A word of “reliance” expresses extreme dissatisfaction in the hearts of two people.

“Little girls, tigers do n’t show you their power. I ’m a sick cat? Wherever laborers want to go, it ’s best to borrow your way. If you do n’t, do n’t blame me. Stepped on his head. “Ye Qinghan coldly said.

The lives disturbed by 9 Great Sage these days are messed up, and the mad house is everyone’s self-danger. Ye Qinghan can’t be out of anger in his heart.


Ye Qinghan and Ye Paragon merged again, soaring into the sky, holding a flame Sage sword, looking coldly at 1000 Yixue in the distance.

1000 Yi Xue wanted to assassinate Ye Qinghan. At the very least, Ye Qinghan had to be prevented from excuses, but at this moment, it seems that she dared to stop Ye Qinghan today. I am afraid that the entire Holy Land will be razed by Ye Qinghan.

“You … originally said that other Holy Lands bullied you Kuangfu without any evidence or reason. What is the difference between what you do now and them?” 1000 Yixue scolded angrily.

Ye Qinghan snorted, “I didn’t stop or kill when Liu Zong took people into the Kuangfu fairyland. If they didn’t do something, you think you can kill me ? Now I am just a low-key excuse that you are not allowed, you are not allowed, why should a sneak attack assassinate me? Now you say to me again that it is ridiculous to shoot 1000 Yi Holy Land?

“This is my territory, and I have the right to do so, just like a mad house. If I enter your mad house territory silently, wouldn’t you be prepared for it?” Excuse me.

Ka ka ka ……

Ye Qinghan shook his neck, his murderous intention flashed away, coldly said, “Since you don’t care if Holy Land is alive, why should the government care about it, you don’t excuse me, and today I destroyed 1000 Yi Holy Land.”

Groan! !!


Ye Qinghan drew his sword and ran away at a faster speed than before. There is no trace at all, and any law and order are actively giving up.

Fighting in the sub-world, or Saint Yin, really fights, the native sub-universe of 1000 Yi Holy Land will be destroyed.

1000 Yixue startedled, he can clearly feel that the battle strength of Ye Qinghan at this moment is about 40% stronger than the battle strength of Fang Yue Sage.

“Slow … you can do it by the way …” 1000 Yi Xue’s face suddenly became ugly. She was not afraid to fight alone, but this was not the place where Sage was fighting.

Ye Qinghan groaned, throwing a sword in his hand, coldly said, “It’s really a scumbag, isn’t your man mad at you?”

1000 Yi Xue was stunned by the gnash the teeth, and the bone whip in her hand was shocked. If it was not 1000 Yi Holy Land, she would definitely fight with Ye Qinghan.

“Let’s go, today’s revenge, I will definitely find it back.” 1000 Yi Xue coldly replied.

Yin ————————

The bone whip was shaken, the void collapsed, and Sage’s will gathered 2 characters.

Let go!

1000 Yi Xue was unwilling to stare at Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan looked at 1000 Yixue’s angry expression, lightly said with a smile, “Oh, Sage is angry, why not follow me to a secondary sanctuary, let’s compete?”

It is not suitable for fighting in the secondary holy territory, but it does not mean that it is not suitable for Sage to fight. When you get there, it depends on your understanding of mystics. It can exert 30% of its strength. Don’t look at it. It is the essence of Sage’s essence. , Absolutely gorgeous.

“Hmph, I’m waiting for you in a secondary sanctuary.”


xiu—— ————————

The void was broken, and 1000 Yixue left the place and rushed towards the southern sub-universe.

Ye Qinghan and Ye Paragon joined forces. With the blessing of Xiao Baiyun, they even chased after the moment.

Wave your hand across dozens of main cities, and several breathing rooms can cross a sub-universe.

Sage’s power and speed are extraordinary.

2 people ran all the way, returned to Qiutian Realm after a few hours, shuttled in the initial Land of Primal Chaos in Qiutian Realm, you chased after me, exaggerated speed, chased lightning, stepped on cracks, and did not even hide black holes Now, we can see how angry Yi 1000 is.

Ye Qinghan neither too fast nor too slow followed 1000 Yixue, deliberately slowing down, because he really wanted to pack this woman today, even if he couldn’t kill it, he would be fine.

1000 Yi Xue didn’t know that Ye Qinghan was deliberately letting her at the moment, and thought that the speed at which he and Ye Paragon joined forces would be like this.

Yes, the speed with which he and Ye Paragon teamed up is not much faster, but the speed of blessing by Xiao Baiyun is not simple. Now it is playing at half the speed. Once it is fully activated, it can kill 1000 Yixue in a blink of an eye. speed.



The universe collapsed, and the two seemed to be black holes. The law of order in the original universe itself did not exist. Now it is well. It is occupied by Sage’s law and order. Instead, it has the law of order.

The original universe was so vast that it took Sage months to reach the secondary sanctuary even for Sage.

huhuhu ……

1000 Yixue gasping for breath, the bone sword in his hand became even colder, cold and severe eyes staring at Ye Qinghan.

“Today I want to talk about the cooperation between the Lord of Yefu and the energy of the Lord. If I lose, you will be punished. If you lose, give the energy of the Lord to me, and I will spare you, will you dare to agree?” 1000 Yixue coldly said.

The purpose is to dominate energy.

“Until the Yellow River! If you win today, Lao Tzu will serve you as the Lord and dominate the energy. I will give it with both hands. If you lose, do you dare to swear by your Sage merit?” Ye Qinghan asked with a sneer.

This bet is too big, which is equivalent to taking your life.

Si si 嘶!

1000 Yi Xue was deep in sucking in a cold breath, looking at Ye Qinghan’s firm gaze, his hands and feet were a little embarrassed, apparently he was angry with Ye Qinghan.

1000 Yi Xue hesitated for a moment. She didn’t know Ye Qinghan, and he didn’t know what cards he had. As soon as 10000 lost, Sage offered a junior host, which is not the biggest joke in the world.

“Look at your good looks, otherwise the government is really reluctant to make such a bet. The other Sage is in my eyes useless and not worth the price. If you don’t agree, don’t regret it.” Ye Qinghan grinned provocatively Road.

1000 The power of Sage within the body of Yixue almost shatters the order and doctrine of the secondary sanctuary, and is extremely war-fighting.

“Okay! I promise your condition, and I swear by Sage merit. If I lose, I will take Ye Qinghan as the main, otherwise I will lose my merit and dominate the energy out of my blood, and become Ancestor Realm again! If you lose, If you dare not serve me, I will fight for everything, and I will annihilate the mad house fairyland. “1000 Yixue said without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Qinghan smiled silently, his breath leaked, and he was completely integrated with Ye Paragon, but he was still led by him.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan found that Xiao Baiyun was here, and he could suppress the law of order here, allowing him to exert about 60% of his power, but the other party could only exert 30% of his power. In this way, there would be no comparability!


Ye Qinghan waved Ye Paragon away from himself.

“It’s so unfair to fight with you like this. My deity is playing against you. I don’t need to rely on the power of the master!” Ye Qinghan said proudly.

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