Ye Qinghan found out why not here, not because it is Antiquity Battlefield, but because there is the curse of the witches here!

There are broken Divine Items and bones all over the land. This vast territory is barren. After 10000 and 1000 years, it is still bloodstained. Remnants are inserted in the mountains and rocks. Some bones have also been nailed to the ground.

“Huanger, take them out first and help them suppress the curse. I go in and see. There are curses of the witches, it must be because of the witches’ things, maybe they can save them.” Ye Qinghan stared deeply and decided Going deeper, it may be okay to return now, but Lu Zhantian and Mu Xiao7 have already suffered a curse and must find a way to rescue them.

“You go in alone …” Ye Huang frowned, somewhat unwilling.

“I’m fine. The curse of the witches shouldn’t be directed at me, but Brother Lu and Seventh Princess can’t. They need to be taken care of. You stay outside.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

Lu Zhantian had an ugly face and wanted to reject Ye Qinghan’s kindness, but his divide force was flowing too fast, and his soul was eroded and weakened. He could n’t hold it. Once he lost his mind, he and Mu Xiao7 would both Suffer.

“Ben Divine Bird also takes care of them …” Divine Bird didn’t want to go deep, she was shining, she wanted to cancel the contract with Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan dismissed a smile, grabbed Divine Bird’s neck, walked deeper with it, and his back became more and more blurred.

The broken Divine Item was all taken away by Ye Qinghan. Numerous vines were brushed over, leaving only some broken bodies with broken bones, and they were all taken away by the star-wrapped vines.

After all, these broken Divine Items are Supreme Treasure, which can be re-forged and forged new Divine Item. Kuang Zong lacks these heavenly materials earthly treasures.

Some ordinary Divine Weapon has been decayed, and Star Vine will not bother to ask for it. Those powerful god bones were also taken away by Ye Qinghan. Before this, there were many complete Divine Items, but all were taken out, although those people also ended up died.

As you go deeper, there are more and more Divine Items. There are also some powerful and complete Divine Items. These places have not been set foot by future generations. The trenches are all drawn by powerhouse swords. The sword marks show the kendo. Profound Truth, outlines the tragic situation of the year. If there is a master of Kendo practicing here, you can make rapid progress!

Ye Qinghan looked up, and a faint white mist was set off against the blood. Under the sun’s rays, it was so beautiful, there was a demon in the beauty, and it was fascinating.

The big eyes under the thick eyebrows were filled with flames, and the Five Elements element stirred Divine Physique.

In the depths of the battlefield three thousand miles, the cold wind screamed, the black hair was blown back, and the Murderous Aura was more intense. Ye Qinghan was mad, standing on the spot, alerting to 10000 points.


huhuhu ……

wu wu ——————

The sensation of the cold wind rolling over the yellow sand, the cold wind whistled past, sharp and piercing, as if the undead wailed and mourned, it was very sweaty.

“Fuck! This place is even more disgusting than the Land of Nine Nether! I can’t even feel the breath of Supreme Treasure! But there are Divine Item everywhere, why?” Divine Bird growled and yelled at Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan gazed at the eyebrows, and the black hair was disturbed by the wind. Suddenly, intermittent sounds came from the depths, as if from the depths of hell. The old voices did not know from which age, and from which age.

Ye Qinghan listened with a side ear, and Jun Xiu’s side face was dignified.

“Disturb … the god is sleeping … the sinner …”

“You … will be cursed … the soul will return to hell, Divine Physique will become filthy … covered with moss, you will experience the most terrible … torture … your soul will … torture …”

Many words are intermittent and very incomplete. The cold, hoarse voice has no emotion, not even the anger, which is totally not like the words spoken by human beings!

“Disturbing the sleep of my undead … you will die of panic …”

At this moment, Divine Bird was finally quiet, and it heard the curse, the curse from the witch! The curse from the witch god, although it does not know who initiated the curse, but it can curse the powerhouse at the level of the house owner, Ye Qinghan can’t avoid it!

Ye Qinghan suddenly felt scared. If the soul was severely hit, the horrible scene was like a personal experience, more like an enhanced version of the battle star, which made him feel cold and eyes.

Stronger than Five Elements Body, he also has the blood of the clan and inheritance, and he cannot escape the curse! The curse of the witch god, ignoring everything, can curse 10000 spirits!

“Gu … as the curse of the third-generation Witch God of the Witch tribe, everyone who steps into the absolute gods will go through 3 calamities, die without a burial site!”


The last curse exploded like a thunder in the Ye Qinghan Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Heaven and Earth turning upside down, agitated the Sea of ​​Bitterness of Ye Qinghan, the strength of Faith, and the dark clouds of the Sea of ​​Consciousness rolled and moved along. The Canglong’s arm thrust against the heavy mad knife, and the 7-foot heavy was instantly entangled by the black mist wire, and the goddess in the handle was invaded.

Ye Qinghan felt the breath of real death at this moment. The black mist rushed towards his soul with endless negative emotions. Whether it is the soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness or the soul hiding in the godhead, it cannot be avoided at all. The elements of Five Elements The invasion of the black mist cannot be stopped, the negative emotions of Shadow Chase, the scenes of various slaughter slaughter rush into the depth of one’s soul, as if experienced in person.


A dark shadow flashed, Ye Qinghan pupils shrank, involuntary sword defense, but this is only the hallucination of the soul, the illusion constantly consumes Soul Strength, the soul is getting more and more tired and weaker, until the soul is exhausted and unable to resist , Will eventually die tragically because of the curse!

Ye Qinghan was in a mess in his head. He couldn’t help but want to move and fight to kill, but every time he raised the knife, the attacked monster and powerhouse would automatically dissipate, but the soul thought it involuntarily. .

“How could this be?” Ye Qinghan was shocked, pierced the knife directly through the ground, sat aside, and meditation. The 10000 stupas within the body broke out again, although the effect was not great, but it was calming.

At that time, the man of the house did not reach here, otherwise he would die here if he could not return to the mansion at that time!

Not far ahead of Ye Qinghan, there are many unweathered corpses, which should be the powerhouse that died only in the last 1000 years, all with embarrassment and panic, as if afraid of something, blue face, scar on neck, arms over Moss.

“Fire! In my name, burn up the world’s pollution! 10000 evil cannot approach me!”


Ye Qinghan all around ignited a horrendous battle, and the Divine Fire of Grade 11 instantly covered a 100-meter square, and the flame dragons roared away, devouring everything, and the earth was burned into nothingness.

“Gold! In my name, resist the evil!”

“Wood! In my name, it’s 1000-year-old!”

“Water! In my name, and cremation of yin and yang, reincarnation, devouring everything that is not my source!”

“Soil! In my name, Five Elements Unite, cast my golden body …”

Ye Qinghan printed his palms on the palms of his hands, constantly evolving, and Five Elements battled dragons, snarling and roaring into the depths.

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