In a word, everyone was shocked, including the veteran Sage, who was shocked by the shock. Yu Zun never mentioned this.

The reason why Yu Zun is unwilling to say that he just doesn’t want other people to bear too much, but now he feels that he has run out of gas and has reached the end of his life, and wants to give this responsibility to Ye Qinghan, but also worried that Ye Qinghan is too young, Only then did Laojun and Zhang Daoling help.

If this responsibility is given to Ye Qinghan, he will refuse the slightest hesitation, but Yu Zun is different. Ancestor, can the ancestors give up the task? Moreover, the pain and price that Yu Zun suffered for the inheritance and speech of the original universe was 10000 times more than that of Ye Qinghan’s Ten Deads and Ten Times, and Sage could not bear it, so he was a great virtue, an unparalleled great virtue and great virtue.

The 9 Daxian are called Daxian because they have merit and are loved by the sub-cosmic people, which means that this is 9 3 emperor 5 Emperor Realm and others, these people are very powerful .

“The Sage in the sub-universe is not enough to make me wait for help and self-declaration, but Daxian is not the same. The 9 Daxian consumed the entire life of Hou Yi and the life of Huang Di. It was a heavy hit … “Yu Zun took a deep breath, and seemed to return to the war of that year.

This is the real myth. It comes from Yu Zun’s mouth, and it is definitely not a fabricated myth.

Most of the myth stories of the third planet are passed on through 讹, and then fabricated the characters in their imagination. Most of these myths do not exist, but the myth in Yu Zun’s mouth exists for everyone, every one It’s all Sage, even Daxian.

“The secondary universe is much larger than the third planet, and it is infinitely larger than the field of the original universe. They are endless in number and can withstand many merits. Therefore, those great men cannot be killed and can only be suppressed. I Spent all his life, using 3 tripod to suppress the law of order here, and also to suppress 9 Daxian, this message 9 Do not let it go, otherwise it will cause a calamity, Sage of the secondary universe will surely make every effort to destroy 10000000 tripod Array. “Yu Zun closed her eyes tiredly and whispered.

“Ye Qinghan, since you acknowledge me as Ancestor, I have nothing to ask for, but I invite you to inherit my responsibility, otherwise Daxian who died will not be blinded, and I will not be reconciled …” Yu Zun slightly opened his eyes, watching Crouching on her side Ye Qinghan, her eyes are full of expectations.

Ye Qinghan was firmly nodded, and did not reject Yu Zun’s request, and he did not retreat.

“Qinghan remembers Ancestor’s words.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

At this moment, Zhang Daoling said something to Laojun’s ears, making Laojun’s face suddenly change.

The old gentleman pondered a little, and then said to Yu Zun, “Yu Zun, Ye Qinghan ’s mad house has a man who is contaminated with Huang Di’s merits. He heard that this child ’s talent is superb, and the Taoism is enough to overwhelm everyone. What should this person do? After all, he is a person in the sub-universe, and I worry about accidents. “

Yu Zun lightly startled, then shook his head and said, “I believe in the merit of Lord Huang Di, and I also believe that merit has a reason to choose this person, do not interfere with him.”

“Yes …” Zhang Daoling and Laojun replied at the same time.

“The owner of Nafu Prefecture wants the boy to help cultivate a mad house in the past … Please show Master Yu Zun.” Zhang Daoling asked in a respectful bow.


Yu Zun sighed. Once Ye Qinghan and the Sage of the third planet have a relationship, it is inevitable that the people in the sub-universe will not be held together to deal with Ye Qinghan.

There are pros and cons, and the world has a rare dual approach.

“It can be cultivated, but if they create their own Sage method, it may take time, but at least it will not let the sub universes form a group. It will only be good for the mad house.” Yu Zun thought for a while, and nodded promised Ye Qinghan’s request.

Ye Qinghan suddenly respectfully replied, “Ancestor, that’s no problem. Qinghan doesn’t want to be Sage everywhere, as long as there are a few dozen people who have been following me in the mad house to become Sage, their talents I understand, as long as there is Sage training, the student surpasses the master is easy to do. As for Emperor Yan, I also believe in his character and merit. Since he is contaminated by the emperor Ancestor, he is even more convinced. “

Yu Zun was nodded, just a few words of communication, his face was even more dim.

Life slowly came to an end, and his time was really running out.

Yu Zun smiled, and the old big hand held Ye Qinghan’s hand. The calluses on that hand were like 80-year-old farmers, never like Sage’s hand.

“Anything else to ask?” Yu Zun whispered.

Ye Qinghan took a deep breath and asked, “Ancestor, does Ruler Realm exist? Has anyone reached it? Can he really resurrect the dead?”

Yu Zun shook the head, lightly saying, “To resurrect people, we also need to see who is resurrected. If you are a sub-universe person, you only need to unblock Reincarnation Dao. It just means that Samsara Reincarnation is not a real resurrection. Reincarnation Dao, you do n’t need Ruler Realm. As far as I know, it can be reached, but your kind of realm is too far away. Once it is born, you can change order and forcibly resurrect the dead. ”

“If you want to become the master, you must have the recognition of the original universe. Even if you become the master, you can’t do anything wrong, so things are not so simple.” Yu Zun reminded calmly.

Ye Qinghan asked in confusion, “Where is Reincarnation Dao?”

“The place where the energy gathers, the chaos trench, the ancient torrents are all part of Reincarnation Dao, but now 9 Ding represses the original universe, Reincarnation Dao cannot pass. If you want to resurrect some people, I’m afraid you have to cultivate enough to suppress 9 people. The point of Daxian. “Yu Zun said in a condensed voice.

The corner of Ye Qinghan’s mouth twitched. The chaos trench, which is a gully between the secondary universes, can swallow 10000 things. Sage may not be able to enter it. I want to get through, I am afraid that it must have Daxian strength to clear the chaos trench and the ancient torrent. He couldn’t even do it with Divine Bird.

“The deceased is dead. You do n’t have to force it. If you want to be the master, you should let it go. Otherwise, it will only be a shortfall. At the beginning, I was too persistent, so I ended up so, remember.” Yu Zun pats Ye Qinghan’s hand, Softly reminded.

Ye Qinghan pouting with a smile, if he is not attached, he will not come to this step today, even if he ca n’t dominate, as long as he sinks the bottom of the 9 Daxian, and then withdraws the 9 tripod, clearing the chaos trench and torrent The word is enough. As for the master, leave him alone.

Yu Zun didn’t say much. This kind of thing still has to rely on himself. It is useless to say that others alone. He looks at Ye Paragon, and he himself knows the dominant energy in the tripod.

Ye Paragon fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, he was afraid of Ye Qinghan, but he was not in awe of Ye Qinghan, it was an equal relationship, but he was afraid of Yu Zun, at this moment he shrank his head and never talked, but he did not think of Yu Zun he.

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