“Do you want to thank me or kill me?”

A crisp sound broke the peace on the battle star, causing Murderous Aura to fly.

Ye Qinghan’s fingertips moved slightly, black hair lifted, turning indifferently, looking straight at Medusa behind him, his deep eyes were like black holes, grabbing the soul.

Ye Huang’s face changed slightly, never before.

“I don’t want to kill you!” Ye Qinghan sighed and killed Medusa. It was a difficult decision. Not only did she have favor with Ye Huang, but she also helped herself to change the scourge of the battle star and the scourge of the public. He was without the The slightest hesitation is to kill, and private, but 1000 100 is unwilling to hurt her, and then hurt Ye Huang.

“But your killing heart has been settled, hasn’t it?” Medusa’s mouth rose, indifferently asked.

Medusa had been uneasy before, even teaching Wen Bo actively, hoping to please Ye Qinghan. Now only he can protect himself, but seeing that Ye Qinghan’s determination has been settled, he is not so worried.

Ye Huang clenched Medusa’s hand, she could feel the despair and trembling before she died, and she could feel her resentment against Ye Qinghan, her heart-like pain. She only recognized such two people in her life, but wanted to kill each other. How can I stand it.

“Master ……” Ye Huang pouted and begged, her eyes flushed, and the sky was especially pity.

Ye Qinghan smiled bitterly, looking at the magnificent battle star, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, he could not soothe his manic Taoism.

“Huanger, don’t need to ask him! If such a hard-hearted person chooses one between you and the endless plane, he will definitely choose the endless plane without the slightest hesitation. Such a poisonous man is not worth your heart!” Medusa The eyes were full of murderous intention, and said coldly, “Kill if you want to do it! Don’t pretend to be disgusting to me! If you don’t kill me today, I will kill you in the future!”

Ye Qinghan looked at Medusa coldly, Iron Fist clenched, and lightning attached.

Ye Huang took a step forward and stood in the middle. He was very firm, and said in a condensed voice, “Master, the elder sister once asked me what would I do if someone wanted to kill her. I said that I would stay in front without the slightest hesitation. This is my promise, my promise that I want to fulfill, just like she protected me at the beginning, you are the master who has grown up to protect me from childhood, and the man I love so far, I wo n’t fight back, treat me and elder sister Bury it together, it’s here! Quiet! “

“Huanger, what are you talking about?” Ye Qinghan rebuked angrily, breathing a little hastily. If it weren’t for Ye Huang, he would rather bear the charges of to forget favors and violate justice. It would not leave a bane to slaughter the endless universe at any time. !!

“Master, don’t you believe me? I can feel the purity of elder sister’s heart, she is not a man who kills indiscriminately! The people she kills are deserved, and there is no doubt that no one with a bad mind can play on my piano. Dancing softly, like an immortal spirit, Divine Bird may have misunderstood the elder sister. The Old Monster in the forbidden area was obviously hurting the elder sister. Why did n’t you investigate? ”Ye Huang burst into tears, kneeling down Begging.

Medusa looked at Ye Qinghan resentfully, reached out to catch Ye Huang, and wanted to pull it up.

Ye Qinghan shook his head. At this time, Medusa was the smartest. The more she behaved this way, she killed Medusa herself. The more Ye Huang did n’t understand herself, she hated herself, and even stayed away from herself. Understand.

“Medusa, can you tell me who Yuntian is?” Ye Qinghan seized the madness, solemnly asked, and his voice was hoarse.

When mentioning Yuntian, Medusa was shocked, took several steps back, looked at Ye Qinghan with a pale face, and asked hoarsely, “Who told you this name?”

“Don’t ask who told me, I just want to know what you told me, tell Huanger, who is Yuntian, how he died, and how his family perished!” Ye Qinghan asked coldly.

Medusa pulled up Ye Huang, looked for a flat stone, and sat down, eyes blurred, looking at the lotus leaves in front of the lake, sadness pervaded, Xiao Qing’s lonely back suddenly stopped Ye Qinghan’s heart, as if he saw between Heaven and Earth’s most beautiful story.

“Yuntian … is the first person I know and believe in. He is an elite of the legendary plane. He was confessed in 1000 years. He got the title in 2. His honorable name is: Emperor Yun. He is sought after by numerous female cultivators. , He Through a field of ten thousands flowers, A leaf didn’t touched body, deeply loved by female cultivator, that year, I was facing the third evolution, but it was not a safe place, I fled all the way, hoping to find A piece of pure land, but there is a powerhouse that learns that I am facing evolution and keeps hunting. I was injured and escaped from the main plane. I fell into a valley and officially began to evolve. I lost the cultivation base, always beautiful, and the enchanting face was just in fear. When I met him by accident, he treated me like a love. He said that he would protect me. No matter how powerful the enemy was 1000 3, no one could step on his body and hurt me … “

Medusa murmured as he looked at the Great Lake, his eyes were full of moving and happiness.

