Wang Xufei looked sad, sitting in front of the table, and the other main peak was in the same gate. His broken Sword Peak was really broken, and he did not even sign up for the competition alone.

Of course, it is mainly to break Sword Peak. In addition to Ye Qinghan and Ye Mengxi who just joined, there is no third young disciple at all. Ye Qinghan is now closed to forge Grade 3 soldiers, leaving only 5 year old Ye Mengxi. Could she let her represent Sword? Is Peak playing?

“Hey, with Qinghan’s temperament, I don’t think he is interested in playing with these little children. How can this be good? Is it really necessary to reorganize Sword Peak?” Wang Xufei murmured to himself.

This year’s elite competition is very important, because to represent Jiangning County in Azure Yang Kingdom, choose the best disciple to enter the Academy of Breakthrough Learning, not only the reward is very generous, but once a discipline enters the Breakthrough Academy, Heavenly Sword Sect will You can make a name for the kingdom, and you will get the strong support of Azure Yang Kingdom.

Heavenly Sword Sect values ​​this big comparison, and other sects also value it. Heavenly Sword Sect is just one of the weak sects in Azure Yang Kingdom. Although they are both Grade 2, they have a big gap.

“Grandpa, what are you doing?” Ye Mengxi came to the table curiously asked.

“Oh, Mengxi, it’s okay, I’m seeing if anyone voluntarily joins Sword Peak and helps Sword Peak participate in the competition.” Wang Xufei said with a smile and a gentle smile.

“Oh, why don’t they join Sword Peak?” Ye Mengxi wondered. There are few people who break Sword Peak. The average resource is a lot. It is more comfortable to join Sword Peak than other peaks.

Wang Xufei smiled bitterly, breaking the relationship between Sword Peak and County King Mansion is very poor. Who doesn’t know Jiangning County? Who dares to join the broken Sword Peak?

“You are still young, and you will understand it later.” Wang Xufei was reluctant to let Ye Mengxi participate in this matter, and shifted the topic to ask, “Mengxi, to what extent is cultivation now?”

“Hey, grandfather, the cultivation technique given by the big brother is so difficult to practice, only Qi Refining 9th layer, stuck in Blood Ignition Realm.” Ye Mengxi regretted, helplessly said.

“Pu …” Wang Xufei just took a sip of tea and was spit out by Ye Mengxi’s words!

5 years old! Qi Refining 9th layer, equivalent to a large martial artist, body refinement 9th layer realm. This is also called cultivation technique. Is it hard to practice? How can other disciples feel!

“Qi Refining 9th layer? Can you beat that person?” Wang Xufei asked the little disciple with a body refinement 5th layer, who didn’t believe Ye Mengxi’s battle strength.

“No problem, this rookie can’t even beat my Divine Bird, it must not beat me!” Ye Mengxi solemnly vowed said.

“Hey hey hey, Young Lord, what are you talking about? You ca n’t even beat me! Am I so weak?” The parrot ran over with a fat body and asked dissatisfied.

“Shut up! Are you stronger than me?” Ye Mengxi threatened with wide eyes.

The parrot shook her head again and again. It is the so-called rich and promiscuous, and the mighty will bend. Looking at Ye Mengxi, she dare to say that she is better than her.

“My grandfather and I broke Sword Peak to participate in the elite competition!” Ye Mengxi packed up the parrot and felt that she could solve some problems for her family, so she offered to take the initiative.

“No, you are still young. When 10000 is injured, how can I explain to your mother.” Wang Xufei refused decisively.

“Do you think I’m a 3-year-old 4-year-old child? I’m 5 years old! I can fight to break the Sword Peak. The big brother told me that strength is based on fighting, not training. I don’t care, grandpa Please let me sign up, or I will let the big brother come out to sign up for me! “Ye Mengxi was tough and coquettish, and looked more like a teaser. The 5-year-old Little Brat actually looked down on a 3-year-old child.

“Okay! I’ll sign you up …” Wang Xufei had no choice but to send away first, and sent someone to ask Ye Qinghan for his meaning.

