“good to eat……”

A murmur, though low, spread to the void and into everyone’s ears.

“No, no, no … The great thing about this Divine Bird is that wisdom will benefit all beings, not for humans …” The parrot backs down, pulling the snake in front.

Si si 嘶…

The spotted viper is vigilant for 10000 points. Facing such a powerhouse is like facing Ye Qinghan. The attack is too sharp and terrifying. I don’t know when it will die under the opponent’s hand.

Yin ~

The sword comes out of the sheath, the sword glow splits into nothingness, killing the parrot and the snake.

xiū xiū xiū ————

Thirty-three sword swords, no stronghold one cannot overcome, locked the way of Two Great Divine Beasts, such a terrible blow is only the subconscious attack of Xuan Yexi that’s all, the magpie snake feels horrified into a god snake, fast At the extreme, he escaped from the gap of sword energy, the skin was scratched by sword energy, but he hid, and attacked Xuan Yeyu very quickly.

“Xuan Yeyu! Do you still remember that year? Do you remember that you have been circling here for what you are looking for?” Parrot roared, its speed is not as good as that of the pit viper, and its strength is not as good as that of the pit viper. Attack, it must die.

Xuan Yezhen hesitated for a moment, the sword style slowed down, and the parrot escaped the attack range when she spread the girl.

Upon seeing the spotted viper, she stopped actively attacking and returned to the parrot.

“Do you remember what you were looking for? Calm down … I have something to say, I’ll help you find it, and you will find it …” Parrot asked quickly.

“I’m looking for …” Xuan Yeyu shook his head, black hair scattered in the air, trying to think about the missing memory in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, trying to think about what he wanted, but there was only one peerless god in his head. A silhouette was too fast, too fast to imagine, faster than the emperor, so that he could not capture it, and could only see the white skirt and beautiful long hair.

“A woman … long hair … white skirt, fast …” Xuan Yeyan whispered hoarsely, recalling the intermittent pictures in her head, and suddenly the peerless woman waved a punch and hit her own head, directly He stepped on the soles of his feet, and Yu Guang could only see her angry eyes filled with red light, glazed eyes, and the subsequent memories completely disappeared.

“Isn’t he looking for Medusa, right?” Parrot and snakehead looked at each other in blank dismay, and the only one who could beat Xuan Yezhen as a fool was the pervert.


Medusa entered the manic 2nd day, which is the seventh to last day of her evolutionary success, and woke up after being hypnotized by Ye Qinghan. The situation improved somewhat, but she still did not want to contact Ye Huang and Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, clenched Iron Fist, pulled away Murderous intention, and stepped into Medusa’s room.

Medusa’s fright and anger were self-evident, curled up in bed, glaring at Ye Qinghan, and hoarsely said, “Don’t come over!”

“Please … forgive me … don’t hit me …”

“I didn’t mean to lie to you …”

Medusa is like a lunatic, her memory is confusing, her pupils are cloudy, she looks at Ye Qinghan, and starts to get confused. She thinks of Ye Qinghan as Yuntian. The looks of the two people are sometimes separated, and sometimes they are one, her face pale.

Ka-cha ……

Ye Qinghan was angry and didn’t understand how Yuntian tortured Medusa at that time, he would torture a horrible existence into a lunatic, and millions of years have not recovered!

“As an emperor with a title, how can he be so crazy about the woman he loves? Such a man is a goddamn!”

Ye Qinghan couldn’t bear it. Looking at Medusa, he wanted to change her, instead of simply killing her, it was 100.

“I’m Ye Qinghan! Not that person!”

Ye Qinghan’s voice was hoarse. She walked to the bed and gently embraced Medusa. No matter how she struggled, she didn’t let go of her hand and hugged it tightly in her arms. She didn’t dare to take any action.

On her first day holding her, Medusa shiver coldly, struggling desperately, 2nd day, without struggling, but still trembling.

3rd day, silently crying, Ye Qinghan began to soothe, and patted Medusa’s back with his big hand, hoping to make her sleep peacefully.

Day 4 …

Day 5 …

Day 6 …

On the last day, Ye Qinghan was nervous, and Ye Huang was even more nervous. On this last day, Medusa entered a mania and began to bite and struggle. Ye Qinghan and Ye Huang were gathered in the room, waiting for the final decision.

“Master! Think of a way, even if you take her Yin Yuan, as long as you don’t kill her …” Ye Huang whispered sound transmission and made a concession. Ye Qinghan didn’t want to raise his butcher knife and let Medusa take the first place. 2 times of despair.

But how did Ye Huang think that if Ye Qinghan really seized the Yin Yuan of Medusa, she would be even more desperate, after all, the memories of that year are vivid.

Ye Qinghan held supple as if boneless head in both hands, looked at Medusa’s face, and kissed / held jade / lip gently.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly stagnant, quiet and outrageous. Ye Huang was not jealous, no sorrow, and only hoped that Ye Qinghan could save Medusa, no matter what concessions he made, it was worth it.

