The road was hidden here for a long time. It seemed to be waiting for Yan Yunbei to return. Ye Qinghan didn’t expect to follow, so he didn’t rush into it. After the two people left the cliff, the silhouette flashed, soared into the sky, and went directly into the void. 2 people.

Ye Qinghan at this time led Yan Yunbei toward the nodes of Feng Mo Grotto and Ancient Immortal.

The tour has a better understanding of the Ancient Immortal community than Ye Qinghan. According to Ye Qinghan’s route, it is quickly guessed where they will go, at least where they will pass!

Wow ————————

call out! !! !!

The road disappeared and went straight away.

Ascendant Hall ’s dignified mouth, plus the previous generation of Emperor Artifact inheritance, this generation of Emperor Artifact inheritance has also become a talent. For several 10000 years, the imperfect inheritance of the imperial emperor has been honed by Ascendant Hall. The battle strength has already been turned over and I don’t know how many times.

how many years Light Paragon gathered together in the dignified mouth, fighting each other, the young Emperor Artifact inheritance and the older generation of Emperor Artifact inheritance killed each other, the Emperor Artifact inheritance and the imperial inheritance killed each other without mercy.

Ye Tong, Lin Mo, 2 young Emperor Artifact inheritors support the younger generation, often fighting the last generation of Emperor Artifact inheritance to the end, gradually closing the gap between the young Emperor Artifact inheritance and the previous generation of Paragon, becoming the new generation of Emperor Artifact The soul of the inheritance!

But at this moment, Lin Mo and Ye Tong do n’t seem to know each other. When they were very young, they were separated and sent to major cities to enter Ascendant Hall. Since then, the two have n’t communicated. There are so few memories, and the imprint in their hearts is not each other, but the belief of mad house.

They hypnotize themselves all year long, in the Ancient Immortal world, they are the only one, not at all others interspersed in Ascendant Hall!

The two loved each other, but they didn’t trust each other in their hearts, and even at some point they had a killing intent, because they didn’t want to leave such a master for Ascendant Hall.

It ’s just that 2 people not at all have too many chances of contact, otherwise the 2 people would have been killed.

Sword inheritance, the old generation of sword emperor and Imperial Capital were beheaded by Ye Qinghan, but they were replaced by the previous generation, but they still couldn’t beat the new generation of Ye Tong and Lin Mo.

Yin ——————————

call out! !!

A messenger Aurora rose into the sky, and Ascendant Hall dignified out of hundreds of masters, all of them are the most powerfulhouses of the younger generation. Everyone is wearing a mask. Those without masks are not eligible to gather.

Hua hua hua! !

Xiu xiu xiu! !

Ye Tong and Lin Mo also rushed to the outside of the hall quickly, stood side by side, Yu Guang passed over each other, and knew in their hearts that this was another very powerful task to be performed.

After a while, the tour came with a sword, watching the Ascendant Hall masters sprung up, especially the sword emperor Ye Tong and sword emperor Lin Mo. Since the last slaughter of Ye Tong and Yanyun, the tour believes him .

The tour seems to have been specially cultivated by the Ascendant Hall, and the battle strength has been increased several times. Otherwise, whether Ye Tong and Lin Mo can fight at this moment is a problem.

“Everyone prepares, set off with me, the destination Yunling Basin, the target, the mad house Ye Qinghan and the mad house Yanyun North! The ultimate goal is to kill Yan Yunbei and defeat the heart of Ye Qinghan. This battle can only be won, No defeat! “

The tour glanced at the crowd, and finally stared at Lin Mo and Ye Tong as well as several powerhouses of the older generation, said solemnly, “Sword Emperor, Sword Emperor, Time and Space, Five Elements, Avenue. This emperor has high demands on you 5 You must defeat Ye Qinghan together this time! Understand? “

Ye Tong took a deep breath and said firmly, “I understand!”

The other 4 people are even more determined. Ascendant Hall trains them every day, each time instilling a goal, that is, to defeat Ye Qinghan! So everyone else is very excited.

Lin Mo secretly flipped the scabbard. He hasn’t been in contact with Yanyun North for nearly 2 years!

Among these people, Yu Guang was surging, the weapon in his hand was shaking, it seemed to be excited, but only they knew that the name of Yan Yunbei touched the deepest secret in their hearts!

When Yan Yunbei sent those children away, he only told them one word and he forgot everything. Just remember the three words “Yanyunbei”!

Yun Rui’s youngest son, Yun Yang, Li Feng’s grandson, Li Mo, Jiang Jingtian’s 6-year-old son, Jiang Qiufeng, are all grown up now, sending out more than 30 people that year, and now there are no more than 2 people left. Not to say it is cruel! The oldest children were only ten or five years old, and the youngest were only six or seven years old! Only one third is dead today.

But of the remaining 2 people, which is not the top Paragon!

Ye Tong was sent out at that time, and everyone knew that the child sent out, nine deaths and still alive! If you can go back, the old generation of Kuangfu is naturally happy. If you can’t go back, you can only cry and pray for the blessing in the middle of the night. May there be no killing in the silence.

Scanning the road again, I never thought that there were 2 mad houses interspersed in this group of people. You know that when these people came in, they were very small. How strong can the child be? After so many years of brainwashing and hypnosis, even if there is a spy, it is time to rebel, but he could not imagine that the remaining 2 are all determined minds and never thought of giving up the glory of the mad house!

“set off!”

The road rose into the sky, as fast as lightning.

Ye Tong and the others followed closely, each and everyone You chase after me, not willing to be left behind, one faster than the other.

He smiled silently on the road, he wanted this group of evildoers to compete. If he could fight, he would never stop. If anyone could break the bones of these young Paragon, he would surely become the ancient emperor. I am afraid that the battle strength will far exceed him. Become the most important piece of Ascendant Hall!

These people shuttled from the abyss, across the several li, across the mountain peaks, through the jungle, riding the wind and waves, and rushing towards the node connecting Feng Mo Grotto and the Ancient Immortal Realm.

They can completely block Ye Qinghan and Yan Yunbei before the node!

With more than 300 Paragons, crushing Ye Qinghan is definitely not the case.

In a deep mountain, the tour takes more than 300 Paragons scattered in four directions. Once in the jungle, no one dares to breathe. Now who is exposed, the tour is definitely without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Tong held the knife against the valley, holding a piece of spiritual grass in his mouth.

Lin Mo, standing across a thirty-forty mile, stood on an ancient tree with a restrained atmosphere like a sword in the sky.

Dragons have dragons, Ye Tong and Lin Mo completely inherit the advantages of Ye Qinghan and Lin Wutian. Although separated by a generation, the blood and blood are closer to 2 people, and there are signs of returning to their ancestors.

2 People are thinking about how to save Yan Yunbei and Ye Qinghan. Exposure at this time is not a good thing. Not only can they not save Ye Qinghan and Yan Yunbei, they will also put themselves in. This is absolutely not allowed. Bei has taught numerous times that if he wants to act, he must ensure his own safety, otherwise he will increase his casualties.

Mad House can’t afford to lose the elite!

The corners of Ye Tong’s eyes flashed with tears like rays of light, but the tears were covered by a mask. As a grandson of Ye Qinghan, would he not know Ye Qinghan, Ye Qinghan, that is the glory of the Ye Family, and it is the same as the ancestors. Don’t want to bloom rays of light like him.

“Grandfather, can’t I save you today?”

Ye Tong knows what these 300 Paragons represent. Even if Taiko Emperor is in person, he may only lose one! If World’s First is here, there will never be any luck.

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