Half an hour later, Ye Qinghan only heard one sentence, and it seemed ruthless.

“Let it go, knowing life and death.”

Wang Xufei apparently did not expect Ye Qinghan to say such an indifferent sentence, Ye Mengxi was only 5 years old.

However, he can also see that Ye Qinghan really cares about Ye Mengxi, and feels that Ye Qinghan is confident of Ye Mengxi’s strength. He has no reason to worry, so he reports Ye Mengxi’s name.

When Heavenly Sword Sect learned that someone from Sword Peak thought it was Ye Qinghan, but didn’t expect it to be 5 years old, Ye Mengxi, and laughter spread throughout Heavenly Sword Sect, echoing in the valley.


Late at night, in the County King Mansion, Situ Yunxiao faced a black clothed person without any mood swings, like a dead person.

“Say something.” Situ Yunxiao said coldly.

“Here is news from Heavenly Sword Sect. Ye Qinghan is using Sword Peak mountainside to build a Grade 4 or higher spiritual weapon. His strength is comparable to Blood Ignition Realm Middle-Stage or even Peak Realm. If there is a Grade 4 or higher I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to deal with the spiritual weapon blessing, ”said black clothed person respectfully.

“Hmph, a messy son, also wants to turn over!” Situ Yunxiao stepped out of County King Mansion, silhouette Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, and quickly disappeared in Jiangning County.

Jiangning County Northern Section, Goyang County, is one of the largest city counties in Azure Yang Kingdom. It is the existence of Peak in Grade 2 city, which is much larger than Jiangning County.

There is not only the County King Mansion in Goyang County, but also a color-changing organization, Blood Sha, even Azure Yang Kingdom must respect 30% of terrorist organizations. It is rumored that the shot never failed, but the last time it seemed to fail Once, and lost to Ye Qinghan.

Gaoyang County, Xuelin Street, the slate are red, as if soaked in blood, it is dark and horrible. Usually few people are willing to come and walk here.

This is the blood-shaking industry, with a radius of 1000 meters filled with gloomy baleful qi, the red lanterns hanging high, quiet and outrageous.

Situ Yunxiao had a black veil on his face and was wrapped in a rigorous package. He stepped into the blood evil branch one step, as if he had entered a hell, and he felt a chill.

“Target, identity.”

A somber, husky voice came from the room, making the scalp numb.

Situ Yunxiao took a token from his arms, with the word ‘Blood’ on it, and a ‘4’ on the lower right corner.

“It turned out to be VIP No. 4. The last mission failed. Ignore the existence of the Spirit Treasure Pavilion, and his cultivation base is not the Body Refinement Realm you said. You need to add Spirit Crystal.” The voice in the room came again and broke Quiet at night.

“His cultivation base is Blood Ignition Realm Early-Stage, but the battle strength is equivalent to Blood Ignition Realm Peak Realm. Now he is at Sword Peak mountainside at Heavenly Sword Sect. I want to see his head within 3 days! Price you say. “Situ Yunxiao’s voice was low and hoarse, and he was obviously covering it up.

“Blood Ignition Realm Peak? It seems that the old man has to take the horse himself. Since the last mission failed, the blood evil will give a certain compensation. Originally this level of genius needed 100 pieces of low grade Spirit Crystal as compensation. 70. “The people in the house still did not show up, hiding in the dark.

“70 pieces of low grade Spirit Crystal! It is worthwhile for Mr. Ma to get out of the horse. It’s worth it.” Situ Yunxiao put down 30 pieces of low grade Spirit Crystal as a deposit, and then said in a low voice, “I will pick up the head after 3 days. I hope Mr. Ma will not let me down That is it. “

“Hmph, the old man has made more than 1000 shots in his life, killing countless enemies, even the great expert who is about to break into the Sea of ​​Bitterness Stage 2 star has been killed by me. Do you still need to worry about dealing with a small child?” The voice inside was filled with dissatisfaction and arrogance.

