Xuanyue County is huge and much larger than Zhushen County. Many sects here have sacrifices. Xuanyue County’s County King Mansion has several sacrifices. The county king is one of the next sacrifices. The top level existence, known as the mysterious deity, controls the mysterious trails and reaches the peak of the peak. The general deities are not his opponents at all. During the cultivation hundred thousand years, 6 high-level lower deities were killed.

There are 7 major forces in Xuanyue County, and each of them has 2-3 gods. Some of them can almost resist the official forces of Xuanyue County, such as Fire Sect, Divine Dragon Sect, Sky Wolf, Xuanyue County. Three great aristocratic families, Ye Family, Chen Family and Shangguan Family.

These 6 forces are almost inferior to the official forces of the Xuanyue County King Mansion. Outer Sect Disciple and its successors have reached more than ten 10000 people, and they have their own magic guard! They and County King Mansion divided up most of the resources and minerals in Gengetsu-gun, and other forces are difficult to develop.

Although the sacrifice is not very rare, but a sacrifice has just been born, and the history is very clear, it is definitely very sought-after. Many forces want to draw in, and you can get the guest elder status unless you fight with other sects. Otherwise, you can always enjoy the luxurious treatment in the case, and practice in peace.

Ye Huang walks in front, Ye Qinghan walks on the left, and Medusa on the right. After special modification by Ye Qinghan, Five Elements Essence has been added to her eyes, covering the eyes that can petrify everything, and opening the eyes will not hurt them again. Any object, and change the color of her eyes, and change her appearance a little bit, who would know that she is Medusa!

The radiance of Ye Huang ’s sacrifice spread far, so that many forces in Xuanyue County learned that a very young and beautiful sacrifice came from the county. The cultivation base is very strong. People are constantly coming to visit and invite Ye. Huang joined their sect.

At first is Small Sect, followed by the three giants plus Three Great Sects. The powerhouse sent is stronger than one and is very respectful to Ye Huang. Only Ye Qinghan and Medusa are slaves of Ye Huang. Most of them Ignore them!

Ye Huang refused all the way. Of course, this is what Ye Qinghan meant. They wanted to establish the sect, not to join other Sects. However, if they want to start a sect in the county, they need to be approved by the County King Mansion. Sect fight under the same county can destroy a newly started sect.

The Sect in the county is not harmonious. The 6 giants and the County King Mansion suppress each other. They are too powerful, but the branch on the bottom often fights, but when it comes to high-level deities, they will not do it themselves, and only send disciplines out. , Secretly kill each other’s elite, and give each other a lesson.

However, Small Sect, after being recognized by the county ’s official forces, will still have to rely on one of the giants or strong factions, otherwise it will not survive at all. Even if it depends on the strong giants, the life will be difficult. First of all, it will be exploited, and it will also have to cope with the rampant faults. , Ask for a fee.

Ye Qinghan and the others are not interested in courting people, now they are just waiting for the official forces.

Sure enough, after the 6 major forces came in half, the people of County King Mansion sent someone to come.

A bird slapping the sky and feathers covering the sky. This eagle is not an eagle, but its very similar creatures are extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it brings several people to the front of Ye Qinghan and the others.

The few middle-aged people who came down faced Ye Huang with a very respectful attitude. The divine sacrifice is the divine sacrifice. Divine might not tolerate profanity!

“Great Lord, I am the Lord Lord of Xuanyue County, and I have heard that the Lord is coming. I invite you to visit the main city!” Several middle-aged people are uniformly dressed, and the leading powerhouse is definitely the top level existence in the Emperor. There is a little divinity on the body. Although it is not a god, it has already been cultivated with the dive technique!

They ignored Ye Qinghan and Medusa, and their eyes were looking forward to Ye Huang.

Ye Huang nodded, pulling Ye Qinghan and Medusa into the sky, landing on the back of the bird, saying lightly, “Let’s go.”

It ’s not strange to see this kind of invitation. Any sudden appearance of a strong deity in the county will attract the attention of all parties. The County King Mansion will definitely summon, at least to understand the origin of the other party. Generally, as long as there is no ‘ Questions’ deities will agree to the call.

As soon as the birds flew into the sky, the wind and the waves broke away, Ye Huang stood at the forefront, with his hands on his backs, overlooking Xuanyue County, the vast forests and mountains, and boundless, large and small sects and gangs, families and villages, everywhere, but Can be seen everywhere in the beacon can be seen, the myth plane is not pure land, the 36 governments and county governments generally let the sect families under the influence fight with each other, consume their own strength, in order to maintain strong dominance.

Ye Huang didn’t speak, and the middle-aged people behind him didn’t dare to ask anything. They could only ask a few words to Ye Qinghan behind Ye Huang. Ye Qinghan didn’t want to offend them either, and told them their history.

“What? You come from the small plane? The small plane can actually give birth to the sacrifice?” The middle-aged man was horrified, and then looked at Ye Huang, his vision completely changed. For the contention, when the time comes, not only Xuanyue County, but also other counties, and even the house owner will send someone over to ask for someone!

