9 The Lord of the Retreats left after reminding, leaving no trace.

Ye Qinghan knew that the terrifying of the afterimage was actually Guardian, the grave of the third-generation witch god. How long is it from now? It is estimated that only 3 masters know it.

After 5 generations of witch gods, no more witch gods were born, and the witch tribe was almost extinct. The endless plane had a branch. The birth also belonged to struggling on whilst at death’s door, which could not represent the ancient witch myth.

Ye Qinghan owed to the witch family, at least owed to Er’er, Er’er was killed, and the soul entered the Land of Nine Nether, but Feng Wuxie was not found by his Master, and Er’er’s soul reincarnation was missing.

“Hey, I don’t know if you have been reincarnate, and I don’t know where to look for you, but I will try to help the witches find the ancient inheritance to comfort your hero!” Ye Qinghan said hoarsely, talking to himself, looking With the afterimage submerged into a bare valley, it disappear without a trace, and cautiously followed.

The valley is bland and endless. It looks no different from the outside valley. Several weeds are entangled in the middle of the mountain. The traces of millions of years make it hard to grow here. There are no caves, no tombstones, nothing!

“Here is the burial place of the 3rd-generation witch god?” Ye Qinghan was a little puzzled, and constantly glanced all around, still nowhere was there any entrance.

“9 The Lord of You said that the neighborhood is the buried place of the 3rd-generation witch god, that must be, let me see, the buried place of the 3rd-generation witch god of the witch family must have impaired eyesight, otherwise it would have been discovered by others already, where Will it be our turn to find opportunities? “Divine Bird said excitedly.

Being able to search for treasure is a lifelong dream of Divine Bird. If you can dig the grave of the 3rd-generation witch god, its achievements will definitely surpass those of the ancestors!

Divine Bird solemnly vowed looking at all around. There is a mountain in front, blocking the way, indicating that the afterimage really disappeared here. Ye Qinghan also looked it up and found nothing special here for a long time. .

The witch god’s curse became clearer and clearer. Ye Qinghan couldn’t block the curse even if he distracted his attention. The black fog was wrapped around the god again, wrapped in heavy knives, and a fire was set on the back of the knife. Grade 11 Divine Fire will be filthy The evil odor burned into nothingness, emitting a foul odor, causing Divine Bird to roll his eyes.

Ye Qinghan closed his eyes and listened to the source of the cursing sound, illusory, as if it came from the ground, but also from the sky, from every corner of all directions, helplessly opened his eyes and looked at one after another staggered stone, most of them It has been wiped out by the years, and a new mountain rock has been born.

Suddenly, Ye Qinghan’s eyes stared at a huge stone, which contained endless vicissitudes and history, and it was impossible to know the age.

“It is impossible for a stone to stand there for millions of years without being destroyed. If it can stand there for millions of years without being destroyed, it must be a specially treated stone.” Ye Qinghan lifted his feet and walked towards the left halfway up the mountain, it was almost the same as The mountain body is fused into one body, and it is exactly similar to the ordinary stone, except that the historical time on it is longer than that of other mountain rocks. Others may not even care about it.

Ye Qinghan waved madly and tentatively, and found that the stone is not easy to be destroyed. As long as he uses the divide force to slam the stone, the stone will emit a large Dao Mark and the divide force will be ejected.

“This is it!” Ye Qinghan said softly.

Divine Bird curiously flew around the stone a few times, can’t help but be curious. In the name of Divine Bird, he didn’t find anything special about this stone and how to hide the huge tomb of the witch god.

Ye Qinghan put away the madness, reached out to pull up the stone, and found that he could not move at all, even if he could not move even a little bit with all his strength, he turned his head a few times, and found that there was still no movement.

“Smash it down and try.” Divine Bird fell from the sky, and Fiercely stepped on it.


The mountain was suddenly divided into two, and a huge black hole appeared, which swallowed Ye Qinghan directly. Ye Qinghan had time to react in the future, and the mountain was unified.


The sight was so dark that Ye Qinghan planted directly and hit the slate. Divine Physique was sore, as if a mortal fell from a high altitude.

Alas …

Divine Bird screamed, his head hitting the ground first, dizziness, and some instability.

Ye Qinghan opened his eyes wide, looking at the dark space, and he could not see his five fingers, as if in a completely closed space, his toes moved, as if stepping on the corpse, the sound of crisp broken bones continued.

Then it was quiet! Dead silence!

As if here is hell! No sound, no vitality, no sunlight, nothing!


Ye Qinghan whispered, as soon as his fingertips moved, a ray of flame appeared on his finger, illuminating a distance of more than ten meters. The flame on his fingertip moved gently, shocking him. There was wind here, indicating ventilation!

“It’s actually not a closed space here, are we not under the mountain just now?” Ye Qinghan was shocked, looking around all around, and found that here is like a huge underground palace, the architecture is peculiar, all are quite ancient buildings, an oil lamp has already been Off, a passage was blocked in the center of the road by a stone tablet.

Ye Qinghan stepped forward and looked at the stone tablet, and found that there is no word on the stone tablet, only 3 horrible to see sword marks.

No word sword monument!

Ye Qinghan frowned, some did not understand the significance of this sword monument placed here.

It was only after re-lighting the oil lamp that Ye Qinghan could see that this underground palace is more luxurious than any Imperial Palace great hall he has ever seen. Anything has a history of millions of years and is preserved to this day.

A corpse with 7 vertical and 8 horizontal bones, some holding Divine Item in their hands, and some being strangled alive by themselves, Sensen golden bone reveals the rules and mysteries, all of them are the sacrifices of mid-level extreme power! However, the existence of the hegemonic party was unfortunately dead, and the death was silent.

Ye Qinghan lifted his eyes and turned to look at the stone gate. Several captivating characters made him pump shrank, even taking a few steps back.

“Tomb of the Witch God, the entrant is dead!”

Dong dong dong ……

A few big characters pierced into Ye Qinghan’s heart like Divine Weapon. The heartbeat speeded up. Looking at a corpse with a powerhouse, their death was terrible. It can be seen from the skull that these people were either scared to death or Just starved to death!

The deities also have to replenish energy. If they do n’t replenish for one or two years, there may be nothing. Divine force is sufficient to support it, but it will have an impact in ten or eight years. It will go crazy in 2, 8, hundred thousand or even million years. ?

After a long time, Ye Qinghan found that there is no cultivation, no spirit, no Spiritual Qi, and after eating the Spirit Fruit spiritual medicine on his body, he can only wait to die.

“No, I have to find a way to go out quickly!” Ye Qinghan said lowly.

Divine Bird at this moment found a Universe Ring finger from this huge palace. After the blood of the Recognizing Master, the Divine Item scattered on the ground and the low-level magic of the Witch family were all collected. These low-level magic were only relative to 3 For the Witch God, for Ye Qinghan, or for today’s mythological plane, it is definitely the Supreme Treasure secret! The value is immeasurable.

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