Situ Yunxiao’s mouth slightly raised, cup one fist in the other hand said, “Then I’ll wait for the good news.”

Situ Yunxiao retreated, and in the room came an old man wearing a black spirit armor, wearing a ghost-tooth mask, like a demon, stretched out beckoned, took away the Spirit Crystal, and went out to the street.


On the 2nd day, Heavenly Sword Sect gathered the Martial Practice Stage, Jian Ao and other 8 Peak Masters sat in the town, nearly half of the disciplines registered for the competition, competing for 24 elite places, representing Heavenly Sword Sect in the Azure Yang Kingdom contest, and striving to enter the martial arts Academy.

Only one person broke Sword Peak, and it was only five years old, but after the arrogance of parrots, he led the way.

“The first place in this elite competition must be my Young Lord, and I won’t accept it!”

Everyone looked at the fat parrot, always trying to pluck their hair and eat, and some people’s eyes made the parrot’s scalp numb.

But all this, Ye Qinghan didn’t care, and threw himself on the refining machine. After 2 days and a night of hard work, Chiyansha and Purple Gold finally melted, and the golden-yellow liquid surged, and the temperature rose to more than 10000 degrees. Even the Empyrian Realm powerhouse can no longer approach Divine Furnace.

The grade of Divine Furnace is beyond Ye Qinghan’s expectations. It can withstand such high temperatures, but the indoor temperature is not terrible.

“Hu … finally melted!”

Ye Qinghan’s eyes glowed with a bright glow. The most important step of the refining unit was to melt the material. It has a very high requirement for its True Yuan and refining furnace!

The next step is to shape. According to the shape you want, the setting settings in the knife, etc., each step is very important.

Red gold, which can increase the flexibility of Grade 5 soldiers, is the most important material for Grade 5 and above soldiers.

Ye Qinghan put most of the soft red gold into the furnace, and the red soft gold quickly melted at 10000 degrees and melted into the molten iron.

gu gu gu ……

The liquid cold iron material boiled, and several materials were fused together. Ye Qinghan used ordinary iron grooves to create a model of a heavy knife, just like the 7-foot heavy knife of the year.

“Jian Shenxue, come and help!”

For the first time, Ye Qinghan called Jian Shenxue in cultivation.

Jian Shenxue watched the crimson Divine Furnace, trembling in fear, once the Divine Furnace exploded, the boiling liquid inside could make them die instantly.

Ka-cha ……

The temperature inside the Divine Furnace climbed to the apex, the bottom of the Divine Furnace was opened, and the liquid quickly flowed into the stone mother groove of the 7-foot mad knife. The stone quickly melted and even burned!

“Put the entire body of True Yuan into my within the body!” Ye Qinghan patted his palm on the 7-foot mad sword stone mother trough. True Yuan emptied, wrapped the mother trough, and imprisoned liquefied molten iron.

Si si ……

True Yuan is ignited by high temperature, braving his eyes, terrifying matchless. This is the one that consumes True Yuan most. Without True Yuan as capital, no matter how good the materials are, no high-grade soldiers can be refined!

Ye Qinghan felt that his True Yuan had fallen into a bottomless pit, Spiritual Qi was drained, his skin was dry and his blood was burning.


Jian Shenxue didn’t hesitate, quickly pressed his palms on the back of Ye Qinghan, and True Yuan roared within the body, rushing along the veins of Ye Qinghan to the mother trough.

With the help of Jian Shenxue, Ye Qinghan took the opportunity to devour a large number of Burning Pills and True Yuan Pill, forming a recyclable Formation.

The temperature in the female tank is still high, and the liquid molten iron is still boiling, but the 7-foot mad knife is considered to be formed. As long as it waits for cooling and then sharpens it, you can achieve a true Grade 5 soldier!

Beyond the topmost clouds, the cumulus clouds are rolling, the sky is roaring, and it seems that they are looking for the soldiers of the Transcending Tribulation. The coercion covers Jiangning County, and the pressured people cannot breathe.

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