Ye Qinghan smiled, and nodded, “This Fellow Daoist, we really come from the small plane, the endless plane. If you do not believe, you can check.”

“Dare not dare, Fellow Daoist worry about it!” The middle-aged man shook his head again and again. Although he is strong, his status in Xuanyue County is second only to the sacrifice, but in the face of Ye Huang, he dare not be blasphemy. And disrespect.

“Old man, mysterious, I don’t know what Fellow Daoist calls?” The middle-aged man didn’t dare to talk to Ye Huang, and started to actively try to gain somebody’s friendship with Ye Qinghan.

“Ye Qinghan, I have met Xuan Fellow Daoist, presumably Fellow Daoist has a blood relationship with the county god? No wonder the blood is so strong, and he has a divine attachment.” Ye Qinghan stared at Xuan Fury and found that he and the ordinary emperor have a very close relationship. obvious difference.

“Haha, Your Excellency Divine Vision, the old man is the third-generation blood relative of the county god.” Xuan Fur smiled and did not appear proud. Xuan Shen Zun cultivation has been passed down for more than 3 years, and has been passed down for more than 10000 generations. There are more grandsons, but it is very difficult to be petted. Even if it is petted today, after a wrong thing, it will be beaten into its original shape!

The two met for a while, Ye Qinghan flickered and asked intently, “Xuan Fellow Daoist, I don’t know what procedures are needed to establish the sect in the county?”

“Ah? Do you want to open a case?” Xuan Nu looked at Ye Qinghan and Ye Huang in surprise.

“My family is used to being idle and free. I don’t want to join any forces, but I want to start a sect, but I don’t know what to start on the myth plane. What do you need to pay attention to, Xuan Fellow Daoist?” Road.

“This …” Xuan Nu hesitated for a moment and whispered, “To open a sect, you must first obtain the permission of the county god, and the county god grants the blessing to the sky. This is your sect address. You will get some mineral rewards, even a small Divine Crystal mine is enough for you to develop to a terrifying level. “

“Of course, this is only the most important thing. If you want to develop in any county, the interpersonal relationship of this million million li must be handled properly, because maybe some forces will secretly make trips, kill your disciples, and kill them. No one dares to join your sect! “

He recalled for a moment and said lowly, “3000 years ago, there was a god in the county who was proud and arrogant and offended all the surrounding forces. Less than 3 months after the establishment of Zongzong, no one dared to join sect, he was slaughtered when he joined, and finally the god left dimly, but was blocked by several gods, and his life and death were unknown … “

Ye Qinghan’s mouth twitched. It seems that the sacrifice is not 10000 capable, but it can offend all forces. It can only be said that the sacrifice is also wonderful!

Along the way, Ye Qinghan gained a lot of experience, and he also had a friendship with this mysterious anger, and soon he was called a brother and a brother.

At this moment, Divine Bird is not idle, overlooking the earth from a distance, looking for the real blessed cave, the county is vast, and many places have not been excavated. Too many minerals have not been found. To build the madness, there must be a mineral. As the industry pillar of sect, if there are Divine Crystal minerals, it is naturally the best. Divine Crystal, which is the currency circulating between gods and sacrifice, contains the Spirit Qi inside the countless times beyond the Top Grade Spirit Crystal. Divine Crystal, you can also redeem hundreds of top grade Divine Crystals!

However, the number of Divine Crystals is scarce and they are controlled by the government or giants. If you want to obtain new Divine Crystal minerals, you have to find them yourself, but even if you can find new Divine Crystal mineral veins, you must also cooperate with the official forces. The official takes 8-Layer. I can only get 20%! Unless you have the strength to protect yourself, like the 6 giants Aristocratic Family, you do not have to pay 80% protection fee!

“Master, I found a strange mountain range with divine fluctuations. It should be Divine Crystal mineral veins, but I haven’t seen this thing, so I can’t be sure!” Divine Bird looked at a boundless Mountain Range Forest, sometimes deep down Rushing out of a powerful creature, sharp claw tore the void and caught the bird, but was repelled by the animal trainer behind the mysterious fury.

The beast trainer has a high status in the mythological plane. They are proficient in beast language and can communicate with powerful and non-talking fierce **. You can use these fierce wild beasts, Divine Beast, and have a senior beast trainer. , It is equivalent to having a huge army!

Ye Qinghan overlooking this mountain range, there are countless ominous beasts, even if there are Divine Crystal veins in it, it is not so good to mine, unless there is a senior animal trainer, but the animal trainer behind Xuan Fur is only an intermediate animal trainer , Can be domesticated in the Venerable Emperor Realm ominous beast is not bad, senior animal trainer, enough to sacrifice the god ** realm, and can make the sacred Divine Beast very quiet, will not attack at will!

Secretly wrote down this mountain range, all around not at all powerful sect, but many rogue bandits gathered here, not suitable for human survival.

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