“I believe it! At that moment, I really didn’t hate humans, I didn’t hate other powerful beings, I just wanted to be his little woman quietly, wait until the evolution is successful, follow him everywhere, look for Heavenly Dao of Supreme, Help him to prove to obtain longevity. At that moment, I followed him back to the Yun Family. As a servant girl, he took care of his diet and told him that Dual Cultivation will be available only after one year. After marriage, he promised. Now, I did n’t embarrass me. I really wanted to tell him my true identity. I hope he can protect me and protect me as always, always feel that deceiving him is sin, not true love … “

Ye Huang seemed to feel the sadness and despair in her heart, and couldn’t help but hold Medusa from behind, hoping to give her a warmth.

Ye Qinghan listened quietly, not at all to interrupt her words, just looking at her lonely back, she wanted to reach out to appease, but stopped in the air.

“That year was really long. It was torment, waiting. Every day I was trembling in my dreams, crying helplessly. I woke up every morning and wanted to go to him. I wanted to cry on his shoulder. , Like now, I do n’t know when Divine Weapon with a handle hanging from my head will be chopped on me … “

“He takes good care of me and cooks for me every day. He doesn’t let me do anything. He knows that I’m afraid to see strangers. He doesn’t let anyone approach other hospitals. The time for me to recover mana is getting closer and closer, but the days are also It ’s getting harder and harder. The real life is like years. I thought I could survive the crisis, but the paper bag could n’t hold the fire. He learned from the family that I was Medusa, the vicious Medusa, at first, he did n’t believe it, and he began to test me. In the end I couldn’t help but believed him so much that I told him the truth on the last day … “

“He and his family raised the long knife without the slightest hesitation, just like you …” Medusa did not turn around, but knew that Ye Qinghan was holding madness in his hands, and the mood was as it is now, even more frightened and anger.


Ye Qinghan’s hands fell violently and involuntarily, smashing into the ground, not reaching the handle, twitching the corners of his mouth, and the tip of his nose was a little sour.

“I looked at him stupidly at that time, I couldn’t believe that the man who raised the knife in front of me turned out to be the man I loved, and the only man I trusted and recognized!” Medusa had a resentment in her heart, straight into the sky, although unable, But it makes the long anger soar into the sky. This kind of resentment from the heart cannot be disguised.

“I thought it was the most desperate! On the last day of evolution’s success, died under the slaughter of his favorite man. What could be more desperate than this? But I underestimated human greed and underestimated. In response to human desire, when he learned that forcibly plundering my Yin Yuan could make him promote to cultivation base, he forcibly dragged me to another Courtyard without the slightest hesitation … “

Medusa was trembling all over, and her five fingers were inserted directly into the stone, drenched with blood. At this moment, not to mention the gnash the teeth that Ye Huang hated, even Ye Qinghan was angry.

There are many people in the world who are ruthless, men, or women, human beings, or ominous beasts. Everyone has experienced hard-working betrayal, but Medusa has suffered, but she ca n’t bear betrayal, because it ’s not only death, not just Shame, but trample!

“I begged him, kneeled on the ground and begged him. He beat me, scolded me, abused me, and beat me for a whole hour, saying that I deceived him, and he forcibly tore my clothes. I thought I was finished, and I would die miserably. Because there are still 3 hours before the mana can be restored, but the sky is up. My mana was stimulated by abuse, stimulated by the desire to survive, and revived in advance. I killed Yuntian, killed a huge Aristocratic Family, and finally got angry. I could n’t get the vent, I slaughtered a city, crushed the siege of the heroes, and retreated strongly, finally calmed down, returned to the Yun Family, buried Yuntian, and found an iron coil in his house The record turned out to be a little bit about us, hahaha … “

“A ridiculous record, ridiculous love! When faced with benefits, they are both able to withstand a single blow, and unable to withstand a single blow …” Medusa laughed wildly, and the tears of laughter fell out, making Ye Qinghan cold with a smile No wonder she would be so crazy after her successful evolution, she couldn’t even control herself.

“I put the iron coil on his tombstone, but it was discovered by the world, and I wrote a story with a story, a disgusting woman and an infatuated prodigal, a vicious love between Medusa and a Human Race elite. ! “

“This is the answer you want, are you satisfied? You kill me! Otherwise, I will kill, no one can stop me!” Medusa stood up, glaring at Ye Qinghan, smiling indifferently, revealing the whiteness tooth.

“No! Elder sister …… wu wu ……” Ye Huang wept bitterly, only to find out how happy she was. She met Ye Qinghan at such a young age, and has been guarding her Ye Qinghan with her life. She is not allowed to suffer a little grievance! Medusa lived strong and lonely for one generation after another. Every time I faced lonely, how distorted my heart was!

“Elder sister, you have me! I won’t hurt you, please don’t say that, Master won’t kill you, he’s not Yuntian or a ruthless person! Please don’t anger him.” Ye Huang died Holding Medusa dead, she just wanted to give her some sense of security.

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