Different circles, the situation you see is different. This is the so-called group of things, people group. Beggar knows beggar. Peak’s circle is always Peak. If you look far away, you will see more. some.

The Kunlun secondary sanctuary, although it cannot be cultivated, gathers the Peak existences of the major sub-universes, from Ancestor Realm to Swire Emperor Realm. Anyone who takes them out is the existence of Peak.

Ye Qinghan used the soul of Emperor Ling to find Gaia Xing, but he did not go directly to the secondary sanctuary of Kunlun, but went to the secular world of Xunlong.

In a blood suit and unarmed, it looks no different from mortals. Here, Ye Qinghan can’t go to the sky, but his temperament is different.

Ye Qinghan is holding a gem. This kind of thing is placed in the secondary universe, which is rubbish, but it is valuable in Gaia Star. He took the gem in exchange for the money used by the world, and went to the countryside to follow the custom. He exchanged a very ordinary one. The black windbreaker on the body changed all the blood coats on his body, and the whole person looked completely new.

Ye Qinghan found a steelmaking place, and made money to make a mask specially made by Dragon Hawk.

A few days later, Ye Qinghan left the world with a mask and appeared in the Kunlun secondary universe.


Ye Qinghan entered the Kunlun secondary sanctuary, where no one is guarded or controlled. It is a group of people in the secondary universe. The indigenous people of the original universe did not come in.


The breeze is soaring, like Immortal Realm, there is no battle here, only knowledge.

Ye Qinghan was walking, looking at these masters of the sub-universe who have gathered in the sub-sacred place all year round. Looking for some clues, he is now blind and has too much to understand.

Ye Paragon has already entered the body, and dare not stay outside, otherwise he will be found to be the source of the energy of the Legal Ruler Realm, and the ten Ye Qinghan are not enough to fight.

Everyone is exchanging resources, discussing ways to find ways, and some people are visiting the powerhouse, hoping to get a point.

The huge secondary sanctuary is full of palaces, and many people have taken root here, and children have been born.

“Next month is another new sub-cosmic conference. There are 3 Paragons from Ancestor Realm Great Perfection who will come to the puzzle and participate in the transaction. I hope that I can get some useful news and let me wait and see.

“Yeah, the farther you go, the higher you look, the smaller you see yourself.”

“There will be Peak, and the 3 Ancestor Realm Great Perfection is Peak, and the Ancestral Taoist ancestor is one of them. He has even seen the master source, hahaha. He is most likely to be Ruler Realm.”

Everyone was discussing, Ye Qinghan was walking, and every time he took one more step, he could get one more message.


Shua! !

Ye Qinghan looked like lightning, walking in the crowd, a crane in a flock of chickens, but did not participate in the discussion, he was looking for someone.

Archaic Yin Yang and Yan You and the ancient Celestial Emperor.

These three people must be killed and cannot stay. Regardless of hatred or not, all three of them must die, otherwise Ye Paragon’s news will be revealed sooner or later.

After ten consecutive days of searching, I finally found an acquaintance, Taigu Yinyang.

Ye Qinghan Iron Fist shook his hands and squinted at the ancient yin and yang in the distance. He actually sat with Ai Xingdao Zu, although he was in a lower position, but he chatted with Ai Xingdao Zu.

Anti Star Daozu, one of the 3 Peak Powerhouses in all sub-universes, the Emperor’s Tomb knows that Ye Qinghan now naturally knows it too.

“Inverse Star Daozu, this person is also training inverse Five Elements, which should also be from Gaia Xing, it is a coincidence …” Ye Qinghan cold glow flashed, and the Antistar Daozu’s prestige was very high. He killed Taigu Yinyang, Taigu Yinyang Ye Paragon’s identity will definitely be exposed. When the time comes to attack him, not only will he not avenge his revenge, he will not die, but he will keep himself here.

Si si 嘶…

Ye Qinghan took a few deep breaths, forbeared it, and pulled away the Murderous intention in his eyes. Even if the ancient Yin and Yang saw him at this moment, he may not know that this is Ye Qinghan.


Ye Qinghan stepped back and looked for an Inn. This is like an ordinary planet. Inn is very old. He chose a high-level pavilion and stood at the window on the roof, overlooking everything within a few kilometers.

Da da da ……

Ye Qinghan knocked on the window, not at all and released the three half-ancestors in the mad martial arts Big World. They came out and only revealed their identities.

“Haohao sentient beings started at the end and belonged to the ordinary. Ancestor Realm, here is the ordinary person. It is at most stronger than the ordinary person.” Ye Qinghan murmured to himself, if he knew the secular world, if it was Kunlun secondary holy land Exposed, it is not impossible for the world to destroy them.


Ye Qinghan looked at the secondary sanctuary, and his eyes seemed to see the world through the sanctuary.

Gaia star should be the basis of Ancestor Realm’s transcendence. If you want to be transcended, you must be here, or you will not have all the Ancestor Realm and semi-ancestors of the secondary universe come here.

Another Ancestor Realm appeared in the secondary sanctuary, with more than a dozen Archer Emperor Realm and 5 half-ancestors around them. These people are protecting him. Here, most people are powerful, and Ancestor Realm does not occupy it. What advantage.

The days of the so-called Subcosmic Congress are getting closer, and finally, on the day of approaching the beginning of the Congress, all five Ancestor Realm in the Ancient Immortal world have arrived.

Emperor Yan, Yan You, ancient Celestial Emperor, Taigu Yin and Yang, plus Ye Qinghan, exactly 5 people.

Ye Qinghan watched as Yan You appeared with the ancient Celestial Emperor beside the ancient Yin and Yang.

Taigu Yinyang stared at the ancient Celestial Emperor with a dark face, and if the ancient Celestial Emperor was not pulled by Yan You, he would definitely fight desperately with Taigu Yinyang.

“The two Fellow Daoist, although there are no rules in the secondary sanctuary, there is also an unwritten rule, that is, here, no one is allowed to do it, and I hope to observe it, otherwise they will be under siege.” Plain reminder.

A murderous intention raised in the corners of Taikoo’s yin and yang, and said indifferently, “Ancient Celestial Emperor, for your attack on the ancestor, I will find you after the secondary sanctuary, Yan You Fellow Daoist cannot keep you.”

The ancient Celestial Emperor replied, “Yin and Yang, the ancestors are really not afraid of you. Come with me now if there is a kind, I will let you see what Ancestor Realm is.”

The big 2 Ancestor Realm confronted, and made the Ancestral Dao ancestors a little curious. Ancestor Realm still has such a large hatred, and it is still in the same sub-universe.

Yan You caught in the middle, said with a bitter smile, “Brother Yin and Yang, give me face, this is the case, Celestial Emperor, you are not allowed to shoot again, don’t forget that our enemy is Emperor Yan and Ye Qinghan. “

Forget it?

Taikoo yin and yang and ancient even Celestial Emperor sneered, how can such a thing be forgotten!

“Never mind, Brother Yan You, you don’t have to ask more about this. As for Ye Qinghan and Emperor Yan, there is a way to kill this as long as they dare to appear in a secondary sanctuary.” Taigu Yinyang said coldly.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan was standing on the hilltop on the east side, overlooking the group of people, while Emperor Yan was standing on the hilltop on the west side. He tried to draw his sword several times, but he resisted.

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