Luo Wumark looked indifferent, but still sent someone to call the ancient emperor Academy.

The ancient Celestial Emperor has been very low-key in recent years, and it is not as high-key as it was then. It seems to have penetrated something. Three thousand years have not appeared.

However, the news just passed away. Three horrifying breaths shrouded the headquarters of Luwu system. No one dared to move half a step, as if they were caught in the realm of others. Whoever dared to move would die.

call out! !!


Ancient 9 days and Luo Wuluo took the air, appeared outside the headquarters of Luwu system, watching 3 great experts with sharp eyes, confrontation with a stronger attitude, unwilling to flinch.

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