Ye Qinghan listened for a moment, and it was Son of Heaven that was emotional, and was born at the request of Heaven and Heaven order, just to understand that order was saved by fire and water?

“At that time, the ancient yin and yang felt what the new order needed to do, so they pushed the boat down and set up this shocking situation with Yan You, in order to devour the basic source of alien stars, and Yan You used your soul to step into Ancestor Realm at the same time, but I did n’t t expect Emperor Liang is actually helping you. “Emperor Yan said solemnly.

Both cause and effect appeared, Emperor Yan was puzzled, Ye Qinghan understood a lot.

The new order spurred the birth of Ye Qinghan, and the corresponding aliens were born to aid growth in order to break the catastrophe and kill or return the ancient Yin and Yang to their original shape.

However, Emperor Yan was ignored in the new order. Perhaps Emperor Yan cannot escape Five Elements, and there is another reason. Once Emperor Yan is out of Five Elements, I am afraid that the new order cannot be suppressed.

“According to the message from the Avenue, I roughly guessed that this Qiutian Realm may be hiding the secret about Ancestor Realm, but I have not entered it and cannot give a positive answer, but one thing is certain, once you enter Qiutian Realm , Stepping into Ancestor Realm may just be a wave of hands, and future achievements will be much higher than me. “Emperor Yan whispered.

“This order … is there any emotion?” Ye Qinghan curiously asked, he doesn’t like to be controlled by emotional creatures at all. If it is pure order, which constrains 10000 laws, there is no emotion at all. It stimulates the birth and growth of himself. There is nothing wrong with it, but if the other person has feelings, that is another matter.

Emperor Yan has a cluster of eyebrows, looks up at the sky, and replied calmly. “It is logically a road order without feelings, but it naturally forms an order, constrains the world’s 10000 laws of things, and self-regulates the universe. For example, Taigu Yinyang, Great Dao of Yin-Yang succeeded in breaking the shackles and developing emotions, Shape Transformation succeeded and became One Yin One Yang, but he was ultimately the Emperor Realm born in the Primal Chaos Heaven domain, which was originally born for the avenue. Nowadays Crossing the avenue and successfully standing on Heavenly Dao, it is understandable to break free. “

Ye Qinghan touched the tip of his nose, pondered for a long time, and asked, “Senior, is there a realm on Ancestor Realm?”

Emperor Yan looked at Ye Qinghan, not at all concealed, and then definitely replied, “Yes, detached from nature, without me, without sky, without order, everything is determined by heart, to the realm, the distance between the universe, wink Your eyes are close, Ancestor Realm, who can be waved, and the dead can be resurrected at will, but that is an ideal state, so far no one can reach it, and chaos can’t be done. “

Ye Qinghan flashed his spirits, that state was what he wanted, and resurrected the dead.


Emperor Yan pats Ye Qinghan’s shoulder, lightly saying, “Don’t think so far, that kind of realm, I dare to think, but without that ability, do everything you can, and not like Taigu Yinyang and Yan You, for the so-called Ancestor Realm , Not recognizing one’s family, in the end it was counterproductive. “

Ye Qinghan exhales one mouthful of impure air, nodded, no longer paying attention to that realm.

Emperor Yan is always born to fight against the Taoism. Since Ye Qinghan was born, no one wants him to fight and dare not fight, but Emperor Yan, he always feels that he is the best respected elder. s Choice.

The master is lonely, lonely at the top, the sky is down, at least there is Emperor Yan blocking it, the ground is down, at least there is Emperor Yan supporting it, not so tired.

Life is like smoke, vast and elegant, and too much pursuit, but tired himself.

Ye Qinghan was thinking very openly. In the immortal Immortal World, he wanted to kill Sikong Greedy Wolf and found a Holy Land to enjoy life with peace of mind. However, many people would come to the door and force him to move forward.

“Kill Yan You and kill the ancient Yin and Yang, we will be relaxed.” Ye Qinghan said with a shrug.

Emperor Yan smiled silently, replied faintly, “Perhaps, where there are people, there will be fighting, when can it be quiet?”

Ye Qinghan stared at the barrier ahead, East-Rising Purple Qi, now wanting to enter the Primal Chaos Heaven domain, it is a bit difficult, unless you destroy this time and space, but you ca n’t reach the realm without selflessness and lawlessness, the entire universe will Collapse, no one can survive, even if he and Emperor Yan can survive, what’s the point?

What Yan You and Taigu Yinyang want is this result. Although the last way is coward, at least there is still a glimmer of hope. It will not be different from the universe. It is better to be a 3 domain Retired Emperor than Ye. Qinghan and Emperor Yan killed well.

“Now … what shall we do?” Ye Qinghan frowned. As long as Yan You and Tai Gu Yin Han were still alive, they were always restless.

Emperor Yan looked up at the sky, solemnly replied, “Get to know the universe and step into Ancestor Realm.”

Ye Qinghan nodded, licked his teeth, cold glow flashed, before stepping into Ancestor Realm, it’s time for the revenge of Kuangfu!


xiu—— ————————

Ye Qinghan returned to the hinterland of Ancient Immortal alone, came to Chi Divine Realm, looked at Liu Feng with a look of excitement, a touch of nodded, and said, “Liu Feng, hostile to the mad house and killed those who have mad house, All are cleared, one is left. “

Liu Feng’s face sank all at once, his fingertips trembled, and he asked hoarsely, “What about me? I did kill some people in Kuangfu a few years ago, but I also wanted to protect myself, to convince Taigu Yinyang, Recently, I have successively blocked hundreds of Ascendant Hall couriers, fighting for the house owner for hundreds of years, and saving Yan Yunbei from the ancient Celestial Emperor and more than 2 3 mad houses and Yan clansman, is it difficult for Dao Mansion to want abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, and clear me out? “

Ye Qinghan didn’t know what happened in the Ancient Immortal world. Looking at Liu Feng’s worried face, reaching out to Pats Liu Feng’s shoulder, lightly saying, “I’m not abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal. I remember in the bottom of my heart, I am definitely not referring to Yuandi Lineage, but someone hostile to us by Ascendant Hall. “


Liu Feng exhales one mouthful of impure air, and now the ancient yin and yang are destined to fail. If Ye Qinghan abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, he would have no chance at all.

“Many thanks to the host,” Liu Feng said, bowing.

Ye Qinghan replied indifferently, “Do n’t thank me, it is what you deserve. When you came here when I needed it most, the government is grateful. You can rest assured that I promised you that year, I wo n’t discount it. It ’s yours. I’ll give it to you, wait for you to clean up the Ascendant Hall diehards, and join forces with the mad house, I will kill all Ascendant Hall in the border area, leaving no one! “


Liu’s cover was hilarious, cup one fist in the other hand replied, “many thanks to the house owner.”

Ye Qinghan slowly turned and left, lightly saying, “Go ahead, I don’t want your men to have Ascendant Hall diehards, and I don’t want your men to have enemies of my mad house.”

Groan! !!

Liu Feng drew his sword and said firmly, “The house owner is assured that I will never leave a little affection in my work, damn it, I already have it in my heart.”

xiu’s € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 €

Ye Qinghan rushed to the mad house gathering place, and Liu Feng began to kill.

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