Ye Qinghan pried open Medusa’s defense, like ****, like current flowing across the body. Ye Qinghan may really fall in love with this poor woman at this moment. Her eyes are full of tenderness, and she wants to hug her, pity She, give her the warmest and safest arms in the whole world.

Medusa first struggled frantically, her glazed eyes stared at Ye Qinghan’s eyes, she saw the sorrow and love, and she stretched her body. Then she let go of her defense and asked Ye Qinghan to ask for it.

But Ye Qinghan not at all attacked too much, but he let go of ****, leaned down and looked at Medusa, and said hoarsely, “I’m not anyone, it’s Ye Qinghan. I’ve been guarding you for the past six months. Ye Qinghan will not hurt you, nor will I abuse you. Starting today, I will guard you like guarding Huang’er, helping you through every evolution. I believe that Huang’er also, you give up that past, Start a new life and forget your past, okay? “

“Elder sister … please! Don’t indulge in Heart Demon, the Master and I will protect you. As long as you survive this day and tomorrow, everything will be fine!” Ye Huang slowly approached the bedside, reaching out to want Grasp Medusa’s hand, somehow.

Medusa was completely quiet at this moment, his eyes were filled with gratitude, gratitude to Ye Huang, gratitude to Ye Qinghan for himself, for the first time, to gamble like crazy, take the life of the entire plane, take his life bet.

“Ye Qinghan … take my Yin Yuan! I am not sure to survive tomorrow, I don’t want to hurt you …” Medusa lowered her head, took the initiative to undress, trembled, supple as if boneless body made it impossible for anyone Rejected, cultivated for millions of years, and evolved countless times before she can achieve what she is today, but now she has to give it up. She is unwilling to give up 10000 points, but now she is willing, raising her head and smiling, very beautiful, happy to say, “Thank you very much Let me feel the love and protection at the end of my life, and hand over the Yin Yuan to you, I am very happy, very happy … “

Ye Qinghan, however, held her hand. It was not his style to stop halfway. At this time, he captured the Yin Yuan of Medusa. The cultivation base of this life may stop there, and the Tao heart will also have cracks.

“No! I don’t need your Yin Yuan. This is the result of your million years of hard work. You should stay and protect the person you want to protect … I need you to be able to restrain yourself, and Huang’er also needs it! What Heart Demon can’t restrain, you are strong, but the most powerful existence of the endless plane. Isn’t it stronger than a beggar? Under no circumstances, don’t give up life, because there is hope, isn’t it? “Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

“But I can’t stop it … please, let me rest assured! I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, the first thing I see is your stone carving debris!” Medusa cried helplessly.

“That is your determination to protect the Emperor is not enough. If it is determined enough, why can’t you control yourself and not hurt her? Think about how she protects you? She gave up all the principles and the bottom line, not just to save you a life How long can you live without the Yin Yuan? 3 years? 5 years? Without mana, I think you will not survive one day! “Ye Qinghan retorted in a deep voice.

Medusa was silent and hesitated.

“Since for your sake, you would rather give up the Yin Yuan and not be afraid of death, why should you be afraid of not being able to control yourself? Is the memory of the year important, or the life of Ye Huang and me more important? Do our 3 human lives add up, Isn’t it as important as that bastard? “Ye Qinghan asked angrily.

“No! You are more important …” Medusa without the slightest hesitation said.

“Then prove it to us!” Ye Qinghan coldly said.

As time passed, minute by minute, getting closer to the last evolution of Medusa, Ye Huang’s breathing began to be short.

Ye Qinghan is worried that Medusa is even more distressed by Divine Consciousness, who is firm and does not want to lose control.

“Huanger, you leave the room first, even if she is out of control, I can resist it for a while.” Ye Qinghan mobilized the Five Elements body, Breath Soil began to flow in the blood, dragon’s blood was boiling, and the blue veins were violent. He didn’t know himself Can you stop Medusa’s petrochemical ability, but willing to bet once.

“I’m willing to use my life to bet your life’s happiness!” Ye Qinghan held his will firmly, holding Medusa’s face in his big hands, facing each other with 4 eyes, and saying what he wanted to say in the bottom of his heart. It was very simple, no flirtation, no exaggerated words, but better than More Shanmeng oaths make people believe more.

“Thank you … for letting me forget something, and I want to forget more, never remember …” Medusa took the initiative to ask Ye Qinghan and took the initiative to do his best to block the thoughts in his head and fill it with his mind Ye Qinghan is full of hard-won love and pity.

Ye Qinghan’s big hand gently soothed the supple as if boneless back, sliding it gently, moving from the back to xiong / qian.

As night fell, Ye Huang held the Human Sovereign harp, stood in the courtyard, counting time and suffering, until tomorrow, everything will be bright.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~

The sound of nature sounded, and there was no jealousy for the two people in the house. I just thought that they could merge and dispel hatred. The moonlight rose, and the moonlight was like water, pouring on the battle star.

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