Ye Huang turned her head to look at Ye Qinghan, and immediately relaxed. He was there and she didn’t need to worry about it at all. This was the so-called sense of security.

Ye Qinghan rushed to the Xixia Mountain first, and then he knew that Kuangzong led everyone to the Ganshan Ridge, and then rushed from the Xixia Mountain to the Ganshan Ridge. Fortunately, he didn’t take a slow step.

“Leave the rest to me.” Ye Qinghan pats Ye Huang’s shoulders, convincing.

Most of Lou Lan’s Blade and Dragon Cavalry still knew Ye Qinghan. They defeated the many masters in Mufu overnight. Disciple Ye Huang almost killed the land battle, and wondering if Ye Qinghan was difficult.

However, Ram Tian doesn’t know Ye Qinghan, and he doesn’t want to know, so he didn’t even ask someone to investigate Ye Qinghan, with a cold face and a murderous aura.

At this moment, a secret agent reported.

“The newspaper — young handsome!”

A black clothed spy rushed from a distance, holding an adventurer in his hand, still at the level of the emperor.

“The newspaper, Master Shoushu, this person is the nearby Orion adventurer, who is very familiar with the Ganshanling generation. He said that there are shortcuts to enter the opposite side!” Said the agent in excitement.

“Okay! Starting today, you will be the Deputy Governor of the Eagle Eye, rewarding a low grade Divine Crystal of 3000 yuan, a godhead! Go down and enjoy it.” Ram Ram said solemnly.

The adventurer was shiver coldly, kneeling outside the camp, waiting for the Ram’s call.

The Ram stepped out of the main account, the shirt was tumultuous, and he looked down at the adventurer, said solemnly, “If you can take the coach from the shortcut to the opposite side of the Ganshan Mountains, enjoy a godlike one, Divine Crystal 1000 yuan!”

“Master Xiaoshuai … Caomin really knows that there is a shortcut to the opposite side, but the road is narrow and not suitable for … not suitable for a large army march.” The adventurer did not dare to say it, and said it truthfully.

“How narrow? How many people can go side by side?” Ram Ramon solemnly asked.

“Master Huishuai, that is a long and narrow cliff way that can let 5 people walk side by side, but the sky is a poison barrier, the bottom is an abyss, you ca n’t fly up, you ca n’t dive down, it ’s dangerous, once … once someone stops , The army will be easy to chase, I hope the young master 3 think … “Adventurer reminded respectfully.

“Hmph! Do many people know this passage?” Ram Ramly coldly snorted and said.

That adventurer knew that he had talked a lot, and quickly replied, “This passage is hidden in the deep mountains, somehow opened up, and it needs to fly before and after, so Caomin dared to guarantee that no one except the villain knows because of that There is a lot of divide medicine under the road, and the villain accidentally learned the passage, and he thought privately, and didn’t tell anyone … “

“Yingdong, you choose the 30000 elite, follow him through the shortcut to enter the opposite side, and attack me back and forth, and attack together tomorrow morning, wearing a cloud arrow as a signal!” Ram Tianwei Shen was extremely indifferent, then took a look at the adventurer and reminded him “Be careful, let the spies go to explore the road first. Don’t believe anyone!”


Yingdong personally selected 30000 elites, took away all masters of Mo Tianwei, and quietly moved without alarming anyone.

However, they ignored the 7 reptile snakes in the sky, and looked at them from a distance. They looked at their actions and ordered a large number of 7 reptile snakes to mix into the Ganshan Ridge and control the Ganshan Ridge in the square ten thousand li. between.

The Ganshan Ridge stretches without boundaries. I do n’t know how long it is. Bypassing the road and entering the opposite side, the sacrifice must go for more than half a month. It can be seen how long the Ganshan Ridge is!

Yingdong took the adventurer for a detour of 1000 miles and stopped after half an hour. The adventurer respectfully pointed to the front, across a cliff, surrounded by a large area of ​​vines, blocking his sight.

“Sir, that convenience is the passage behind the Aoto, and the opposite is also the same, so few people know this, and adults can send someone to visit …” adventurer respects 10000 points and dare not show any disrespect.

Yingdong Yijian cut off the ivy through the air, and the passage was open to people. He sent people to know that the road was really unknown, and he led the army to the other side.

There are 7 snakes perching constantly on the cliff, and then dive into the depths, disappear without a trace.

Soon, the news here came to the ten Grade 2 7 Jue snake, 7 Jue snake evolved human face snake body, ugly, terrifying as big as a bronze bell.

“Ye Qinghan, meet again, old man gives you personal love!” 7 蛇 said solemnly.

Ye Qinghan looked at the big man in front of him and bowed slightly, “It turned out to be seniors, many thanks, seniors helped me to wait for a helping hand, I don’t know what kind of sentiments the seniors want to give?”

“Hmph, I have a deal with Ye Huang, and do n’t need to thank me.” 7 Jue coldly snorted, it seems that he has Ye Qinghan and a response qi, coldly said, “Some people from the other side of the army have detoured to the opposite side, You have to take someone to stop it before it’s too late … “

Ye Qinghan was shocked and asked quickly, “Where is it?”

“1000 miles to the south! There is a passage that runs through the east and west and is about five meters wide. You ca n’t fly up, you ca n’t dive down, you ’re covered by poison qi, and you ’re blocked by the road. It’s better to be cautious, and it’s best to bring some people over. “10000 Jue reminded faintly.

Ye Qinghan lifted the knife and left, leaving the rest to Lou Aotian and Xia Yiyue.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——————

Ye Qinghan galloped for 1000 miles, and was led by 7 reputed snakes, and arrived at the entrance ahead of Yingdong’s Motianwei, standing 300 meters away from the entrance. It was exactly a turn, holding a long knife, waiting for the army to come.

Yingdong never expected that someone would wait for them on the road and occupy a favorable terrain.

Night fell, and 30000 troops approached Ye Qinghan silently, but did not know that the danger was near.

Star-wrapped vines are attached to the cliff, with rattan spreading, extending 1000 meters! Attacks can be launched at any time.

A team of ten people was exploring the road in front of Yingdong Army. At the moment, they were approaching the turn. Ye Qinghan had sensed their existence, and the madness in his hands was trembling and groaning.


Ten people had just turned around, and saw blade glow flashing, cut from the heads of ten people, blood light soared into the sky, the gods were all shattered by blade glow, and their bodies were directly taken away by the stars. The ten people were too late to scream, Death was silent.

Ye Qinghan closed his sword and waited for the army, but Yingdong found the turning point in front of him, and none of the ten spies came back, frowning.

“What’s going on? Power forward, you take someone to look over.” Sure enough, Ying Dong waved.

The power forward is the next most powerful god, who fights in his life and is extremely powerful. He holds lance and takes 4 people to the corner.

“You two go and see.” The power forward said to the two people around him.

The two gods held the lance and cautiously walked forward. They pointed to the front, but did not see the star-stitched vine on the cliff. The star-tangled vine smashed out of the rattan, smashing the power forward and 2 soldiers. cliff.

xiū xiū xiū ——————

Star-crossed vine killed the unmanned person and immediately returned. Ye Qinghan took the knife and walked to the front. He looked forward and glared at the army. Zhen Dong won’t be able to speak for a long time. He has never fought for years. Army!

ps: Please WeChat public account: Yan Huang, the update time will be announced there, and there will be no other reply in the future. You can also contact Doudou at any time on the public WeChat, I will reply when necessary.

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